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Topic: just gotta say...
ellgee1976's photo
Sun 12/10/06 09:27 AM
the more you ask this michael..the more you lose respect

i won't vote..

YOU decide your future...and then deal with it and move on

michael1313's photo
Sun 12/10/06 09:34 AM
(12) stay's...(2) no comment (0) go's

michael1313's photo
Sun 12/10/06 10:11 AM
still more voters out there...

ellgee1976's photo
Sun 12/10/06 10:30 AM
<insert eye roll here>

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sun 12/10/06 10:38 AM
dude.. I've SEEN both sides of the story. Are you aware that IM's can be
automatically saved to one's computer??
And yet again, you try and pass it off as "loving too much too fast" so
the poeple that HAVEN'T seen what you said still believe yer just some
sweet sensitive dude that's so hard done by.
As far as defending certain ppl as being funny, I never said ANY such
thing in my posts...Fuck it, I'm posting my convo with her. I'm not
gonna post the convos you had with her cuz it's up to her to decide if
she wants to do that.

09/12/2006 3:35:04 PM carbonlifeforme: hey Jenni:) was up?

09/12/2006 3:35:23 PM MistressOfMayhem666: ughhhh

09/12/2006 3:35:32 PM MistressOfMayhem666: you know me pretty well

09/12/2006 3:35:39 PM carbonlifeforme: I guess so yeah

09/12/2006 3:36:01 PM MistressOfMayhem666: whats the 3 things that
will make run in the oppsoite direction from a relationship

9/12/2006 3:36:32 PM carbonlifeforme: just a sec..brain is searching
for the words lol..it's noisy here

09/12/2006 3:36:37 PM carbonlifeforme: possessiveness

09/12/2006 3:37:01 PM MistressOfMayhem666: jealousy,possesivness and

09/12/2006 3:37:13 PM carbonlifeforme: clingyness..THAT's what I was
looking for lol

09/12/2006 3:37:23 PM MistressOfMayhem666: he's doin it all

09/12/2006 3:37:28 PM carbonlifeforme: I seen that

09/12/2006 3:37:37 PM MistressOfMayhem666: its pissin me off

09/12/2006 3:37:58 PM carbonlifeforme: have you tried telling him to
slow it up a bit?

09/12/2006 3:38:13 PM MistressOfMayhem666: when a chick pulls away and
tells ya she needs space what do you do?

09/12/2006 3:38:48 PM carbonlifeforme: well for me it's easy, try and
giver her space, but sadly some guys are too stupid to understand that

09/12/2006 3:38:52 PM MistressOfMayhem666:I did...and its makin him
even more clingy, possesive and jealous

09/12/2006 3:39:10 PM MistressOfMayhem666: which is pissin me off
even more

09/12/2006 3:39:11 PM carbonlifeforme: oh lord...I had a feeling:(

09/12/2006 3:39:39 PM MistressOfMayhem666: if I tell ya I need sleep
that I have slept for shit for 2 weeks, ya'd let me sleep right? and not
whine about it?

09/12/2006 3:40:06 PM carbonlifeforme: oh hell yeah...I TELL my g/f to
not worry about coming on-line if she's tired..GET YOUR SLEEP

09/12/2006 3:40:11 PM MistressOfMayhem666: not Michael he's whinin
about it, I also have family obligations this wekend..he's whinin about
that too

09/12/2006 3:40:49 PM carbonlifeforme: omg..he needs to grow the fuck
up..he's still a monna's boy that needs to be the cenre of a attraction
in the life of any woman he's with

09/12/2006 3:41:09 PM MistressOfMayhem666: I got a webcam, it slows
my pc down if I use it on messenger ..he bitched,,he thought we were
gonna have cam sex...I don't do shit like that

09/12/2006 3:41:42 PM MistressOfMayhem666: he wants my attention 24/7
I can't do that, I have a job, a kid and friends I like to spend time

09/12/2006 3:42:10 PM carbonlifeforme: exactly, and if he's not mature
enough to GET IT, he's not worth the time and headache

09/12/2006 3:42:31 PM MistressOfMayhem666: then I posted some new pics
on myspace..he had a fit because I sent out a bulletin about it and
didn't send them to only him

