Topic: war crimes
Drivinmenutz's photo
Sun 03/02/08 01:36 PM
look man, please pick slightly different material to show when defending your point of view. What you show looks/sounds like you are making troops out to be animals that pillage, plunder, rape, and murder.

no photo
Sun 03/02/08 04:10 PM

*warning strong visuals**


I didn't bother checking out your website since I know it is another anti-Bush thread. Why don't you post something positive for a change? Do you really hate America that much that you spend all your time trolling websites for anti-American rhetoric?! You align yourself with people from other countries who also hate America. If you lived in another country other than America, your actions would be treason, and you would find yourself at the end of a hangman's noose being hanged as a traitor.

How come you decide that some people who do not agree with the politics of your country, hate your country, hate the people, and hate all things american?

How come you make such a quantum leap from debating opinions to hate....?

When one continually posts hate-filled rants against America and never says anything positive, then he is suspect. Additionally, how can there be a debate when a person always posts the same rhetoric ..... anti-Americanism. That is one-sided. There can be no interchange of ideas when one always posts his contempt for America.

Actually is it Anti-Americanism or anti-government. One can love his / her country while detesting it's government. I love Canada, not too fond of its government though. But I will defend my nation with my dying breath while cursing its political leaders if they merit it.

I agree with what you say, but the problem with the originator of this thread is that he hates America and is hell-bent on destroying it. He has never once posted one positive thing about America. I will repeat myself and say once more all the originator of this thread does is spend his time trolling websites for vile, angry, anti-American, anti-military posts and then starts threads with them. I have challenged him time and time again to back up what he is posting, but he cannot since he never verifies anything he posts. If it is anti-American he posts it.

armydoc4u's photo
Sun 03/02/08 04:23 PM
Edited by armydoc4u on Sun 03/02/08 04:25 PM
aahhh, dont worry about the madster, he's harmless and keeps the threads lively with debate.... besides defending something that you dont agree with... hell thats what being an american is all about.

defend the right to free speech, like the soldier that protects the man who burns the flag..... it is what being an american is truly supposed to mean, the freedom to say whatever you want- no matter how pissed someone will get at you(democrats please take not of that comment and put it into practice- you bunch of hypocrits- see free speech).

you dont have to agree or accept the morals or values he has, but respect the constitution that upholds his right to be.... well, a mad man.

For the RECORD mad man, you are way out of left field- so far in fact that the foul line could be the the great wall of china.

madisonman's photo
Sun 03/02/08 04:33 PM
Edited by madisonman on Sun 03/02/08 04:40 PM
for the record doc I am a moderate, I do not call for socialism or a peoples revelution, but your so far right I appear to be so far left. you could say that this country has lost almost all of its social equality over the past 20 years and the middle class values this country once thrived on are now in the history books.....This is a dog eat dog capitlisiic system with little or no compasion for the less well off. It is not supversive to care if the widow down the street has health insurance or if she has to eat cat food so she can buy the meds she needs to stay alive

armydoc4u's photo
Sun 03/02/08 04:48 PM
Edited by armydoc4u on Sun 03/02/08 04:54 PM

for the record doc I am a moderate, I do not call for socialism or a peoples revelution, but your so far right I appear to be so far left. you could say that this country has lost almost all of its social equality over the past 20 years and the middle class value thicountry once thrived on are now in the history books.....This is a dog eat dog capitlisiic system with little or no compastion for the less well off. It is not supversive to care if the widow down the street has health insurance or if she has to eat cat food so she can buy the meds she needs to stay alive

hey brother its cool call yourself whatever you need to. I have no problem with you speaking your mind, I dont agree with a lot of it but that is cool too. I'll respect your right to voice opposition as long or longer than the next guy. I might want to shake you a little bit and say WTF are you thinking but thats just a natural reaction when you think someone is just not all there.

