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Topic: John mcCains sweet ride
Single_Rob's photo
Wed 02/27/08 06:07 PM

well if you consider the fact that 90% of the hijackers were sauidis at least according to the commision report.....they were much more likely suspects than say..........SADDAM HUSAINlaugh

again saddam husain did not live up to the cease fire agreement

which is what lead to the invasion of iraq
was that the stated reasone for going into Iraq or was something else implied?laugh

another one

Recalling that its resolution 678 (1990) authorized member states to use all necessary means to uphold and implement its resolution 660 (1990) of 2 August 1990 and all relevant resolutions subsequent to resolution 660 (1990) and to restore international peace and security in the area,

Iraq war illegal, says Annan

The United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan has told the BBC the US-led invasion of Iraq was an illegal act that contravened the UN charter.
He said the decision to take action in Iraq should have been made by the Security Council, not unilaterally.

And the league of nations did nothing to stop hitlers advance of power either. the u.n. is a worthless group whose time is done. It has become nothingmore than another money grubbing, coruct, power hungry organization
Its obviouse this nation would have been much better served had we let the UN make the calldrinker

and we would have been better off finishing the job in 91, and we would have been better off not backing either iran, or iraq in their conflict, and we would have been better off not letting iran hold our hostages so long, and we would have been better off not atempting the bay of pigs. ou know there are a ton of things in hindsight that we all should have, or should not have done. Just because you sit here on an internet dating site, and spew your hatred for bush, and republicans in general, does not make you better than anyone else. History may remember some people for mistakes, but at least they made a decision when it was crunch time. Will history remember you, or me?
The decisions to me were made along the lines of what is good forthe oil industry and defence contractors not what is good for america and I think history if it accurate and not some dumbed down american version will state that the Iraq war wa the begining of the end of america as a nation that upholds democracy

you mean like vietnam and rubber plantations? What was WW1 about? Korea? The cold war? Dude whenever a coutries interests are put at risk, a response is coming. There are really no "just" reasons to go to war, it is all politics, and money. There is no one war that can say it was a truly "just" war

armydoc4u's photo
Wed 02/27/08 06:16 PM
Edited by armydoc4u on Wed 02/27/08 06:16 PM
Annan didnt have a vested interest in seeing saddm stay i power did he? his son leading the oil for food program and was subsequently arrested and tried for embezzeling millions from the program aimed at helping the iraqi man and woman.

annan was and is a joke right, if thats what your basing your claims on.

madisonman's photo
Wed 02/27/08 06:37 PM

Annan didnt have a vested interest in seeing saddm stay i power did he? his son leading the oil for food program and was subsequently arrested and tried for embezzeling millions from the program aimed at helping the iraqi man and woman.

annan was and is a joke right, if thats what your basing your claims on.
what his son did does not make his statement incorrect. spin away doc, but facts are facts. and by the way his sons crime was petty compared to Cheneys links to Halliburtonsmokin

no photo
Wed 02/27/08 06:44 PM
what his son did does not make his statement incorrect. spin away doc, but facts are facts. and by the way his sons crime was petty compared to Cheneys links to Halliburton

his son was arrested and tried so we know the facts and the evidence of his illegal activities...what facts do you have that Cheney and/or Halliberton committed any crimes?

madisonman's photo
Wed 02/27/08 06:49 PM

what his son did does not make his statement incorrect. spin away doc, but facts are facts. and by the way his sons crime was petty compared to Cheneys links to Halliburton

his son was arrested and tried so we know the facts and the evidence of his illegal activities...what facts do you have that Cheney and/or Halliberton committed any crimes?
the Links to Halliburton are all well documented. Are they Illegal? possibly not but unethical for sure. We will only have a trial of the Bush crimesyndicate if it is a war crimes trial. being that the judiciary is as corrupt as Cheney and halliburton I dont expect a trial or conviction.but thats life

armydoc4u's photo
Wed 02/27/08 07:14 PM
Edited by armydoc4u on Wed 02/27/08 07:15 PM