09/12/2006 3:43:05 PM carbonlifeforme: holy shit lol..I'm sorry it's
not funny, but his actions are in a pathetic way

09/12/2006 3:43:29 PM MistressOfMayhem666: I got 6 messages in 3 hours
on myspace and JSH, all whining ones...are we slipping apart blah blah

09/12/2006 3:43:45 PM carbonlifeforme: slipping apart??? ya just met
so to speak

09/12/2006 3:44:00 PM MistressOfMayhem666: no man will ever own me
again ..he's trying to own me

09/12/2006 3:44:08 PM carbonlifeforme: yep..he is so

09/12/2006 3:44:34 PM MistressOfMayhem666: we have only talked 2 times
on the phone and he's constantly askin me when can he come see me when
can i come down

09/12/2006 3:45:07 PM carbonlifeforme: geez, he don't want to develop
a friendship first, he's after one thing

09/12/2006 3:45:25 PM MistressOfMayhem666: I have things I have to
do, like my nephew David I had to be with him last tuesday for his
surgery, my dad has a kidney transplant coming up I may have to give my
kidney..he's bitchin about that

09/12/2006 3:46:11 PM MistressOfMayhem666: I can't move anywhere until
June, when my son graduates from high school...he's driving me crazy
about that

09/12/2006 3:46:16 PM carbonlifeforme: he's bitchin cuz yer dad needs
a transplant and he hasn't even met you yet??????????...Hun, some
serious honest advice.. lose him and fast

09/12/2006 3:46:59 PM MistressOfMayhem666: I sent him an email at
jsh...and as soon as he gets on I am IM'ing him and tellin him its over

09/12/2006 3:47:16 PM carbonlifeforme: good for you...you really don't
need that shit

09/12/2006 3:47:22 PM MistressOfMayhem666: but you know he's gonna
give me a hard time at jsh

09/12/2006 3:47:40 PM carbonlifeforme: I got your back ;-)

09/12/2006 3:48:21 PM MistressOfMayhem666: little does he know more
people got my back then his, this last batch of public drama with Spay
has people so pissed

09/12/2006 3:48:51 PM carbonlifeforme: I bet.. I was reading that. I
think michael has dug himself a big hole

09/12/2006 3:49:00 PM MistressOfMayhem666: He started a thread bitchin
about Spay thursday, I wasn't even home, and he dragged my name into it

09/12/2006 3:49:45 PM carbonlifeforme: I seen that...I honestly
couldn't figure out what exactly the prob was... so they don't like his
poetry, not everyone is gonna

09/12/2006 3:50:06 PM MistressOfMayhem666: Rhiannon was so right

09/12/2006 3:50:20 PM carbonlifeforme: yep, she was.

09/12/2006 3:51:07 PM carbonlifeforme: I had a feeling about him
before you even started with him, but I didn't wanna say something cuz
it was only a feeling, not something I could explain readily

09/12/2006 3:51:32 PM MistressOfMayhem666: I know, Rhiannon told me
you had a feeling

09/12/2006 3:52:32 PM MistressOfMayhem666: I shoulda just walked away
b4, but that lonliness is what kept me from not walkin away

09/12/2006 3:53:04 PM carbonlifeforme: I know THAT feeling Jenni, it
doesn't make you think too clearly sometimes

09/12/2006 3:53:54 PM MistressOfMayhem666: hell no...but the more he
pushed and the more jealous he got and clingy he got the more I wanted
to run, there are times I don't even wanna be online cuz I know he's on

09/12/2006 3:54:35 PM carbonlifeforme: I don't blame you there...I've
been reading his posts and omg...he's kinda whacked

09/12/2006 3:54:40 PM MistressOfMayhem666: and constantly at me to
tagg on his poetry..I hate tagging its disrespectful to writers

09/12/2006 3:55:22 PM carbonlifeforme: now I know why he's single

09/12/2006 3:55:31 PM MistressOfMayhem666: yeah he's fuckin psycho

09/12/2006 3:55:55 PM carbonlifeforme: no beatin around the bush for
you eh? lol

09/12/2006 3:56:04 PM MistressOfMayhem666: nope lol

09/12/2006 3:56:51 PM carbonlifeforme: I'm sorry Jenni. Don't let him
get to ya tho. You got some good friends on here.:)

