Topic: Esteemed Professor and Law Expert Warns Of Police State
chismah's photo
Wed 12/20/06 07:24 AM

Related: Fox Critic Wants Olbermann & Others Rounded Up, Taken To
Detention Camps -


Esteemed Professor and Law Expert Warns Of Police State
Francis A Boyle says 9/11 was allowed to happen, war on terror is
facilitating the downfall of The Republic, concentration camps are in
place and US citizens are the targets

Steve Watson
Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Alex Jones was joined on air this week by a leading American professor,
practitioner of and expert on international law to discuss his detailed
knowledge of the cover up of the 2001 anthrax attacks, which he is
adamant were perpetrated by criminal elements of the US government in an
attempt to foment a police state by killing off opposition to hardline
post 9/11 legislation.

Dr Franics A. Boyle literally helped write the law with regards to
terrorism, as he was responsible for drafting the Biological Weapons
Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 that was passed unanimously by both Houses of
Congress and signed into law by President Bush Snr.

Professor Boyle teaches international law at the University of Illinois,
Champaign. He holds a Doctor of Law Magna Cum Laude as well as a Ph.D.
in Political Science, both from Harvard University. He has also served
on the Board of Directors of Amnesty International (1988-1992), and
represented Bosnia- Herzegovina at the World Court.

The professor started off by explaining the motivation behind the
October 2001 anthrax attacks:

"After the September 11th 2001 Terrorist attacks, the Bush
administration tried to ram the USA PATRIOT Act through Congress, that
would have, if already had not, set up a police state. And we know for a
fact that the PATRIOT Act had already been drafted and was sitting on
Ashcroft's desk as of September 10th.

Senators Daschle and Leahy were holding it up because they realised what
this would lead to, indeed the first draft of the Patriot Act, they
would have suspended the writ of habeas corpus. And all of a sudden out
of nowhere come these anthrax attacks. And at the time I myself did not
know precisely what was going on, either with respect to September 11th
or the anthrax attacks, but then the New York Times revealed that the
technology behind the letter to Senator Daschle. A trillion spores per
gram, special electro-static treatment.

This is super-weapons grade Anthrax that even the United States
government, in its openly proclaimed programs, and we had one before
Nixon, had never developed before. So it was obvious to me that this was
from a US Government lab, there is no where else you could have gotten

Dr Boyle proceeded to call a very high level official in the FBI who
deals with terrorism and counter-terrorism, Spike Bowman, whom he had
met at a terrorism conference at the University of Michigan Law School.

He told Bowman that the only people that would have the capability to
carry out the attacks were people working on US government programs on
Anthrax and with access to high level a bio-safety lab. Dr Boyle went
through all the names, the contractors and the labs for Anthrax work
with the FBI's Bowman.


Bowman then informed Dr Boyle that the FBI was working with Fort Detrick
on the matter, to which he responded that Fort Detrick could really be
the main problem.

It was documented at the time that the anthrax strain used was military
grade. This was widely reported in 2002 in publications such as the New

"Soon after I had informed Bowman of this information, the FBI
authorised the destruction of the AMES cultural Anthrax database." The
Professor continued.

The destruction of the anthrax culture collection at Ames, IA., from
which the Ft. Detrick lab got its pathogens, was blatant destruction of
evidence as it meant that there was no way of finding out which strain
was sent to who to develop the larger breed of anthrax used in the
attacks. The trail of genetic evidence would have led directly back to a
secret but officially-sponsored US government biowarfare program that
was illegal and criminal.

"Clearly for the FBI to have authorised this was obstruction of justice,
a federal crime. That collection should have been preserved and
protected as evidence. That's the DNA, the fingerprints right there. It
later came out of course that this was AMES strain anthrax that was
behind the Daschle and Leahy letter."

At that point Boyle says it became very clear to him that there was a
cover up in operation by the FBI. He points out that later on on reading
one of David Ray Griffin's books on the 9/11 attacks, he discovered that
Agent Bowman was the same FBI agent who sabotaged the FISA warrant for
access to Zacarious Moussaoui's computer, which contained information
that could have facilitated the prevention of the attacks on the World
Trade Center and the Pentagon.

Later on Bowman was promoted and given a decoration, presumably because
he did such a fine job on Moussaoui's computer and also on the anthrax.

So it was to be that the patriot act was rammed through, because the
opposition from Leahy and Daschle, whom they had tried to kill,
disappeared. Congress and even the House itself officially shut down for
the first time in the history of the Republic. The Senate refused to
shut down. Dr Boyle commented that he believes this to be one of the
biggest political crimes in the history of America.

