Topic: North American Union would supplant U.S. sovereignty
chismah's photo
Tue 12/19/06 07:34 AM

Guest Opinion: North American Union would supplant U.S. sovereignty

Tucson Citizen
Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I just returned from a week in Washington, D.C., with a group of
concerned women where we learned about the Security and Prosperity
Partnership, also known as "The North American Union."

This partnership was agreed upon at a private meeting held in Waco,
Texas, on March 23, 2005, among then-president of Mexico Vicente Fox,
U.S. President George Bush and then-Prime Minister Paul Martin of

The SPP is an agreement to merge our United States of America with
Mexico and Canada.

I am outraged about what the Bush administration is doing with this
partnership behind Congress' back. (See

With virtually no mention in the mainstream media and no oversight from
Congress, Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez is pushing forward,
through his department, the "working groups" that are implementing this

Government bureaucrats and business leaders are "harmonizing and
integrating" our laws with Mexico and Canada on a broad range of issues
such as e-commerce, transportation, environment, health, agriculture,
financial services and national security, just to mention a few.

Do we want our laws "harmonized" with Socialist Canada and corrupt

If you are concerned about terrorism in our country, just remember that
enlarging our borders, merging our security functions with one of the
most corrupt nations on earth (Mexico) and giving up sovereignty and
constitutional protections do not make us safer.

Dr. Jerome Corsi, a Harvard professor who has spent months researching
this issue, was recently able, through a Freedom of Information request,
to obtain about 1,000 pages on SPP/North American Union.

That information clearly reveals that the Bush administration is running
a "shadow government" with Mexico and Canada in which unelected
bureaucrats are crafting a broad range of policy changes.

The SPP is truly rewriting U.S. administrative law, all without
Congressional oversight or public disclosure.

The government watchdog organization, Judicial Watch, obtained many of
the same documents Corsi has received - including the organizational
chart and a listing of trilateral Mexican, Canadian and U.S.
administrative officers who report on multiple, cabinet-level "working

The Web site has put up a "Myth vs. Fact" document posted for
public relations purposes to begin the whitewash in which they think
they can hoodwink the American public.

One of the ways the administration has been able to go around Congress
is by not having the three countries sign a treaty or "law" on SPP.

I want to know - and the American public should demand to know - where
does the Bush administration get the congressional authorization to
invite two foreign nations to the table to rewrite U.S. law?

The Bush administration is trying to create the infrastructure for a new
regional North American government in stealth fashion, under the radar
and out of public view. Congress has unequivocally been asleep at the

It is incredible but, if this template is followed, just four years from
now, the United States may cease to exist as an independent nation.
Its laws, rules and regulations - including all freedoms guaranteed by
the Constitution - will be subject to review and nullification by the
North American Union's unelected governing body.

There will no longer be a Canadian or Mexican border.

Transnational transportation corridors will crisscross the United States
delivering the cheapest goods possible from China and Vietnam with
Mexican truckers who will work for a pittance of what our U.S. truckers

Thousands of middle-class jobs will be wiped out, and the United States
will become nothing more than a province in an emerging North American

The American people have got to be alerted and we must contact our
members of Congress to put a stop to this.

Most representatives and senators are largely unaware of the SPP/North
American Union.

I am certain that an aroused and deeply concerned electorate would have
little trouble gaining support to block what is planned and retain our
nation's hard-won independence.

Please help stop this insane move toward a North American Union.

karmafury's photo
Tue 12/19/06 12:47 PM
Did you read the information available at the other links to site you
give above. You should perhaps read the SPP: Myths and Facts. The idea
is not to eliminate borders except in a trade view and even then to make
trade easier.
I've mentioned this to one of your posts before. IF Canada wanted,
acred to join the United States provisions are already in place, laid
there by your founding fathers to allow it. WE ARE PROUD TO BE CANADIAN.
We don't need to be American. We are already respected internationally,
more so than U.S. (NOT trying to be insulting just truth). They don't
burn our flag in protests all over the world.
Though I have sought and continue to seek dual citizenship I am still a
proud Canadian.

Ontario's photo
Tue 12/19/06 12:50 PM

karmafury's photo
Tue 12/19/06 12:53 PM
Okay, so.... who?

Ontario's photo
Tue 12/19/06 12:58 PM
Okay....So....What....who cares about this issue....?