Topic: Bars Open.....................YEEHAA!!
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Thu 01/11/07 07:53 PM
na na.. beat ya Karma.. LMAO


some badge of honor LMAO

o well.. least I'm NOT ALONE!!! lol

Nervesgone's photo
Thu 01/11/07 07:53 PM
I recon I won't comment on that!


*nerves puts on some ELO ~ Roll over Beethoven*

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Thu 01/11/07 07:53 PM
When I am with the right person it will happen, till then I can live
without it

no photo
Thu 01/11/07 07:56 PM
the only way I'm LIVIN without it is by being happy I'm LIVIN WITHOUT
the snoring, the dirty socks strewn accross the floor, the stubble in
the sink, the toothpaste squirted out the spout and the cap filled with

I could go ON and ON and ON... just like the friggen energizer bunny
LMAO.. well.. I'm TRYIN to sell it to me LMAO!!

no photo
Thu 01/11/07 07:57 PM
yeah well.. I ain't buyin it so.. I'll try another tactic LOL

any suggestions?? I'm runnin out of ideas LOL

karmafury's photo
Thu 01/11/07 07:57 PM
No nylons over the shower rod, no make up on bathroom counter, No long
hair clogging drain, etc, etc

no photo
Thu 01/11/07 07:59 PM
don't wear nylons.. rarely wear make up.. no shower pole.. and I clean
up after meself..

NEXT......... LMAO

no photo
Thu 01/11/07 07:59 PM
ahh but I didn't say I didn't miss it, I do, I can just live with out
it... I could live with the snoring, stubble dirty socks etc...if it
means that I don't sleep alone, I have someone to to talk to besides
cats, a dog and a horse, somone to just be there ya know

karmafury's photo
Thu 01/11/07 08:02 PM
I can be in St. Jean tomorrow morning.

Rinse sink after shaving, socks go in hamper, toothpaste closed and seat
always lowered. lol

Nervesgone's photo
Thu 01/11/07 08:03 PM

Give em heck Karma!!

You got my vote!

no photo
Thu 01/11/07 08:04 PM
yeah Poet.. I know.. and agree with ya.. just the older I get.. the more
I get set in how I do things I'm afraid.. and well.. I do SOO much that
most can't keep up with all the varied things I got goin on..

maybe it's just my way of keeping myself from getting hurt again..??
possibly.. don't know many men that would leave their surroundings and
move here.. so.. although I'm still hopeful.. I'm not holding my breath

doesn't help either that I have a few physical limitations so.. nope..
can't ride a bike or jog.. but many can't see past that I"m afraid ...

I got me girls to drive me crazy LOL and friends to yack with AND my
home to renovate so.. I keep busy and outta trouble..

MOST of the time LOL

no photo
Thu 01/11/07 08:05 PM
aside from Karma there LMAO

yer too funny dude.. can ya CLEAN?? cook???

karmafury's photo
Thu 01/11/07 08:07 PM
Cooking is fu. I actually enjoy it. Don't do it much because I'm alone.

Cleaning. 50/50 work with you.

no photo
Thu 01/11/07 08:08 PM
fair enough.. 50/50

now.. the REAL kicker..

can ya swing a hammer?? (I know.. dumb question to a smithy LMAO)
how bout this then.. can ya do construction?? walls, floors,
electricity, plumbing.. you know.. THAT stuff :o)

Nervesgone's photo
Thu 01/11/07 08:09 PM
Hahaha *Z*, I do that all the time myself. I am cooking a shoulder this
Saturday night for me and the girls. BBQ!!! WooooHooooo
Then Sunday night we are gonna grill out steaks and BP!

no photo
Thu 01/11/07 08:09 PM
I've been alone alot longer and I am set in my ways too, I am also faced
with the nest being very empty in the next year..then what?? Become the
crazy old lady with 50 cats??

karmafury's photo
Thu 01/11/07 08:10 PM
Assisted in renovations to help make some cash. Built my son's room in

no photo
Thu 01/11/07 08:10 PM
sounds tasty Nerves!!! so.. we all invited?? LOL

too dang cold HERE dude for OUTdoor BBQ's LOL... thankfully I got one
that works INSIDE.. I"m SOOO spoiled LOL

Nervesgone's photo
Thu 01/11/07 08:11 PM
Come on down. Supposed to be in the 60's Saturday. Then next week the
highs are to be in the 30's!

no photo
Thu 01/11/07 08:12 PM
doubtful Poet.. yer too great a person to end up alone for much
longer... and yer heart is that of gold Gurl.. yer just waiting for the
RITE one.. and there's NO harm in THAT.. I hear ya ALL too well..

there IS that perfect someone for EACH of us out there.. and it'll
happen when we LEAST expect it.. from the ODDEST of places so... that

here at JSH.. we're OFF to a Good Start I'D say LMAO ;o) ;o)