As far as me being crazy to the right like i think you are to the left..... if I sat on here and told you what planks of the parties on both sides i agree with- 1) you wouldnt believe me and 2) they would take away my all you can eat buffet card at the house of republican thinkers.

Im all for gay rights(dont grab my junk)
Roe V wade is here to stay (dont agree with partial birth tho and people using it as a means to birth control when we have rubbers and diaphrams and things of that nature)
All for equal rights, dont care if you are purple yellow green red or blue, and with that I dont care if you are swinging in the breeze or waiting by the bush. thats the socio politics.

on the other hand, government IS to LARGE(thanks to the dems creating new thing after new thing)
Taxes ARE TO MUCH(thanks to the need to pay for new thing after new thing)
It dont take a village to raise a child.
Freedom isnt free, someone had to die for you and me to have ours, the only responsible thing we can do is make sure we dont piss it away(IE, socialism)
Stay out of my pocket, quit trying to rewrite the history books, leave my kid out of your stupid agenda, you can only turn so many cheeks blah blah blah, you get the idea. (and in this comment when I say you- im talking about the elitist sociopaths who I believe are destroying the foundation that this great country was built upon) the 'oh we cant have anything that might make someone feel bad about themself' crowd.

damn forgot to comment on the "you could say this country has lost almost all its social equality over the last twenty years"...
I think totally the opposite- look at the freedoms to illegals that they didnt have before, look at the very simple case of a mosque built in michigan forcing the calls to prayer on the community(equality in the 60s 70s and 80s maybe even the 90s would have ripped those damn spekers out and shoved them up their asses, but not todays equality for all groups we have.
I would change your statement to read"you could say we have lost almost all of our individualism and personal rights in the last twenty years.

no photo
Sun 03/02/08 04:54 PM
I just realized that the title of this thread is wrong and in my opinion intentionally misleading..

these were not War fact in Iraq the only ones guilty of war crimes are the insurgents intentionally killing innocent citizens....

no photo
Sun 03/02/08 04:55 PM
Edited by northrn_yanke on Sun 03/02/08 04:56 PM

madisonman's photo
Sun 03/02/08 04:58 PM
Edited by madisonman on Sun 03/02/08 04:59 PM

for the record doc I am a moderate, I do not call for socialism or a peoples revelution, but your so far right I appear to be so far left. you could say that this country has lost almost all of its social equality over the past 20 years and the middle class value thicountry once thrived on are now in the history books.....This is a dog eat dog capitlisiic system with little or no compastion for the less well off. It is not supversive to care if the widow down the street has health insurance or if she has to eat cat food so she can buy the meds she needs to stay alive

hey brother its cool call yourself whatever you need to. I have no problem with you speaking your mind, I dont agree with a lot of it but that is cool too. I'll respect your right to voice opposition as long or longer than the next guy. I might want to shake you a little bit and say WTF are you thinking but thats just a natural reaction when you think someone is just not all there.

As far as me being crazy to the right like i think you are to the left..... if I sat on here and told you what planks of the parties on both sides i agree with- 1) you wouldnt believe me and 2) they would take away my all you can eat buffet card at the house of republican thinkers.

Im all for gay rights(dont grab my junk)
Roe V wade is here to stay (dont agree with partial birth tho and people using it as a means to birth control when we have rubbers and diaphrams and things of that nature)
All for equal rights, dont care if you are purple yellow green red or blue, and with that I dont care if you are swinging in the breeze or waiting by the bush. thats the socio politics.