09/12/2006 3:57:19 PM MistressOfMayhem666: I know I do, no one really
cared if he left they was all worrid abou me leavin lol
09/12/2006 3:57:28 PM carbonlifeforme: lol

09/12/2006 3:57:46 PM carbonlifeforme: funny part is, I heard about it
but I never found any posts pertaining to it lol

09/12/2006 3:58:06 PM carbonlifeforme: but I'm a little der some
nights lool

09/12/2006 3:58:08 PM MistressOfMayhem666: next time just smack me
upside the head and yell what the hell ya thinkin

09/12/2006 3:58:21 PM carbonlifeforme: lmao..ok ya gots a deal

09/12/2006 3:58:56 PM carbonlifeforme: I'll just kick ya in da butt
tho..head smacks are just wrong lol

09/12/2006 3:59:11 PM MistressOfMayhem666: I de activated my pro the
other night and just didn't go on th site for 24 hours, I wanted to get
a cam and new pics so ppl would stop sayin I was fake lol

09/12/2006 3:59:22 PM MistressOfMayhem666: mkay that works lol

09/12/2006 3:59:27 PM carbonlifeforme: I seen that when I saw the new
pics lol

09/12/2006 4:00:00 PM carbonlifeforme: I have a pic of me, it's good
enuff, 'sides I ain't lookin anywho lol

09/12/2006 4:00:54 PM MistressOfMayhem666: yeah I'm done lookin too if
somethin happens then great if not fuck it I'm better off alone anyway

09/12/2006 4:01:10 PM carbonlifeforme: better off alone than with a
freak like mikey

09/12/2006 4:01:26 PM MistressOfMayhem666: hell yeah

09/12/2006 4:01:48 PM carbonlifeforme: that's when I found mine tho, I
wasn't lookin and neither was she lmao and bingo, we have a match lol

09/12/2006 4:02:31 PM MistressOfMayhem666: he got so jealous over me
talkin to Will on th phone, which we have been talkin since I got here,
he just slapped his number up and said call him instead of will

09/12/2006 4:02:52 PM carbonlifeforme: omg

09/12/2006 4:03:14 PM MistressOfMayhem666: Will and I have been just
friends since the begining

09/12/2006 4:03:22 PM carbonlifeforme: that boy needs some therapy

09/12/2006 4:03:23 PM MistressOfMayhem666: he got pissy cuz I was
talkin to you

09/12/2006 4:03:31 PM carbonlifeforme: oh geez

09/12/2006 4:03:38 PM MistressOfMayhem666: he got pissy cuz I was
talkin to KB and Lion

09/12/2006 4:04:36 PM MistressOfMayhem666: Lion...he left me a
testimonial...saying what a good and true friend I am, he got pissy over

09/12/2006 4:04:52 PM MistressOfMayhem666: he wanted me to delete it
... I didn't

09/12/2006 4:05:15 PM carbonlifeforme: I don't know, but judging by
his behavior, my guess is he's abusive in person

09/12/2006 4:05:21 PM MistressOfMayhem666: Iam4U left me one too, and
he got pissy.....

09/12/2006 4:05:55 PM MistressOfMayhem666: yeah thats what I am
thinkin and well I been there done that got the tshirt and wrote the
damn book on it

09/12/2006 4:06:10 PM carbonlifeforme: yep..ya sure don't need no

09/12/2006 4:07:08 PM MistressOfMayhem666: blehhhhhhhhhhh I am such a
jackass..shoulda listened to that lil voice in my head

09/12/2006 4:07:22 PM carbonlifeforme: the one in my gut was the one
that told me lol

09/12/2006 4:07:49 PM carbonlifeforme: I shoulda said something cuz
that voice has honestly saved my life more than once

09/12/2006 4:08:42 PM MistressOfMayhem666: ahh its ok, sometimes we
gota find out for ourselves

09/12/2006 4:09:30 PM carbonlifeforme: this is true, I really don't
like getting involved anyway, unless I'm asked for my opinion lol

