Topic: Will America's next president be a woman?
verbatimeb's photo
Sat 12/30/06 10:42 AM
To Lily38,

Me too! I make infomed decisions and the sex of a person should not make
a difference. It is the CHARACTER I look at along with many issues that
I deem important and appropriate.

I have great respect for Condy but wonder if she would be a wise choice?

Because of my Father and the men that have been in my life, I tend to
lean towards someone with actual war experience. When Colin Powell was
in like Flint, I had a lot of confidence in the decisions being made as
I have a lot of respect for him.

I don't like to second guess anyone in higher office and their decisions
should be for the good of all. SHOULD BE. They are ones who, on a daily
basis know what is happening around the world and here at home. It is
what we elect them for, to take care of the business of running this
country. How they do that and what happens while they are in office is
how History will rate them.


mistyblue2012's photo
Sun 12/31/06 03:26 PM
I am not voting for her.......she would be a lousy role model for my

no photo
Sun 12/31/06 03:32 PM
No, No, No, ......No Woman....I don,t care if she can lay golden eggs,
while fixing a car....will be elected President
of this Country....!

karmafury's photo
Sun 12/31/06 04:01 PM
Why not? Thatcher did a good job in England and Golda did a good job in

no photo
Sun 12/31/06 04:06 PM
Dude......what do you mean.....why not......?

lily38's photo
Mon 01/01/07 07:18 PM
I think what Karma is saying, Ontario, is; what logic governs your
opinion against a female president? Besides your obvious dislike of the
female sex, I mean.

lily38's photo
Mon 01/01/07 07:48 PM
Captain and Verb, as an American citizen I have a right to express an
opinion about the performance of our elected officials. I voted for Bush
the first election. By the time the second rolled around I was filled
with regret and embarrasment for that decision. I believe any of us who
put our hopes and trust in Bush have a right to feel decieved and
disappointed. Everything from the WMD in Iraq lie, to the gas and oil
prices and "shortages", to healthcare, to the tradgedy of Katrina has
been nothing but empty promises, false bravado and deception. Who told
us there was definitely WMD in Iraq? Not the U.N.; no, they tried to
convince our president to not invade Iraq kon the basis of WMD. Why did
we go after Saddam and Iraq before Bin Laden and the Taliban? Why did
Bush tell the FEMA director, "Brownie" he was doing a helluva job on
national television one week, yet the next critisized him and found a
replacement for him? Why did he tell Rumsfeld he was doing a great job
one week and replace him the next? Rumsfeld retired by choice? Yeah,
right. He talks out both sides of his mouth a majority of the time. That
is what I critisize him for; his outright lies and his ever changing
opinions. He has no consistancy, no honor. His views change with each
new approval rating. I don't expect any elected official to be perfect.
I just want them realize the citizens of the United States desrve more
than they have gotten. Our military and their families deserve better.
To extend the length of a soldiers tour of duty mid-stream is a pretty
rotten thing to do. To cut their benefits and allow their families to
struggle and suffer while our military personnel lay down their lives in
a seemingly endless "war"'s sinful. No one is asking for
perfection; just accountability and honest consistency. A
follow-through. Justify the madness, perhaps.

TheCaptain's photo
Tue 01/02/07 07:15 AM
Lilly. As smart as you are, I think you are suffering from shot term
memory loss. Donald Rumsfeild resiged his office, he was not replaced.
The person in charge in the disaster of Katrina was the Govoner of the
State, NOT the President of the Unirted States. This govoner had
multiple busses at his disposal more than 72 hours before the hurricane
hit. Why did he not use them.
The President of the United Nations sent weapons inspectors into Iraq
for eight years to look for WMD's and were met with hostility from the
Iraqi military. The reason they did not want us to go in was they were
trading oil for food in a trillion dollar scandal that involved Russia,
France, and Germany. All of this is documented to the point that the
President of France will leave the country after his term to avoid
incaceration. First you say Bush is an idiot, then you say he lied about
everything. Pick a path and stick to it.
Side note: I do NOT agree with everything this administration had done
or not done. I.E. the policies on our southern border are not what our
country needs.
Side Side note: Stop and think what the Middle East would look like if
we did did respond to the needs of our allies in Kuwait in 1991. Saddam
would still be in power, and they would have a deep sea port to tranport
any weapons without detection.

redmange420's photo
Tue 01/02/07 01:05 PM
Hey lily, I myself wasn't tryin to dogg out women with my "Gingrich is a
freakin woman", I was mearly attacking his sexuality and "manlyness". Us
males do that, we call other males women, and fags and queers and homos
and sissy lalas and GIRLY MEN, to try to let people know we feel they
are inferior in the "manly" department. Sorry if I offended ya, wasn't
my intention, I was tryin to offend that girly man bryon.

