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Topic: war crimes
madisonman's photo
Fri 02/29/08 06:48 PM
*warning strong visuals**

no photo
Sat 03/01/08 04:27 AM

*warning strong visuals**


I didn't bother checking out your website since I know it is another anti-Bush thread. Why don't you post something positive for a change? Do you really hate America that much that you spend all your time trolling websites for anti-American rhetoric?! You align yourself with people from other countries who also hate America. If you lived in another country other than America, your actions would be treason, and you would find yourself at the end of a hangman's noose being hanged as a traitor.

Jess642's photo
Sat 03/01/08 04:34 AM

*warning strong visuals**


I didn't bother checking out your website since I know it is another anti-Bush thread. Why don't you post something positive for a change? Do you really hate America that much that you spend all your time trolling websites for anti-American rhetoric?! You align yourself with people from other countries who also hate America. If you lived in another country other than America, your actions would be treason, and you would find yourself at the end of a hangman's noose being hanged as a traitor.

How come you decide that some people who do not agree with the politics of your country, hate your country, hate the people, and hate all things american?

How come you make such a quantum leap from debating opinions to hate....?

no photo
Sat 03/01/08 04:51 AM

*warning strong visuals**


I didn't bother checking out your website since I know it is another anti-Bush thread. Why don't you post something positive for a change? Do you really hate America that much that you spend all your time trolling websites for anti-American rhetoric?! You align yourself with people from other countries who also hate America. If you lived in another country other than America, your actions would be treason, and you would find yourself at the end of a hangman's noose being hanged as a traitor.

How come you decide that some people who do not agree with the politics of your country, hate your country, hate the people, and hate all things american?

How come you make such a quantum leap from debating opinions to hate....?

When one continually posts hate-filled rants against America and never says anything positive, then he is suspect. Additionally, how can there be a debate when a person always posts the same rhetoric ..... anti-Americanism. That is one-sided. There can be no interchange of ideas when one always posts his contempt for America.

Jess642's photo
Sat 03/01/08 05:09 AM
Edited by Jess642 on Sat 03/01/08 05:12 AM
AGAIN American politics...not the countryside, not the ordinary everyday people... the politics, and what they see as inappropriate decisions by elected leaders...

I feel your blanket generalisations, cause more drama than the anti war, anti current government of America threads.

I also find it interesting that a number of Americans are of the same ilk.... and they are the primary posters of this so called 'hate filled' propaganda..bigsmile

no photo
Sat 03/01/08 05:15 AM

AGAIN American politics...not the countryside, not the ordinary everyday people... the politics, and what they see as inappropriate decisions by elected leaders...

I feel your blanket generalisations, cause more drama than the anti war, anti current government of America threads.

I also find it interesting that a number of Americans are of the same ilk.... and they are the primary posters of this so called 'hate filled' propaganda..bigsmile

If I have made a blanket generalization against your friend, then please prove me wrong by showing me one thread or one post wherein he says something positive about America. Of course, you cannot, so I will not waste my time or yours by posting on this thread anymore.

Jess642's photo
Sat 03/01/08 05:22 AM
The word HATE is a good start on the blanket generalisations, and the same one I have referred to in this whole thread....bigsmile

karmafury's photo
Sat 03/01/08 05:27 AM

*warning strong visuals**


I didn't bother checking out your website since I know it is another anti-Bush thread. Why don't you post something positive for a change? Do you really hate America that much that you spend all your time trolling websites for anti-American rhetoric?! You align yourself with people from other countries who also hate America. If you lived in another country other than America, your actions would be treason, and you would find yourself at the end of a hangman's noose being hanged as a traitor.

How come you decide that some people who do not agree with the politics of your country, hate your country, hate the people, and hate all things american?

How come you make such a quantum leap from debating opinions to hate....?

When one continually posts hate-filled rants against America and never says anything positive, then he is suspect. Additionally, how can there be a debate when a person always posts the same rhetoric ..... anti-Americanism. That is one-sided. There can be no interchange of ideas when one always posts his contempt for America.

Actually is it Anti-Americanism or anti-government. One can love his / her country while detesting it's government. I love Canada, not too fond of its government though. But I will defend my nation with my dying breath while cursing its political leaders if they merit it.

armydoc4u's photo
Sat 03/01/08 05:46 AM
Edited by armydoc4u on Sat 03/01/08 05:48 AM

armydoc4u's photo
Sat 03/01/08 05:48 AM

*warning strong visuals**

I dont care what or how you say what you say, your an american by birth and entitled as such to voice whatever you want.

