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Topic: more new pics
lionsbrew's photo
Sat 09/02/06 04:13 PM
yo changed out a couple of pics let me know what yall think

amacree's photo
Sat 09/02/06 04:20 PM
u r a great artist.

heather's photo
Sat 09/02/06 04:35 PM
WOW They are cool!

TiredOfBeingSingle's photo
Sat 09/02/06 05:00 PM
kool pics. it looks like your in the wrong job lol

no photo
Sat 09/02/06 05:44 PM
those are great! seriously TALENTED!

lionsbrew's photo
Sat 09/02/06 05:45 PM
hey right now i would be a starving artist if not for my cemetary job
but im workin on making good money at it

lionsbrew's photo
Sat 09/02/06 05:46 PM
oh and thanks for the kudos yall i appreciate everyones feed back and if
anyone has request just let me know

unsure's photo
Sat 09/02/06 05:46 PM
very nice work...keep it up! My little one likes to draw and hes pretty
good at it...nothing like you but if he keeps practicing, who knows!

lionsbrew's photo
Sat 09/02/06 05:50 PM
yeah serously i started at a very young age keep him doing it dont let
him give it up ive known some seriously talented people who just didnt
stick with it. i draw every day been doing so since i was about 5 .its
not like riding a bike you cant just hop back on it takes practice
everyday cause if you dont use it you lose it if he wants to be good
keep him at it

lionsbrew's photo
Sat 09/02/06 05:52 PM
i find playing music to be the same way if i dont practice it shows
maybe not to the untrained eye or ear but i notice

unsure's photo
Sat 09/02/06 06:00 PM
WOW funny you say that about older son plays the electric
guitar...he plays by ear. He has been playing for about 3 years now and
he does pretty good. He writes his own songs also, esp about his gf that
break his heart, of course at that age we all think our first love is
something that will never let our hearts mend. I have noticed that when
he needs "alone" time, he plays a lot. Thats how I know that he has
stuff going on...and to think hes going to Purdue next year..oh my!!!

hotswollenwet's photo
Sat 09/02/06 06:31 PM
nice work hope it goes some where for you!

no photo
Sat 09/02/06 06:34 PM
is that fire around the cat's head? when i first looked at it i thought
it was a lion with a mane of flames. nice work anyway

lionsbrew's photo
Sat 09/02/06 06:38 PM
yeah dude it is a lion with a burning mane you hit the nail on the head

lionsbrew's photo
Sat 09/02/06 06:42 PM
unsure get him to learn his major scale cause almost all rock songs are
a perversion of it in one way or another deffinatly get him to learn how
to read music too it opened up the rabbit hole for me and i still havent
found the bottom of the whole yet im serious it made earing out music
sooo much easier too cause i learned how to ear out the different
intervals with the scales i was kinda afraid to learn my scales cause i
thought it would take away the magic for me but all it did was make my
spell book larger

heather's photo
Sat 09/02/06 07:32 PM
Hey lions can you draw dragon flies?

ehsidog's photo
Sat 09/02/06 07:33 PM
i really like the one of the cliff and the moon thats sweet i would hang
that in my livingroom its that kewl

lionsbrew's photo
Sat 09/02/06 07:36 PM
thanks alot ehs ......and yes i can draw dragon flies i can draw
anything ....i also like it when people gives me ideas on what to draw
it keeps me from getting artist blok

ehsidog's photo
Sat 09/02/06 07:50 PM
well theres always sexy schoolgirl hentai and manga type stuff with
small girls with big eyes bigger boobs and there butts showing under
there skirts (always works for me...gosh i feel like a perv)

no photo
Sun 09/03/06 12:47 AM
i love art...these are soo neat. you should have a business on line for
stamps and post cards, ya know

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