09/12/2006 4:10:56 PM carbonlifeforme: anywho hun, I gotta run and
finish gettin ready for work, I might be back on after 10 tonight. Be
strong and don't worry about him, he's just an idiot that can fool some
ppl cuz he can write poems

09/12/2006 4:11:30 PM MistressOfMayhem666: Ok have a fun nite lol
I'll b ok :) I'm tougher then I look lol

09/12/2006 4:12:02 PM carbonlifeforme: I believe that,;) night nights

09/12/2006 11:03:51 PM carbonlifeforme: I just flamed his ass lmfao

09/12/2006 11:04:25 PM MistressOfMayhem666: I'm readin it

09/12/2006 11:06:43 PM MistressOfMayhem666: awesom but he won't get
any of it

09/12/2006 11:06:58 PM carbonlifeforme: lol

09/12/2006 11:07:02 PM MistressOfMayhem666: he's left like 3 times
today and dragged it into public..this really pisses me off

09/12/2006 11:07:50 PM carbonlifeforme: I'm a gonna haunt his ass in
everyone I come across he drags you into lmao

09/12/2006 11:08:21 PM MistressOfMayhem666: the only ones who care if
he stays are the ones who love his drama posts

09/12/2006 11:08:28 PM carbonlifeforme: yep

09/12/2006 11:09:31 PM carbonlifeforme: gonna ask him if he ever
considered being a writer for the soaps lmfao

09/12/2006 11:09:45 PM MistressOfMayhem666: lol

09/12/2006 11:14:23 PM MistressOfMayhem666: so my day on the site has
been pretty much hell

09/12/2006 11:14:35 PM carbonlifeforme: no doubt

09/12/2006 11:14:41 PM MistressOfMayhem666: any other guy would have
kept his mouth shut

09/12/2006 11:14:52 PM carbonlifeforme: not the abusive ones

09/12/2006 11:14:52 PM MistressOfMayhem666: and just silently left
09/12/2006 11:14:56 PM MistressOfMayhem666: not him

09/12/2006 11:15:08 PM MistressOfMayhem666: lets make it public and
drag my name through shit more

09/12/2006 11:15:31 PM MistressOfMayhem666: I posted once on that
thread and I wasn't nice

09/12/2006 11:15:33 PM carbonlifeforme: yep, he blames spay and
ontario and yet it's your fault??..go figger

09/12/2006 11:15:53 PM MistressOfMayhem666: email after email from him
today begging me to take him back

09/12/2006 11:16:01 PM carbonlifeforme: oh lord

09/12/2006 11:16:20 PM carbonlifeforme: he needs some INTENSIVE

09/12/2006 11:16:50 PM MistressOfMayhem666: he needs a reality bitch
slap upside his head

09/12/2006 11:16:56 PM carbonlifeforme: that too lmao
09/12/2006 11:17:20 PM MistressOfMayhem666: I haven't answered his
emails I refuse to put anything else about this in the public forums

09/12/2006 11:17:34 PM carbonlifeforme: nahhh it's no use in keeping
the flames fanned
09/12/2006 11:17:39 PM MistressOfMayhem666: and I know if I post any
poetry he'll be all over it

09/12/2006 11:17:44 PM carbonlifeforme: oh yeah
09/12/2006 11:17:55 PM MistressOfMayhem666: so that kills my poetry

09/12/2006 11:18:08 PM MistressOfMayhem666: he'll be all over it on
mypsace too and in jimi's site

09/12/2006 11:18:14 PM carbonlifeforme: no wait...let me look, I found
a site that will even publish your poetry for you

09/12/2006 11:18:18 PM MistressOfMayhem666: so no more poetry from me
for the public

09/12/2006 11:19:03 PM carbonlifeforme: they put it out there, ppl get
to "vote" on it and if enuff ppl like it, they willl put it permanently
on their site with credit to you and can even use them to put on cards

09/12/2006 11:19:14 PM MistressOfMayhem666: cool
09/12/2006 11:19:33 PM MistressOfMayhem666: and everyone keeps IM'ing
and emailing me to try to fix us

09/12/2006 11:19:52 PM carbonlifeforme: oh good grief, just what ya
09/12/2006 11:20:46 PM MistressOfMayhem666: TxsGal is behind me , so
is shadow and lion and catch