on the other hand, government IS to LARGE(thanks to the dems creating new thing after new thing)
Taxes ARE TO MUCH(thanks to the need to pay for new thing after new thing)
It dont take a village to raise a child.
Freedom isnt free, someone had to die for you and me to have ours, the only responsible thing we can do is make sure we dont piss it away(IE, socialism)
Stay out of my pocket, quit trying to rewrite the history books, leave my kid out of your stupid agenda, you can only turn so many cheeks blah blah blah, you get the idea. (and in this comment when I say you- im talking about the elitist sociopaths who I believe are destroying the foundation that this great country was built upon) the 'oh we cant have anything that might make someone feel bad about themself' crowd.
Its cool doc but I can assure you as I sit in my comfortable home with my two great kids and my job andn all the other benefits I am all there. my feelings on you are that you belive to much of the BS spewed by the right wing, you have taken it to heart. Our system of govrnment has been mixed beingwe have some types of socialism and some types of capitalism for generations this was a great balence and kept the dogs from both sides at bay, well in my opinion things have tilted way to far to the right so far in fact we are about to fall over if we havent allready, you need only to look around you and see this is so, so call me nutty or subversive I dont care I am well read and informed and I say John wayne would be ashamed of this country at this time in our historysmokin

armydoc4u's photo
Sun 03/02/08 04:59 PM

I just realized that the title of this thread is wrong and in my opinion intentionally misleading..

these were not War fact in Iraq the only ones guilty of war crimes are the insurgents intentionally killing innocent citizens....

I would like to place emphasis on intentionally killing innocent civilians. thanks yank

oldsage's photo
Sun 03/02/08 05:03 PM
I just consider the source on this kind of threads.
My son has been there & we discuss the truth.
War is hell, where ever it happens.
Innocent people get hurt & killed, mistakes happen.
I think history shows our troops do their best to protect the innocent. We have lost many soldiers saving people, they didn't have too.
So let folks rant & consider the source.
If you really are unhappy with this country, I am still asking;
"What other country do you think is better??"

All in all, think the old USA is pretty good.

Just my "humble opinion."

madisonman's photo
Sun 03/02/08 05:03 PM

I just realized that the title of this thread is wrong and in my opinion intentionally misleading..

these were not War fact in Iraq the only ones guilty of war crimes are the insurgents intentionally killing innocent citizens....

I would like to place emphasis on intentionally killing innocent civilians. thanks yank
when those men raped that 14 year old Iraqi girl and then killed her and set her body on fire with kerosene did they not intentionaly kill her? and is that not a war crime?

armydoc4u's photo
Sun 03/02/08 05:05 PM

for the record doc I am a moderate, I do not call for socialism or a peoples revelution, but your so far right I appear to be so far left. you could say that this country has lost almost all of its social equality over the past 20 years and the middle class value thicountry once thrived on are now in the history books.....This is a dog eat dog capitlisiic system with little or no compastion for the less well off. It is not supversive to care if the widow down the street has health insurance or if she has to eat cat food so she can buy the meds she needs to stay alive

hey brother its cool call yourself whatever you need to. I have no problem with you speaking your mind, I dont agree with a lot of it but that is cool too. I'll respect your right to voice opposition as long or longer than the next guy. I might want to shake you a little bit and say WTF are you thinking but thats just a natural reaction when you think someone is just not all there.

As far as me being crazy to the right like i think you are to the left..... if I sat on here and told you what planks of the parties on both sides i agree with- 1) you wouldnt believe me and 2) they would take away my all you can eat buffet card at the house of republican thinkers.

Im all for gay rights(dont grab my junk)
Roe V wade is here to stay (dont agree with partial birth tho and people using it as a means to birth control when we have rubbers and diaphrams and things of that nature)
All for equal rights, dont care if you are purple yellow green red or blue, and with that I dont care if you are swinging in the breeze or waiting by the bush. thats the socio politics.