Now about your little video, I did go and watch it, hell i thought you said strong visuals, I was happy to see that the soldiers in there you were trying to point out as bad were in fact brits not US. and the civilians, are you saying that only the coalition forces hurt the civilians, cause i think by now it is clear that the ones who do the most damage to them is the suicide people that you love to care so much about.

also i would like to point out that most of the image on there were taken from arab tv, and the little jihadist dude singing in the back ground was most enjoyable.

you can google some more if your server lets you link is another story all together, from al jazera tv, iraqi suicide bombers running truckfuls of bombs onto US check pionts and into grocery centers, or the favorite ones of course are the allah akbar brigade guys sniping and videoing for airing on tv or to put in recruitment cd's sent around the world, absolutely loved when we ran into a stockpile of those... no we didnt kill the guys, but we did detain them and sent them to abu graibe (dog collars to be received later of course) hahahahahaha

keep up the fine work man, your stuff is great!!!!!!drinker

no photo
Sat 03/01/08 06:55 AM
If I have made a blanket generalization against your friend, then please prove me wrong by showing me one thread or one post wherein he says something positive about America. Of course, you cannot, so I will not waste my time or yours by posting on this thread anymore.

You don't waste yours or anybody else's time posting on threads like this. It's hard to believe but some people are actually influenced and sucked into believe the hateful propaganda that madman and a few of his comrades post in these threads. Like yourself I like to debate constructive criticism but with the likes of some who like little kids in grade school call Bush and others names it's useless talking to someone that immature. I would luv to see them call Bush the names they use to his face, that is if they had the guts, and see what they receive in reply. I think I'd put my money on Bush making them wanting to crawl back under the rock they came from...

no photo
Sat 03/01/08 12:47 PM
You don't waste yours or anybody else's time posting on threads like this. It's hard to believe but some people are actually influenced and sucked into believe the hateful propaganda that madman and a few of his comrades post in these threads. Like yourself I like to debate constructive criticism but with the likes of some who like little kids in grade school call Bush and others names it's useless talking to someone that immature. I would luv to see them call Bush the names they use to his face, that is if they had the guts, and see what they receive in reply. I think I'd put my money on Bush making them wanting to crawl back under the rock they came from...

Its like bear baiting, except you don't feel bad about abusing a dumb animal.

armydoc4u's photo
Sat 03/01/08 07:20 PM

You don't waste yours or anybody else's time posting on threads like this. It's hard to believe but some people are actually influenced and sucked into believe the hateful propaganda that madman and a few of his comrades post in these threads. Like yourself I like to debate constructive criticism but with the likes of some who like little kids in grade school call Bush and others names it's useless talking to someone that immature. I would luv to see them call Bush the names they use to his face, that is if they had the guts, and see what they receive in reply. I think I'd put my money on Bush making them wanting to crawl back under the rock they came from...

Its like bear baiting, except you don't feel bad about abusing a dumb animal.

thats funnylaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

smo's photo
Sun 03/02/08 11:55 AM
Well at least if you say WAR CRIMES, there is really only one place to look that I can think of. And it comes from a definite religious book. I will give you 3 guesses ,but you will need likely only one!!

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sun 03/02/08 12:20 PM
Some people will never believe that the soldiers on the ground do anything, to include further endangering themselves, just to keep the civilian populace safe. You have no idea the outright retarded orders we'd receive just to keep a decent public relation. This includes: don't shoot back at anyone shooting at you from a mosque. We go out of our way to actually be as nice as possible whenever possible. Stop trying to make people think we are killing civilians (seemingly on purpose) and not caring about it. Because that assumption is complete, total B.S. and anyone that believes it is rolling around in it making themselves smell just like it.

madisonman's photo
Sun 03/02/08 12:26 PM

Some people will never believe that the soldiers on the ground do anything, to include further endangering themselves, just to keep the civilian populace safe. You have no idea the outright retarded orders we'd receive just to keep a decent public relation. This includes: don't shoot back at anyone shooting at you from a mosque. We go out of our way to actually be as nice as possible whenever possible. Stop trying to make people think we are killing civilians (seemingly on purpose) and not caring about it. Because that assumption is complete, total B.S. and anyone that believes it is rolling around in it making themselves smell just like it.
I will grant that as individuals for the most part do not choose to kill unarmed civilians but the cases are well documented that it happens frequently, we can mention the Iraqi wedding party slaughterd by Hellicopters who mistook the event as hostile or all those killed at roadblocks for not understanding a command to the poor 14 year old girl who was raped and killed and her body set on fire. It also could be mentioned all those killed simply by being near a place an american bomb exploded. those who have died from disease due to the damage done to the infastructure is also blood on our hands being that the deliberate targeting of the civilian infrastructures are a war crime by the terms of the Geneva conventions

smo's photo
Sun 03/02/08 12:43 PM
I heard that we use a lot of dirty bombs(made from radioactive waste) in Iraq and then after bombing , our soldiers are sent in to these radioactive places. That alone ,I would consider as vicious war CRIMES. I consider the Commander in chief as top blame for those crimes. Then our soldiers come home sick and dying.noway noway noway noway noway Terrible crimes against our own soldiers and against the Iraqis.