09/12/2006 11:20:52 PM carbonlifeforme: there's nothing about you 2 to
fix, you weren't together long enough to know..you just weren't
compatible and he showed his true colours privately, until this
09/12/2006 11:21:02 PM carbonlifeforme: right on ;-)
09/12/2006 11:21:09 PM carbonlifeforme: Txs is one cool lady
09/12/2006 11:21:31 PM MistressOfMayhem666: yes she is
09/12/2006 11:21:49 PM MistressOfMayhem666: and I don't want nothing
fixed I deleted his ass from everything I have

09/12/2006 11:22:13 PM carbonlifeforme: I know you don't lol...he's
too fucked up for you to even bother with from here on out

09/12/2006 11:23:05 PM MistressOfMayhem666: this doesn't mean I am
giving up just no looking anymore
09/12/2006 11:23:27 PM carbonlifeforme: that's when it happens..when
ya least expect it

09/12/2006 11:23:33 PM MistressOfMayhem666: if it comes up and smacks
me in the eyeball then great if not then hey I have made alot of good

09/12/2006 11:24:12 PM carbonlifeforme: exactly, and at least real
friends tend to be a helluva lot less judgemental lol

09/12/2006 11:24:23 PM MistressOfMayhem666: hell yeah
09/12/2006 11:25:33 PM carbonlifeforme: I think that's why my Lady
likes me so much..she's told me some stuff about herself that she ain't
proud of, and I'm like" oh yeah? oh well no biggie" lol cuz it's not who
she is now

09/12/2006 11:26:19 PM MistressOfMayhem666: no but its what made her
who she is now, everyones past does that

09/12/2006 11:26:35 PM carbonlifeforme: yep. it's what we take from
those experiences and how we apply them

09/12/2006 11:27:38 PM MistressOfMayhem666: this would have been alot
easier if he had shut his mouth and he still goes on and on about it in
poetry * rolls my eyes*
09/12/2006 11:27:46 PM carbonlifeforme: I mean hell, my friends and I
had a mini crime spree one night.. we robbed a bingo and then started
the tracks leading to the tunnel that goes to Detroit on fire..altho
THAT was a genuine accident lol

09/12/2006 11:28:01 PM carbonlifeforme: oh hell yeah..but he's way
too immature for that

09/12/2006 11:28:30 PM MistressOfMayhem666: oh sure set canadastan
and the us on fire lol
09/12/2006 11:28:39 PM carbonlifeforme: why not? lol
09/12/2006 11:28:51 PM carbonlifeforme: was on a high from the robbery

09/12/2006 11:29:08 PM MistressOfMayhem666: if you burn it they will
kick you out kinda thinkin huh? lol

09/12/2006 11:29:26 PM MistressOfMayhem666: maybe you ought to try
that now lol

09/12/2006 11:29:30 PM carbonlifeforme: lmaooo I had noooooooooo
desire to live in the states then lol

09/12/2006 11:30:48 PM carbonlifeforme: but the point is, that isn't
who I am, or was, except that one time, but I did learn from it..don't
throw fireworks on railroad tracks lol

09/12/2006 11:31:25 PM MistressOfMayhem666 well of course its not you

10/12/2006 12:11:22 AM carbonlifeforme: I left justsayhi for
now...went to another forum I help a friend with from time to time lol
but feel free to talk, I'm not doing anything important there lol

10/12/2006 12:11:49 AM MistressOfMayhem666: mkay just floatin around
here and there
10/12/2006 12:12:00 AM carbonlifeforme: okies ;-)
10/12/2006 12:33:10 AM MistressOfMayhem666: headin to bed..he made
another post, sayin I never told him about my dad..bullshit ..I did and
he whined about me not haiving time for him and then said he hoped I
didn't need to give a kidney that he wanted me to have free time..son of
a bitch, lying fucking son of a bitch

10/12/2006 12:33:48 AM carbonlifeforme: omg ..WHAT a fkin
jerk-off...Mr.Nice in public but in private he's an asshole

10/12/2006 12:33:51 AM MistressOfMayhem666: I'm just gonna check mail
there for a few days , take a break from the site because this isn't
going away anytime soon