The professor agreed that actions such as this and legislation such as
the Patriot act and the new Military Commissions act are the precursors
to a military dictatorship.

"And remember that the first draft of the Patriot act that sat on
Ashcroft's desk before 9/11, and also remember that Ashcroft was flying
around in a private jet because he was told that there was going to be a
terrorist attack with airplanes, so all this had been planned.

They were going to move to suspend the writ of habeas corpus, which is
all that really separates us from a police state. And that is what they
have done now with respect to enemy combatants."

With regards to 9/11 itself the professor asserted that it is clear
Bush, Rice, Tennet, Ashcroft and other Bush Administration officials all
knew a terrorist attack was coming and that the attacks were at the very
least allowed to go ahead.

"They let it happen because they wanted a war and they wanted a police
state, all the elements for a war against Afghanistan were there in
place, even the military force in the gulf were there on the scene,
there were massive military forces in the gulf, in the Atlantic, in the
Mediterranean, in the Arabian Ocean before September 11th poised for an
attack, whether it was going to be Afghanistan or Iraq would be decided
by Bush and the rest of them."


The professor pointed out that it is now being argued by lawmakers that
the 14th amendment does not mean what it has been taken to mean and that
under the Military Commissions Act any US citizen can be stripped of
their citizenship and thus be labeled an enemy combatant.

"So in other words they are taken the position that in some point in
time if they want to, they can unilaterally round up United States
native born citizens, as they did for Japanese Americans in World War
Two, and stick us into concentration camps. That is correct. They
haven't actually yet done it but my guess is that the papers have been
drawn up... and we know that the FEMA camps are out there.

So it's clear that the Bush people, I guess they are waiting for some
other terrorist attack, another anthrax attack, who knows what, and then
they will proceed to invoke these emergency orders."

Dr Boyle believes that the domestic police state is a seen as a must by
the neoconservatives who are pushing for dominance in the middle east in
order to quell dissent from an American public who, the informed
majority of, clearly will not stand for such aggression in their names.

The professor then went on to talk about the sickness of the
neoconservative sympathizers who are pushing for the practice of torture
to be made legal. Legislators such as John Yu and Professor Goldsmith of
Harvard Law School. Dr Boyle believes that there is a move afoot to
infiltrate both the legal profession and legal education with opinion
and legislature that subverts long established US law. His warning is

"The Nazis did the exact same thing too. They had their lawyers
infiltrating law schools. Carl Schmidt was the worst and he was the
mentor to Leo Strauss, the founder of the neoconservatives. So the same
phenomena that started out in Nazi Germany is happening here and I
exaggerate not... we could all be tortured, we could all be treated this
Dr Boyle stressed that in order to seek justice over the anthrax attacks
it is vital to keep the pressure on Senator Leahy who will apparently be
becoming the chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Leahy will have
subpoena power and investigative power, and if anyone would have
motivation to try to get to the bottom of the attacks, it would be him.

Dr Boyle ended by urging readers and listeners to become informed and
spread this information. He also admitted that in the Summer of 2004 he
was interrogated by an agent with the CIA/FBI joint terrorism task
force. The agent tried to recruit Dr Boyle as an informant to provide
the FBI with information on his Arab and Muslim clients. When he refused
the FBI placed him on all of the government's terrorism watch lists and
he now finds it very difficult to travel in and out of the US.

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 12/22/06 10:03 PM
What happened to that BIG EYE thing?

Not effective I guess. LOL

Bryon53067's photo
Tue 12/26/06 04:47 AM
The Democrat want us to be in a police state.They should realize the
best way for government to run is to let people live the soy they
wanna and just protect those rights.

no photo
Tue 12/26/06 07:32 AM
The democrats?? Bryon..Man.. I suggest you rewind the last year or so
and look again.. I think you were asleep.>WILL

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Tue 12/26/06 08:53 AM
oh never mind him Will...he's been so spoon-fed and brainwashed with
republican dogma, he couldn't see the truth if it was standing naked in
front of him with 44" tits

no photo
Tue 12/26/06 11:54 AM
chisma... keep up the good work keeping people informed on whats really
going on with big brother! we need more people like you!! and for
byron.... hes a LOST his mind!!!!!!!!!!

no photo
Tue 12/26/06 02:15 PM
Chismah I think you worry too damn much dude. You really need to smoke a
big fat one and relax. You're relying on bull**** news and stories as
fact. Believe what you want, it's your stress not mine.

adj4u's photo
Tue 05/26/09 10:29 PM
another blast from the past