on the other hand, government IS to LARGE(thanks to the dems creating new thing after new thing)
Taxes ARE TO MUCH(thanks to the need to pay for new thing after new thing)
It dont take a village to raise a child.
Freedom isnt free, someone had to die for you and me to have ours, the only responsible thing we can do is make sure we dont piss it away(IE, socialism)
Stay out of my pocket, quit trying to rewrite the history books, leave my kid out of your stupid agenda, you can only turn so many cheeks blah blah blah, you get the idea. (and in this comment when I say you- im talking about the elitist sociopaths who I believe are destroying the foundation that this great country was built upon) the 'oh we cant have anything that might make someone feel bad about themself' crowd.
Its cool doc but I can assure you as I sit in my comfortable home with my two great kids and my job andn all the other benefits I am all there. my feelings on you are that you belive to much of the BS spewed by the right wing, you have taken it to heart. Our system of govrnment has been mixed beingwe have some types of socialism and some types of capitalism for generations this was a great balence and kept the dogs from both sides at bay, well in my opinion things have tilted way to far to the right so far in fact we are about to fall over if we havent allready, you need only to look around you and see this is so, so call me nutty or subversive I dont care I am well read and informed and I say John wayne would be ashamed of this country at this time in our historysmokin

old marion would be ashamed, with that I truly agree with you, theres not one 'duke' in the whole lefty side of the isle....
oh wait a minute, ther was one from louisianna democrat congress man, ex grand wizard of the KKK, speaking of the KKK that kooky guy named byrd senator from ???? also member of the KKK. not to bring up any hard feelings especially whe the dukester's ame has been invoked.

my favorite line in the world came from him;

right or wrong, its still my country.

no photo
Sun 03/02/08 05:16 PM

I just realized that the title of this thread is wrong and in my opinion intentionally misleading..

these were not War fact in Iraq the only ones guilty of war crimes are the insurgents intentionally killing innocent citizens....

I would like to place emphasis on intentionally killing innocent civilians. thanks yank
when those men raped that 14 year old Iraqi girl and then killed her and set her body on fire with kerosene did they not intentionaly kill her? and is that not a war crime?

it is not a war is a crime....

why is it that you don't post any stories about how the terrorists use mentally handicapped women, strap C4 around their waist and send them to a location where many innocent civilians are and set the bomb of must support the terrorists as you put all your effort into trashing the US and say nothing about the daily atrocities of the terrorists. Do you even know what the rules of engagement were before the recent surge. Do you know that even when a soldier was shot at he had to get an ok from his commander before he could fire back and if that insurgent had dropped the gun he had used to try to kill the soldier the US soldier was unable to fire on him.... Why do you even live in the US?

armydoc4u's photo
Sun 03/02/08 05:33 PM

I just realized that the title of this thread is wrong and in my opinion intentionally misleading..

these were not War fact in Iraq the only ones guilty of war crimes are the insurgents intentionally killing innocent citizens....

I would like to place emphasis on intentionally killing innocent civilians. thanks yank
when those men raped that 14 year old Iraqi girl and then killed her and set her body on fire with kerosene did they not intentionaly kill her? and is that not a war crime?

yep it is definatley a crime, war or otherwise. totally agree with you.

now, not comparing the two:wink: if we could find the dudes that keep taking control of the insurgency maybe we can bring them to justice as well.

kick in doors hold the family hostage, give the men and boys AKs tell them go kill an american or your moother gets a bullet to the head, after mohamed, jabar, akmed and the rest of them rape her and your daughters repeatedly. or here take this bag, go give it to someone at the check point or we put her in the trunk of a vehicle bomb, go plant this in the street- no its a tree not a bomb heres 500 dollars. the going rate for killing an american 200 bucks, 500 if he is a medic and/or some type of special forces, 1000 if hes a diplomat, woman- yeah theyre 1000 too. captue one and your set for life (the remaining two minutes cause now your the liability and you with your family need to go to a meeting, with allah) we found brochures that had OUR picture on them, they were reward posters basically, pretty creepy, but screw them, im ten feet tall and armor plated!
but those a$$holes (the couple that there have been) all need the death penalty, totally.

Moondark's photo
Sun 03/02/08 05:36 PM

*warning strong visuals**


I didn't bother checking out your website since I know it is another anti-Bush thread. Why don't you post something positive for a change? Do you really hate America that much that you spend all your time trolling websites for anti-American rhetoric?! You align yourself with people from other countries who also hate America. If you lived in another country other than America, your actions would be treason, and you would find yourself at the end of a hangman's noose being hanged as a traitor.

