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Topic: What is wrong with you people?
no photo
Thu 12/21/06 04:44 PM
I have read over and over again how someone falls deeply in love with
someone they met on this site and then low and behold they rip their
hearts out, chew it up then spit it in their face.
Geeze Louise, are we so desperate for love that we fall head over heals
for something someone has written or said on the phone?
I know I'm not the smartest guy around but I do know the internet is a
fantasy land, people can be whoever or whatever they want to be. You can
download a pic from the millions available and say that is you. I
personally don't believe anything I see online. I use the internet for
entertainment and believe me I have LMAO more times than I can count at
the stuff in the forums here. I really do like this site, there are some
pretty cool people here but I doubt very seriously that I'm gonna give
my heart to anyone I haven't met in person.
So, with that said let me get back to reading all the horror stories
about who was in love with who and how they broke their hearts and lied
about everything. Now this is entertainment!!

Fanta46's photo
Thu 12/21/06 04:45 PM

chopperdan's photo
Thu 12/21/06 04:46 PM
Nuts you are so damn right!!!!!!!!!!

no photo
Thu 12/21/06 04:49 PM
Hey you, how's my fav puppy dog?

no photo
Thu 12/21/06 04:51 PM
well nuts sorry but my pic is real so call guiness or ripley's

Karensmiles's photo
Thu 12/21/06 04:51 PM
You are right we do live in a world that is desperate for love look
around you... Do you see much? Since we dont have potluck suppers at the
community club anymore there is little opportunity for people to meet if
your not into the bars etc. Is it a fantasy land? yes and people are
fools for not protecting their hearts.. But you can be a fool for a lot
of worse things I suppose.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 12/21/06 04:53 PM
just keep smiling Karen, It will be okay!

sushi's photo
Thu 12/21/06 04:54 PM
HELP!!!!! I can't get out of the computer!!!No kidding. The start button
is missing. I'm TRAPPED!!! If this doesn't fix itself soon, I'm gonna
have to rip the plug outta the wall, disconnect my phone line and start
writing letters.

Karensmiles's photo
Thu 12/21/06 04:55 PM
Oh Fanta im not complaining my plate is full LOL

Fanta46's photo
Thu 12/21/06 04:57 PM
I didnt say anything bad! LOL

Kevin3824's photo
Thu 12/21/06 04:59 PM
sushi pres the windows key next to the ctrl button and reboot

Karensmiles's photo
Thu 12/21/06 05:00 PM
Sushi.....Crtl, alt, delete, is my best friend LOL

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 12/21/06 05:02 PM
Naw Sushi unplug and start writing letters lol they will get to us by
2007 lmao

no photo
Thu 12/21/06 05:03 PM
Sushi, I'm not pushing anything but there is a website called that will run a diagnostic program on your pc and it will
tell you what you can do to speed up your pc. It also will tell you what
programs you have running, if they are necessary and how to delete them
if you wanted to. It has been a great help to me because I am pc
illiterate. There is no spyware downloaded on your system either and it
is a free scan. I hope it can help you out.
Oh, Mike my pic is my own too. You could probably tell cause I'm no
coverboy, lol

catchme_ifucan's photo
Thu 12/21/06 05:04 PM

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 12/21/06 05:04 PM
trying too lol

escapedlunatic's photo
Thu 12/21/06 05:04 PM
surrounded by fourfeet thick concrete walls with 6 inch heavu guaged
steel plates lol......I have seen this work before....i know a few
couple's that mt online! One pair i know have been hapily married for
two years now! I dont do bars.... whore's are us doesn't sound in the
least bit interesting to me. I have met several wonderfull people on
here. Many of them I call friends. As far as Mrs. Right for me...who
knows...but i plan on having a lot of fun here before during and after
meeting her lol! Good luck to all...but dont be nieve! Use common sense!

Fanta46's photo
Thu 12/21/06 05:09 PM
buy a computer made in this century sushi

sushi's photo
Thu 12/21/06 05:10 PM
I don't know what anyone of you is talking about. So..unplug. "nite."

eagertoenjoyu's photo
Thu 12/21/06 05:10 PM are so right. I think it IS out of desparation that people
throw themselves into this, me included. But, and it might just be
therapeutic to admit it... it has been so hard to find a woman that has
most of the qualities I am looking for and, as imperfect as this is,
there are just so many women on these things, it sure feels possible to
find the right one, somewhere. Now... shoot me.

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