madisonman's photo
Sun 03/02/08 12:45 PM

I heard that we use a lot of dirty bombs(made from radioactive waste) in Iraq and then after bombing , our soldiers are sent in to these radioactive places. That alone ,I would consider as vicious war CRIMES. I consider the Commander in chief as top blame for those crimes. Then our soldiers come home sick and dying.noway noway noway noway noway Terrible crimes against our own soldiers and against the Iraqis.
That would be depleted uranium give it a google

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sun 03/02/08 01:04 PM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Sun 03/02/08 01:06 PM

Some people will never believe that the soldiers on the ground do anything, to include further endangering themselves, just to keep the civilian populace safe. You have no idea the outright retarded orders we'd receive just to keep a decent public relation. This includes: don't shoot back at anyone shooting at you from a mosque. We go out of our way to actually be as nice as possible whenever possible. Stop trying to make people think we are killing civilians (seemingly on purpose) and not caring about it. Because that assumption is complete, total B.S. and anyone that believes it is rolling around in it making themselves smell just like it.
I will grant that as individuals for the most part do not choose to kill unarmed civilians but the cases are well documented that it happens frequently, we can mention the Iraqi wedding party slaughterd by Hellicopters who mistook the event as hostile or all those killed at roadblocks for not understanding a command to the poor 14 year old girl who was raped and killed and her body set on fire. It also could be mentioned all those killed simply by being near a place an american bomb exploded. those who have died from disease due to the damage done to the infastructure is also blood on our hands being that the deliberate targeting of the civilian infrastructures are a war crime by the terms of the Geneva conventions

pop quiz hotshot

You are on a machine gun at a road block that happens to be turning cars away... There is a large line of cars where people are turning around at a distance of 150 to 200 meters away. Some misunderstand and get a little close ( 100m). Then there is one car at the 100m distance (who was already signaled to turn around) he goes around the other people points his car down the road and stomps on the gas as hard as he can. At a glance you notice he is by himself. You fire two warning shots in the air and he makes no attempt to even slow down let alone stop. Within 1 second he is danger close to you and your friends. What do you do?

This i blame more on the civilian than the soldiers. They do test us sometimes. Some do aid insurgents. And some of these "civilians" are insurgents that are just testing us to make us more complacent. We don't constantly bomb city blocks like you may expect. 90% of the civilian casualties were caused by insurgents and insurgents only. They target civilians.

The girl was a fluke, doesn't happen anymore over there than it does anywhere else. The soldier involved was tried and convicted i assume. If not he should be as well as any involved.

What diseases where caused by damage to infastructure?

We are not the enemy. WE DO NOT TARGET CIVILIANS. This does not happen nearly as frequently as you think. No, i don't visit every morgue. I didn't read this information from some website or see it on the news. This is personal experiences. It is fairly rare that we bomb anything in and around big cities. Hell you need special written permission to use half our arsenal. On many (a little more than half) of the raids i have been on we EFFING KNOCKED AND WAITED FOR THEM TO ANSWER THE DOOR. The only acception to this are several insurgents that we went after that were big-time players (like multi-million dollar rewards on their heads).

We aren't heartless. We aren't brainwashed. We aren't pawns. I can understand your having difficulty accepting the situation. Hell i know i do most of the time. There isn't much talk of a well layed out plan. I think that is why most are upset. Some people aren't even sure why we invaded in the first place. I don't try and trouble myself with trying to figure out why this started anymore. i believe nothing that is written. However i am trying to assure you and everyone that doubts us that soldiers are doing EVERYTHING they can to ensure as many people are as safe as possible. The country is making money from purchases our soldiers make while stationed there. People are getting better healthcare than they ever had. We are constantly handing out food and water. And like i said, we go WAY out of our way to make sure we don't kill innocents. Not saying that doesn't happen, but it's more rare than you think. and i stand behind that insurgents are responsible for most(like 80 to 90%) of the civilian deaths.

madisonman's photo
Sun 03/02/08 01:11 PM
Dude I do not blame on GI for the mess in Iraq nor do I try to second guese there life and death decisions, however we never ever should be there in the mind of this taxpayer. I find it hard to call them insurgents being that we are in THERE country. there were no "insurgents " in Iraq untill we invaded and there was certainly no Al Quida and of course no wmds so now our country is broke, moraly bankrupt and a rouge state in the eyes of the world.

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