Topic: saying goodbye
poisonflightledr's photo
Thu 12/21/06 03:16 PM
hello morena...

widowerseeking's photo
Thu 12/21/06 03:17 PM
am truly sorry to hear about the loss, especially during the holidays,
that makes it even worse. just take comfort in the fact that god has
plans for her and she is now in a far better place, one where lukemia or
no other earthly pain exists.

poisonflightledr's photo
Thu 12/21/06 03:18 PM
i don't know...i don't want to know

WTF, why are we having a run of bad news is enough!!!!!!!!

no photo
Thu 12/21/06 03:19 PM
thank you widow

no photo
Thu 12/21/06 03:19 PM
very true widower

no photo
Thu 12/21/06 03:29 PM
sorry to hear of your loss--

iceprincess's photo
Thu 12/21/06 03:35 PM
lets see if it was true you wouldn't be defending yourself to everybody
and you wouldn't give a **** about who you supposdly hurt on here. But
here you go my sympathies on your pretend loss and you better hope to
god you never have to go through the worry of your child mayby having
lukemia and waiting on those tests. It's hell i'm there right now and
your **** isn't in the least amusing and mayby it's wrong butt i take it
somewhat personal it's not a joke. And with whats going on with lonely
which is very real, How dare you try take focus away from her. She
deserves the sympathy your ass however needs severly kicked.

Morena350's photo
Thu 12/21/06 03:37 PM

iceprincess's photo
Thu 12/21/06 04:37 PM
morena. i'm sorry for going off i'm waiting on those very tests right
now i didn't mean to tell everyone. Lonely deserves our full attention
right now not some two bit whore who thinks making s*** up like this is

chopperdan's photo
Thu 12/21/06 04:39 PM
Morena you are just too hot!

sushi's photo
Thu 12/21/06 04:42 PM
There's too much heartach going on right now. I need to get off. Ford,
e-mail me back and let's talk a bit. Remember, you're my friend.

sushi's photo
Thu 12/21/06 04:44 PM
And I do take the "friend" deal seriously. I don't have the stamina to
sit at the keyboard for very long. So I need to be filled in. What ever
happened to the telephone?

Morena350's photo
Thu 12/21/06 07:19 PM
ice, I had no idea you was going trough this, this is hard to deal with
by yourself, we are friends, and if you need to talk at anytime Im here,
I can only imagine what your going trough girl, I know you are a strong
woman, but still, is hard..
and like I always say God is good and he always take care of his
children, you are a child of God and so is he!!!!!!!

sushi's photo
Fri 12/22/06 04:18 AM
Someone tell me! Why in holy hell would someone make up a story about a
child or anyone dying? How can ya' all tell?I will say that if had a
death in the family as little as 5 days ago, this would be the last
place I'd be.

widowerseeking's photo
Fri 12/22/06 05:55 AM
one lost a child to lukemia, and another is waiting on test results,
certainly hope this is not a made up story. when I lost the wife, for a
year or better I wanted no contact with the rest of the world. if it had
been one of the kids, grandkids or even one of the great grandkids am
not sure how I would be taking it.

simplykim's photo
Fri 12/22/06 06:02 AM
Is that really a make up story???If it is, that is cruel...You see my
grandaughter in the picture...That kid is my life besides my own
children and I could never come up with such a thing...That's

Tneal's photo
Fri 12/22/06 06:06 AM
awww thats a cute picture. Simplykim... check out my profile, you will
see my newest grandchild.. *S*

simplykim's photo
Fri 12/22/06 06:15 AM
Oh my goodness, what a doll...How new?

iceprincess's photo
Fri 12/22/06 07:33 AM
sushi read through this post it's very apparent that she's making it all
up. As for mine I find out today my son's results I have an appointment
at 12p my time and we'll know.Believe me if it's bad your not gonna see
my ass on here for a while.If it's good eventually i will let you know
or one of my sisters will. Like i said i never meant to really tell you
all it just pissed me off that she would pick this kind of game to play
and at a time when somebody like lonely has real probems.

simplykim's photo
Fri 12/22/06 07:41 AM
How would you all know if she is lying though???