lily38's photo
Tue 01/02/07 10:16 PM
Okay, Captain, here is my pick; Bush is a lying idiot. Also, the
governor of Louisianna is a woman, the mayor of Louisianna is a man.
Yes, there were many mistakes initially by the state of Louisianna, but
answer me one thing: How long did it take the U.S. to send aid to
tsunami victims as opposed to those in our own country following
Katrina? Did Rumsfeld resign? Really?? How can you be certain? Or was it
a " sorry, pal, the ratings are down, you gotta go. Screw what I said
last week". How long did it take for the illustrious president of our
very own U.S.A. to take notice of the Katrina tradgedy? How long did
survivors go w/out food, water, medicine? What has Bush accomplished in
Iraq? What was it we started out to do? How many troops will die before
he admits he fudged up?
You know, Captain, I think it is great you are so loyal to Bush and so
willing to rush to his defense. People like you really justify my
position in this matter. Thankyou, Bush-boy

lily38's photo
Tue 01/02/07 10:19 PM
Excuse me; the mayor of New Orleans, Louisianna is a man.....correction

lily38's photo
Tue 01/02/07 10:25 PM
One thing I really cannot get past and have taken issue with from the
very start is how we became more focused on Hussein as opposed to Bin
Laden and his Taliban. (Remember the bad guys who attacked America's
twin towers and killed thousands of innocent Americans by land and air)?
What were so many of Bin Ladens relatives allowed safe passage out of
America immediately following 9/11? WTF is up? Why did Bush finish
reading to the elementary school children after learning of the
terrorist attacks rather than responding immediately? Why did he go on
vacation shortly after becoming president while having knowledge of a
proposed terrorist attack sitting in his office? Has the Bush family
ever profited from oil in any respect?

redmange420's photo
Wed 01/03/07 12:42 AM
Queen Latifah for President!!! She'd be the one gettin my vote.

redmange420's photo
Wed 01/03/07 12:44 AM
PS, GW is a redneck, so I highly doubt you'll EVER hear him say he
f**ked up. Its male redneck code or something!! LOL

TheCaptain's photo
Wed 01/03/07 07:46 AM
Lilly. Two options. Try to keep up.
#1. Bush lied. To come to this conclussion, as many have, it would mean
that he knew that there were no WMD in Iraq. This means he knew Bill
Clinton was wrong, as well as Al Gore, as well as John Kerry, and the
Presidents of France, Germany, Russia, and the United Nations President
Cofe Anon(SP). If this man knew better than all of these people and the
current intellegence known at the time, that would make him one of the
smartest people alive. Sorry, even I don't beleive that.

#2 Bush is an idiot. To come to this conclusion, as many have, it would
mean that, like the rest of the world, he beleived that the United
Stated of America was under a threat of a madman with weapon of mass
destuction. That would mean that the United Nations would sens weapons
inspectors to the area. They did for almost a decade, and only stopped
when under direct and deadly danger. It would mean that Iraq would have
to break a resolution set forth by the United Nations. They did. Sixteen
times from 1991 to presesnt. It would also mean the the leader of this
country lied to the world about the existence of weapons of mass
destruction. He said that they have and are ready to use them.( I can
see where you would believe Sadaam Husein over the President of the
United States).

Now, with the options laid out in front of you. Which one is it?
Or are you just in a blind state of hatred that you will still try to
blend the two together in an idiodic uniformed approach.
P.S. Have a nice day.

no photo
Wed 01/03/07 07:57 AM
capitan.... ya got it all right!

TheCaptain's photo
Wed 01/03/07 08:12 AM
I am not asking for people to agree with everything this administation
does. I sure don't. But at least support a sitting President in the time
of war. When Bill Clinton was in office, I did not agree with just about
anything he did, but he wqas still my President and I gave him the
proper and deserved respect. In the event that Hilary takes the office
of President, I will hold all of my freinds as well as myself to do
likewise for her.
Thanks for the support 4fun.

lily38's photo
Wed 01/03/07 01:15 PM
Good Lord, Captain Bush! My opinion is a giant summary of the way I see
things. Perhaps he didn't out-right lie; naw, he simply told a story to
fit his agenda at the time. He wanted Hussein ever since Hussein put out
the hit on his father, Bush Sr. No one had to wonder where the weapontry
was the afternoon of 9/11. We all saw it, big as life; our own planes
used against us to wipe out a giant financial sector of America. Osama
brought war and WMD right here to our country in his own horrid way. He
and his henchmen came here. We went after Saddam. Where the hell is Bin
Laden? The Taliban? Are they being held accountable? Why aren't they the
FIRST to hang by the neck 'till dead?? I am not saying we should never
have gone after Hussein; just prioritize. We didn't have to send the
U.N. in to investigate a potential for terrorism where Bin Laden was
concerned. He infiltrated America, killed thousands of innocent
Americans using our own technology and he LOVED it. He CELEBRATED it. He
TOOK CREDIT! Yet, they hang Saddam FIRST? It all seems somewhat
conspiratorial. Bin Laden opened a door for the Bush family to exact
their vengeance on Hussein. I don't give a flying f**k if you agree with
me or not. You are entitled to your opinion. Just might help you to look
at the bigger picture. It isn't all as simple as " he's our president,
could you do better?" or "he's our president; he wouldn't lie". It is
more like "he's our president. we deserve the truth". We'll never get
the truth because people like you are content to alibi and justify him.
He needs to be accountable, but won't be, because no one is going to
force the issue. Put a man in office who knows a good hummer when he
gets one as opposed to a man who starts a war on a whim.

lily38's photo
Wed 01/03/07 01:25 PM
I think the second coming of Vietnam is bound to be another tragic
mistake, and American parents, spouses, siblings and friends have a
right to question and dislike any person in office who sends their loved
ones to the middleast to be blown to bits by the likes of I.E.D.'s. I
want to hear the opinions of our troops; those who are and have been
serving in Iraq. I can respect them. They are doing what they are doing
in the name of America. They are dying because they are proud American
soldiers. They have a right to say WHEN.

redmange420's photo
Wed 01/03/07 01:39 PM
Queen Latifah for President, and Wee Man for Vice president!!