10/12/2006 12:34:29 AM carbonlifeforme: hey..if ya wanna have some
fun in a forum, check out <deleted>..some cool peeps in there and we
chase out the real assholes lmao

10/12/2006 12:34:40 AM MistressOfMayhem666: mkay

10/12/2006 12:35:28 AM MistressOfMayhem666: mkay hmm I'll check it out
tomorrow and join and stuff I'll let ya know my name when I do
10/12/2006 12:35:51 AM carbonlifeforme: okies.. have a good
night..and don't let the troll wreck your dreams ;-)

10/12/2006 12:36:19 AM MistressOfMayhem666: I will and he ain't in em
lol I'll dream about frogs or something lol

Kevin3824's photo
Sun 12/10/06 10:45 AM
If you leave you will be missed by most. If you stay it will show a sign
of your character called endurance. The decision is completely up to
you. Personally, I wold not let anyone run me out of a place through
harassment. Especially considering we got the Beef section now where
people can go to hash things out.

no photo
Sun 12/10/06 11:18 AM
well I don't know what's all behind it but yes michael1313 if all that's
true, (the IM's can be saved but also can be altered not saying they
were) you have to change that shit, I know I've been on both sides of it
in past relationships. That shit is like cyanide to a relationship.
Good luck bro

no photo
Sun 12/10/06 11:20 AM
oh and stay, you have as much right to post your views as even
secretman, however distorted reality that it may be, has every right to
air his comments

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sun 12/10/06 11:40 AM
nope MikeM68..they weren't altered, altho a small part wasn't included
in the post because it was of a personal nature and had nothing to do
with M1313. I have absolutely nothing to gain by disseminating false
information about this. It's just I've seen this same shit from way too
many men to be blinded by pretty poems and sweet words.

michael1313's photo
Sun 12/10/06 11:44 AM
take it or leave it...up to you...

1.you only heard her side of this conv.,
and it is taken out of context,all of this took place over our full time
together,and all th "lmao's" and th "lol's" are not in your version...
only tried to get to know her,and she did not express these fears,and
complaints to me,to you and others,I'm sure...

2.yes,I knew much of her family,as she knows much of mine,
she even knows two of my cuzns...
I never wished to control anybody,nor take her time away from said
family...I accepted the time she was willing to give of her own free
will,with open arms and a giggle if I could...
as is my nature to joke and tease...wanted to meet her family.
teased her to ""say When" about going to see her,we both understood it
was not possible any time soon.

3.you call your self her friend?
I was trying to leave her out of this thread,never brought up her

4I was only interested in opinions here in this topic,that I opened,as
there have been many different ones in my mailbox...

some say stay,some say go,some say tell 'em all to fukoff and leave me
alone,some say please help me...some only say..HUH?
was only "POLLING" the group here to see which way th wind goes
and you just dragged all this back to life...

if she is reading this*YUP*then I only ask her to post my last email to
her...if she will?

and for all that has gone on here,we are still missing the
big picture...
This was the only reason,I called out Spay...
he was defended as being funny,I got gang bashed...
only wish was for him to stfu!!!
but we all had a hand in fueling their fires...
he started it,I only tried to finish it...
and lost the love of my lonely life...
for this action,I am being judged by you and god knows who else...
and it feels like a kangaroo court to me...
so when is my execution?
If trying to help a very well liked,even loved person,
is a crime,and trying to cheer up a "Pissy"mood is wrong,
trying to get to know as much as I can,when I could,is wrong,

but she did not express this to me as you just did...
to her,for that,I'm sorry...
was only trying to help....GUILTY!


iceprincess's photo
Sun 12/10/06 12:33 PM
OMG fucking drop it already she feels you were an ass you say you
wer'nt. only you her and a couple others know. if you did half of what
she said she shoulda kicked your ass before this. if you didn't well
baby you got burned oh well shit happens. stay go about your merry way
and stop f-ing defending yourself you look more guilty!

michael1313's photo
Sun 12/10/06 01:16 PM
how little you all know the true me,,,sorry for all this shit...was not
my intentions...M.

ShagnaC's photo
Sun 12/10/06 01:19 PM

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