Sounds to me like you are saying that to be an American and to support America, you have to blindly follow the 'party line' and you cannot question the government nor disagree with it.

Gee, you would have fit in just right in '1984'.

madisonman's photo
Sun 03/02/08 05:49 PM

I just realized that the title of this thread is wrong and in my opinion intentionally misleading..

these were not War fact in Iraq the only ones guilty of war crimes are the insurgents intentionally killing innocent citizens....

I would like to place emphasis on intentionally killing innocent civilians. thanks yank
when those men raped that 14 year old Iraqi girl and then killed her and set her body on fire with kerosene did they not intentionaly kill her? and is that not a war crime?

yep it is definatley a crime, war or otherwise. totally agree with you.

now, not comparing the two:wink: if we could find the dudes that keep taking control of the insurgency maybe we can bring them to justice as well.

kick in doors hold the family hostage, give the men and boys AKs tell them go kill an american or your moother gets a bullet to the head, after mohamed, jabar, akmed and the rest of them rape her and your daughters repeatedly. or here take this bag, go give it to someone at the check point or we put her in the trunk of a vehicle bomb, go plant this in the street- no its a tree not a bomb heres 500 dollars. the going rate for killing an american 200 bucks, 500 if he is a medic and/or some type of special forces, 1000 if hes a diplomat, woman- yeah theyre 1000 too. captue one and your set for life (the remaining two minutes cause now your the liability and you with your family need to go to a meeting, with allah) we found brochures that had OUR picture on them, they were reward posters basically, pretty creepy, but screw them, im ten feet tall and armor plated!
but those a$$holes (the couple that there have been) all need the death penalty, totally.
well once again doc we are in there country five years after we acchieved the objective. Howwould you feel if UN troops took over america to rid america of Bush?

armydoc4u's photo
Sun 03/02/08 06:17 PM

I just realized that the title of this thread is wrong and in my opinion intentionally misleading..

these were not War fact in Iraq the only ones guilty of war crimes are the insurgents intentionally killing innocent citizens....

I would like to place emphasis on intentionally killing innocent civilians. thanks yank
when those men raped that 14 year old Iraqi girl and then killed her and set her body on fire with kerosene did they not intentionaly kill her? and is that not a war crime?

yep it is definatley a crime, war or otherwise. totally agree with you.

now, not comparing the two:wink: if we could find the dudes that keep taking control of the insurgency maybe we can bring them to justice as well.

kick in doors hold the family hostage, give the men and boys AKs tell them go kill an american or your moother gets a bullet to the head, after mohamed, jabar, akmed and the rest of them rape her and your daughters repeatedly. or here take this bag, go give it to someone at the check point or we put her in the trunk of a vehicle bomb, go plant this in the street- no its a tree not a bomb heres 500 dollars. the going rate for killing an american 200 bucks, 500 if he is a medic and/or some type of special forces, 1000 if hes a diplomat, woman- yeah theyre 1000 too. captue one and your set for life (the remaining two minutes cause now your the liability and you with your family need to go to a meeting, with allah) we found brochures that had OUR picture on them, they were reward posters basically, pretty creepy, but screw them, im ten feet tall and armor plated!
but those a$$holes (the couple that there have been) all need the death penalty, totally.
well once again doc we are in there country five years after we acchieved the objective. Howwould you feel if UN troops took over america to rid america of Bush?

