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FindMe1113's photo
Sat 02/16/08 03:54 PM
drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

Rose41's photo
Sat 02/16/08 04:00 PM
awww thankyou baby gurl rose for the flowers...well jw he was always putting his fortune cookie phrase here ..he was pretty cool ...dont see him anymore

FindMe1113's photo
Sat 02/16/08 04:12 PM
Oh yeah...now I remember:smile:

You are right, havent seen him around for a bitglasses

Shaden's photo
Sat 02/16/08 04:13 PM
Hi, everyone. Happy Saturday night! flowerforyou

FindMe1113's photo
Sat 02/16/08 04:14 PM
Hiya "Sista Shaden".....want a nice cold beer?flowerforyou

franshade's photo
Sat 02/16/08 04:24 PM
hello all!
how is everyone tonite?flowerforyou

Shaden's photo
Sat 02/16/08 04:26 PM
No longer drink, but whatever else sounds nice...thanks! :smile:

FindMe1113's photo
Sat 02/16/08 04:31 PM
FRANSHADE...where ya been "Gal-Pal"....missed ya much!flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

FindMe1113's photo
Sat 02/16/08 04:32 PM

No longer drink, but whatever else sounds nice...thanks! :smile:

Howz 'bout a nice cold "Root Beer"...lolhappy

Shaden's photo
Sat 02/16/08 04:33 PM
That sounds great! drinker

FindMe1113's photo
Sat 02/16/08 04:38 PM

cherryxxangel89's photo
Sat 02/16/08 06:07 PM
i will have a mountain dew or another frappuccino


its boring here

its like really humid outside

i want snow:cry:

misty_57's photo
Sat 02/16/08 06:09 PM

i will have a mountain dew or another frappuccino


its boring here

its like really humid outside

i want snow:cry:

I'll trade states with you cherry grumble drinker

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