Topic: I am not tring to offend anyone
CrazyJ's photo
Mon 12/11/06 05:33 AM
I got this in an Email on myspace I want to know what y'all think of it,
is it wrong? is it ok? is it true? I do not want to start a fight I just
wanna know what other ppl think/feel.

There are African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, Arab
Americans, Native Americans, etc. And then there are just Americans.
You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction. You Call me "White
boy," "Cracker," "Honkey," "Whitey," "Caveman" ... And that's OK.
But when I call you, Nigger, Kike, Towel head, Sand-nigger, Camel
Jockey, Beaner, Gook, or Chink ... You call me a racist.
You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, So why are the
ghettos the most dangerous places to live?
You have the United Negro College Fund. You have Martin Luther King Day.
You have Black History Month. You have Cesar Chavez Day. You Have Yom
Hashoah You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi You have the NAACP. You have BET.
If we had WET (White Entertainment Television) ... We'd be racists. If
we had a White Pride Day .. You would call us racists. If we had White
History Month .. We'd be racists. If we had any organization for only
whites to "advance" OUR lives ... We'd be racists.
We have a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, a Black Chamber of Commerce, and
then we just have the plain Chamber of Commerce. Wonder who pays for
If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships ...
You know we'd be racists. There are over 60 openly proclaimed Black
Colleges in the US, yet if there were "White colleges" ... THAT would be
a racist college.
In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for your
race and rights. If we marched for our race and rights, you would call
us racists.
You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're not
afraid to announce it. But when we announce our white pride ... You call
us racists.
You rob us, carjack us, and shoot at us. But, when a white police
officer shoots a black gang member or beats up a black drug-dealer
running from the law and posing a threat to society ... You call him a
I am proud. But, you call me a racist.
Why is it that only whites can be racists?
There is nothing improper about this e-mail. Let's see which of you are
proud enough to send it on.

bigbayhrsrider's photo
Mon 12/11/06 05:46 AM
AMERICAN!!!!!!! my dad says we re WHITE. :)

no photo
Mon 12/11/06 05:57 AM
Blame the politicians for that one.

HOTMOMMA's photo
Mon 12/11/06 06:00 AM
right there with you and we let them get away with it and thay are all
just like us so if we are racist so are thay

Chuckee's photo
Mon 12/11/06 06:07 AM
I don't care in ya meant to offend me or not, I'm OFFENDED!!!

Chuckee's photo
Mon 12/11/06 06:08 AM
I don't care if ya meant to offend me or not, I'm OFFENDED!!! LOL, j/k,
hehe. How ya doin crazy? Havent heard from ya for a minute, hope all
is well in your neck of the woods. Quit offending people, lol.

CrazyJ's photo
Mon 12/11/06 06:10 AM
Hey Chuckee I'm doin ok, life is life you know how it is. LOL any way
how u doin?

izzynavi's photo
Mon 12/11/06 06:12 AM
Martin Luther King said "I have a Dream"
A dream of integration, to see each other as individuals....
I do believe that it will come true, but not in the near future.
America is the melting point of all humanity, as I see it. Here is where
people came to end oppression, but started a new breed of people... can
you truly say you are Irish, English, Polish or even African,
Puertorrican or Mexican. Each and every one of us come from a mixture of
races, and that mixture will continue to grow unitl there is only one -
that of Earthlings - one World, one Race.
I believe that that is Mr. Luthers Dream. And if people see it that way
we may be able to survive. And posibly get there a lot faster.... It is
not the color that makes an individual but his intelligence and ability
to help others.

CrazyJ's photo
Mon 12/11/06 06:15 AM
Hell I am just a white "mutt" LOL

Tneal's photo
Mon 12/11/06 06:41 AM
I figure if your here... your american... your skin color should not be
an issue... sadly others DO. I have raised my children to embrace all
people as just people, not black, white, yellow, green, purple etc.... I
just wish others would do the same.

Solow's photo
Mon 12/11/06 08:47 AM
Crazy J.....this is a strong topic and yes, cutltures that are
considered "minorities" need to stop crying over the bullshit from
occurrences that are more than 200 years old. There is a flipside to
this now because of the intense fight that our forefathers had to put up
with to give us what we have now. There are ample opportunities out
there for every person on this planet, but it's up to the individual to
capitalize on these options. Not all blacks are racist, some are
because of historic value, some are because of jealousy....but then
again I know racism plays the same role within every culture on earth.
By the way, Chuckee, you look toooooo damn good in your pics.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Mon 12/11/06 10:04 AM
The same has become VERY true of religion in the western world too.
I'm a Christian, but if you're not and I talk to you about my belief, or
"force" you to put up with seeing Nativaty scenes at Christmas, or be
allowed ANY public semblence of my religion, I'm shoving it down your
But if I have to put up with YOUR religion on a daily basis, I better be
tolerant and accepting of it.
Feel free to replace Christian with any other belief system, it still