what his son did does not make his statement incorrect. spin away doc, but facts are facts. and by the way his sons crime was petty compared to Cheneys links to Halliburton

his son was arrested and tried so we know the facts and the evidence of his illegal activities...what facts do you have that Cheney and/or Halliberton committed any crimes?
the Links to Halliburton are all well documented. Are they Illegal? possibly not but unethical for sure. We will only have a trial of the Bush crimesyndicate if it is a war crimes trial. being that the judiciary is as corrupt as Cheney and halliburton I dont expect a trial or conviction.but thats life

lets see, cheney did what after excepting the vise presidency? didnt resign his seat at hal and sever all ties with them including his stocks? so what then was his financial motivation, could it had been that they are in fact one of only two companies that could do the job, the other being brown and root, which is there already..... thats like saying to kellog built me a boeing 747.... that dog wont hunt...

i think that the 10 billion in oil fo rfood fraud is very relevent to the topic of annan's own credibility.

madisonman's photo
Wed 02/27/08 07:20 PM
Edited by madisonman on Wed 02/27/08 07:20 PM
The dog hunts doc and just an FYI Kellogbrownandroot are also part of halliburton. Just so ya know after Cheney is out of office let talk about what type of job he gets at halliburton and what the pay will be. He has taken great care of his old cronies over there and many of the jobs preformed by Halliburton used to be done by our army but now Hallibruton will do the same thing for ten times the cost. Iam suprised more GI's dont complain about the Halliburton truck drivers getting paid about 6 times more than the GI's who defend them. With that I m off have a great night

armydoc4u's photo
Wed 02/27/08 07:35 PM

The dog hunts doc and just an FYI Kellogbrownandroot are also part of halliburton. Just so ya know after Cheney is out of office let talk about what type of job he gets at halliburton and what the pay will be. He has taken great care of his old cronies over there and many of the jobs preformed by Halliburton used to be done by our army but now Hallibruton will do the same thing for ten times the cost. Iam suprised more GI's dont complain about the Halliburton truck drivers getting paid about 6 times more than the GI's who defend them. With that I m off have a great night

yeah okay, thanks I knew that, i just let it slip out of my head for a second..... do you realize what they do there? or do you not know? they are the only ones who can do what they do, so made sense they got the contract. kbr is huge.... 6x the amount isnt right either but thats ok.

Lindyy's photo
Thu 02/28/08 10:36 AM

Iraq war illegal, says Annan

The United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan has told the BBC the US-led invasion of Iraq was an illegal act that contravened the UN charter.
He said the decision to take action in Iraq should have been made by the Security Council, not unilaterally.

Lindyy says:

Oh, PLEASE, we are to beliee Kofi Annan, involved in the Food For Oil corruption?laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh


adj4u's photo
Thu 02/28/08 11:25 AM

well if you consider the fact that 90% of the hijackers were sauidis at least according to the commision report.....they were much more likely suspects than say..........SADDAM HUSAINlaugh

again saddam husain did not live up to the cease fire agreement

which is what lead to the invasion of iraq
was that the stated reasone for going into Iraq or was something else implied?laugh

i am pretty sure it was stated along with the possibility of terrorist training going on as well

adj4u's photo
Thu 02/28/08 11:27 AM

Iraq war illegal, says Annan

The United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan has told the BBC the US-led invasion of Iraq was an illegal act that contravened the UN charter.
He said the decision to take action in Iraq should have been made by the Security Council, not unilaterally.

Lindyy says:

Oh, PLEASE, we are to beliee Kofi Annan, involved in the Food For Oil corruption?laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh


it was not an illegal act or the u s would be facing sanctions along with many other things

iraq violated the ceasefire agreement

madisonman's photo
Thu 02/28/08 01:13 PM

well if you consider the fact that 90% of the hijackers were sauidis at least according to the commision report.....they were much more likely suspects than say..........SADDAM HUSAINlaugh

again saddam husain did not live up to the cease fire agreement

which is what lead to the invasion of iraq
was that the stated reasone for going into Iraq or was something else implied?laugh

i am pretty sure it was stated along with the possibility of terrorist training going on as well

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