I would not come to your home and put a barrel in your kids mouths. no matter what the hell was going on. do you condone that? would you do that? see maddy there is something that a lot of people in the west just dont get, the morals and values that mid easterners have and were raised with are not the same as the ones you and I were raised with. what they feel is important we may not feel the same about..... theres a lot of confussion in dealing with and treating and just your everyday talking to people who dont think the way you do. its kinda like 100 worse than talking to a dem for me or a rep for you.

they have a phrase (i'll spell it phonetically) In sha la, very simple- it means the will of god. if i run you down in a car, meaning to or not it is the will of god, if a terrorist breaks into your home and rapes your two year old daughter it is the will of god.
half truths to you and me are lies, half truth to them, as long as something in the phrase is true, then it is all true.

look whatever, all Im saying is no matter how they justify raping and murder it is still rape and murder, just as you have pointed out. only we will never truly no the amount of times that they have done it, at least we seek to bring justice to the creeks that did it to the 14 y o.

longshot's photo
Sun 03/02/08 06:32 PM

for the record doc I am a moderate, I do not call for socialism or a peoples revelution, but your so far right I appear to be so far left. you could say that this country has lost almost all of its social equality over the past 20 years and the middle class value thicountry once thrived on are now in the history books.....This is a dog eat dog capitlisiic system with little or no compastion for the less well off. It is not supversive to care if the widow down the street has health insurance or if she has to eat cat food so she can buy the meds she needs to stay alive

hey brother its cool call yourself whatever you need to. I have no problem with you speaking your mind, I dont agree with a lot of it but that is cool too. I'll respect your right to voice opposition as long or longer than the next guy. I might want to shake you a little bit and say WTF are you thinking but thats just a natural reaction when you think someone is just not all there.

As far as me being crazy to the right like i think you are to the left..... if I sat on here and told you what planks of the parties on both sides i agree with- 1) you wouldnt believe me and 2) they would take away my all you can eat buffet card at the house of republican thinkers.

Im all for gay rights(dont grab my junk)
Roe V wade is here to stay (dont agree with partial birth tho and people using it as a means to birth control when we have rubbers and diaphrams and things of that nature)
All for equal rights, dont care if you are purple yellow green red or blue, and with that I dont care if you are swinging in the breeze or waiting by the bush. thats the socio politics.

on the other hand, government IS to LARGE(thanks to the dems creating new thing after new thing)
Taxes ARE TO MUCH(thanks to the need to pay for new thing after new thing)
It dont take a village to raise a child.
Freedom isnt free, someone had to die for you and me to have ours, the only responsible thing we can do is make sure we dont piss it away(IE, socialism)
Stay out of my pocket, quit trying to rewrite the history books, leave my kid out of your stupid agenda, you can only turn so many cheeks blah blah blah, you get the idea. (and in this comment when I say you- im talking about the elitist sociopaths who I believe are destroying the foundation that this great country was built upon) the 'oh we cant have anything that might make someone feel bad about themself' crowd.
Its cool doc but I can assure you as I sit in my comfortable home with my two great kids and my job andn all the other benefits I am all there. my feelings on you are that you belive to much of the BS spewed by the right wing, you have taken it to heart. Our system of govrnment has been mixed beingwe have some types of socialism and some types of capitalism for generations this was a great balence and kept the dogs from both sides at bay, well in my opinion things have tilted way to far to the right so far in fact we are about to fall over if we havent allready, you need only to look around you and see this is so, so call me nutty or subversive I dont care I am well read and informed and I say John wayne would be ashamed of this country at this time in our historysmokin

old marion would be ashamed, with that I truly agree with you, theres not one 'duke' in the whole lefty side of the isle....
oh wait a minute, ther was one from louisianna democrat congress man, ex grand wizard of the KKK, speaking of the KKK that kooky guy named byrd senator from ???? also member of the KKK. not to bring up any hard feelings especially whe the dukester's ame has been invoked.

my favorite line in the world came from him;

right or wrong, its still my country.

longshot's photo
Sun 03/02/08 06:34 PM
Sorry punched the wrong key.I just wanted to add the John Wayne was a draft dodger in WWII

oldsage's photo
Sun 03/02/08 06:37 PM
No comments to my opinion.
Wonder why?