Topic: catholic | |
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lol don't talk to me... I'm a former catholic
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Believe nothing merely because you have been told it. Do not believe what your teacher tells you merely out of respect for the teacher. But whatever, after due examination and analysis, you find to be kind, conducive to the good, the benefit, the welfare of all beings - that doctrine believe and cling to, and take it as your guide. Buddha
I'm catholic but i struggle with many of the religions beliefs, views and traditions.
I'm catholic but i struggle with many of the religions beliefs, views and traditions. |
I know next to nothing about the faith so I couldn't give an honest opinion.
welcome gennie jump in the forums and have fun sorry i can!t help ya with the question
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All I know is I once knew two devout Catholics that we got to discussing the bible one night and they did not realize that Jesus had brothers and sisters, and was never really taught the bible while growing up in the Catholic church. The one lady had been a devout Catholic for 54 years. She changed after that and started going to a Christian church
I personally disagree with *most* Catholic doctrines because they deviate from Scripture; most critically in emphasizing "works" as a (the?) means to attain salvation, something blatantly not biblical.
But I'm not hatin' on Catholics. I just disagree with their system. |
All I know is I once knew two devout Catholics that we got to discussing the bible one night and they did not realize that Jesus had brothers and sisters, and was never really taught the bible while growing up in the Catholic church. The one lady had been a devout Catholic for 54 years. She changed after that and started going to a Christian church Some people believe that Jesus may have had brothers and sisters, but there is no proof of that. I also find the statement "she changed after that and started going to a christian church" questionable. Are you saying Catholics are not Christian? |
i'm saying all ive ever heard about the catholic faith is that they worship mary. not the the yes the scriptures says that the lord had half brothers. although God was the father,josphe amn mary had other that makes half brothers. doesn't not judgmental,but look at all the popes,that r that fath.what all they been caught for, an hidden it, over the year.especially for the degradion of the little kid.especially little boys.thats enought to make any human turn over it the grave.the reason i posted this, is because i reciently, was contacted by one . he said on the profile he was white. i ask for a picture. he sent me one. great looking guy.just happened to be black.why lie? then i saw he was i reponded to the pic. about being lie to.then the fath,i just ask if he was raised in that church or lived it or was that something his parents believed , up set him very much.sorry.i hav nothing against black men. just I am not going to date one.especially a catholic .thank for the input. God Bless you all gen
My brother is a Catholic preist...well almost...and I am a Pagan, and we get along just fine, we agree to disagree on alot of points, but it boils down to the difference in how we pray...plain and simple.
I'm a practicing Catholic... I'm not very good at it.
Used to be Catholic, was considering Taoism for a while, but now I consider myself agnostic.
All I know is I once knew two devout Catholics that we got to discussing the bible one night and they did not realize that Jesus had brothers and sisters, and was never really taught the bible while growing up in the Catholic church. The one lady had been a devout Catholic for 54 years. She changed after that and started going to a Christian church Some people believe that Jesus may have had brothers and sisters, but there is no proof of that. I also find the statement "she changed after that and started going to a christian church" questionable. Are you saying Catholics are not Christian? There is no doubt that Jesus had brothers and sisters. Matthew 1:24-25 When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. But he had no union with her until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus. The Catholic church teaches that Mary was a virgin her whole life, but Matthew 1 clearly shows that Joseph and Mary had sex after Jesus was born. Matthew 13:55 Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas? Jesus had at least four brothers. Mark 6:3 Is not this the carpenter, the Son of Mary, the Brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended at him. Mark confirms Jesus' four brothers and also let's us know that he has sisters. I think the Bible is clear that Jesus had many brothers and sisters. ============================================================== "Christ 'established here on earth' only one church," said the document, reasserting the primacy of Catholicism. It said other Christian communities such as Protestants "cannot be called 'churches' in the proper sense" since they don't have what's known as apostolic succession ? that is, the ability to trace their bishops back to the original 12 apostles of Jesus. The Catholic church has determined that non-Catholic Christian churchs aren't "churches" and are somehow defective. I think it's a waste of time being offended by what non-Catholics say about the Catholic church when the Catholic church insults non-Catholics already. |
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i'm saying all ive ever heard about the catholic faith is that they worship mary. not the the yes the scriptures says that the lord had half brothers. although God was the father,josphe amn mary had other that makes half brothers. doesn't not judgmental,but look at all the popes,that r that fath.what all they been caught for, an hidden it, over the year.especially for the degradion of the little kid.especially little boys.thats enought to make any human turn over it the grave.the reason i posted this, is because i reciently, was contacted by one . he said on the profile he was white. i ask for a picture. he sent me one. great looking guy.just happened to be black.why lie? then i saw he was i reponded to the pic. about being lie to.then the fath,i just ask if he was raised in that church or lived it or was that something his parents believed , up set him very much.sorry.i hav nothing against black men. just I am not going to date one.especially a catholic .thank for the input. God Bless you all gen Catholics do not worship Mary. That is a misconception that is spread by other churches. It seems to me that other churches seem to dislike Catholics and I don't really know why. I have sat in on other churches services and heard the preachers bash Catholics with my own ears. As far as scripture saying Jesus had brothers and sister, what scripture? I would like to exam that for myself. |
Edited by
Wed 02/13/08 09:25 AM
Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas? Well, at least 3 of those names are names of the apostles. Jesus called man brothers and sisters though they were not related by blood. There are also chances of mistranslations over the years. Either way it is not proof because of the ambiguity in the bible. I am also not saying it is necessarily untrue. I am just saying you can't take everything in the bible literally. |
Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas? Well, at least 3 of those names are names of the apostles. Jesus called man brothers and sisters though they were not related by blood. There are also chances of mistranslations over the years. Either way it is not proof because of the ambiguity in the bible. I am also not saying it is necessarily untrue. I am just saying you can't take everything in the bible literally. That's a slippery slope my friend. Do you honestly believe that Mary and Joseph never had sex? What about the verse in Matthew 1, which indicates that they did after Jesus was born. |
Let me also place a kind of long quote that explains what I was talking about with translations.
"To understand what Matthew means when he says "He (Joseph) had no union with her (Mary) UNTIL she gave birth to a son", one only has to look at the Hebrew meaning of "until" and other references in the bible. "Until" makes reference to ONLY the time that has passed before the occurence; therefore meaning "before". It does not mean that Joseph necessarily had relations with Mary after this time. Two examples in the bible which support this: 1 Timothy 4:13 "Till I come, attend to reading, to exhortation, and to the doctrine". This clearly doesn't mean that they should stop this when he returns, but rather "while I am gone". Another example from Psalms 109:1 "The Lord said to my Lord: Sit Thou at my right hand UNTIL I make Thy enemies Thy footstool". We know that that the Lord is eternally at God's right hand and not just "until" he makes His enemies His footstool. As for Jesus having siblings, the use of word "firstborn" is not meant to suggest that Mary had other children after Jesus, but that she bore no child prior to this. According to the Law of Moses, "thou shalt dedicate the first born of every household" (Exodus 13:11-16). When Matthew refers to Jesus' "brothers" (James, Joseph, Simon and Judas) and "sisters", since the bible never mentions that Mary bore other children, it is likely that they were his cousins or nephews. According to Jewish custom, as is African languages, there are no special terms for various degrees in family relationships, so cousins and nephews are all included as brother and sister. Lot and Abraham were refered to as "brothers" although the bible later describes them as uncle/nephew. "Thare's sons were called Abraham, Nachor and Aran; and Aran had a son called Lot" (Gen 13:8)." |