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Topic: WWE No Way Out 02-17-2008
TrueJedi's photo
Sun 02/17/08 07:19 PM
No Way Out: Randy Orton [c] vs. John Cena [WWE Championship Match]

Orton crawls to the outside and grasps his knee he yells to the referee to count him out because he’s hurt. Cena slides out and says he knows Orton isn’t hurt. All of a sudden Orton hits an RKO onto Cena on the outside floor. Looks like Orton took the brunt of that one. Referee starts to count out Cena as Orton gets back in the ring. Cena just barely makes in back in at 9. Randy Orton delivers a blow to the face of the referee getting himself disqualified.

Your Winner: John Cena by dq

After the match Cena angrily grabs Orton and FU’s him then applies the STFU to a tapping champion.

laxviking57's photo
Sun 02/17/08 07:31 PM
bull sh*t Cena deserves his belt back...

TrueJedi's photo
Sun 02/17/08 08:00 PM
No Way Out: Triple H vs. Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Umaga vs. John Bradshaw Layfield [Elimination Chamber Match]

Hardy now climbs the ropes and flies to the outside to Triple H but he gets a kick to the guy by Hunter. Hardy back body drops HHH back into the ring and climbs the ropes, he goes for the Swanton and HHH moves. Triple H hits the Pedigree and goes for the pin. 1…..2…..HARDY KICKS OUT! HARDY KICKS OUT! FANS GO ABSOLUTELY NUTS!

Triple H gets a chair and puts it on the floor, tries to Pedigree Hardy onto it but Hardy low blows him out, then tries a Twist of Fate on HHH but HHH pushes him off onto the chair. The Game then hits the Pedigree on the chair and pins him…1…2…3

Your Winner: Triple H

mikeytoospikey's photo
Mon 02/18/08 02:33 PM
chavo sucks

mikeytoospikey's photo
Mon 02/18/08 05:31 PM
go ric flair he is the man of wwe.

nazland's photo
Wed 02/20/08 11:24 AM

CM punk needs to leave wrestling and go back to where his experience is MMA... i wanna see that dude in the Octagon or somewhere really beating the hell out of someone..
he is from here i worked with him in mwa

lalalove's photo
Thu 02/21/08 07:03 PM
thanks soooo much for telling what happened with orton and cena. i missed it and i was dying to watch it

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