Topic: What are you thankful for
Adam_zee_61's photo
Sat 12/09/06 07:00 PM
Hey guys, we all are in this together and no one is gonna get out alive,
Qustion what are you thankful of as this year comes to a close?

chopperdan's photo
Sat 12/09/06 07:11 PM
God letting me live this life and meet the good friends I have made.
Being able to ride and go wherever i please unlike other nations. And
most of all the soilders who give their very exsistence and gone on
before and long after so the we may say & do as we please.

ShagnaC's photo
Sat 12/09/06 07:12 PM
I am thankful for my life in general, the good and both the bad, as it
made me the person I am today!

iceprincess's photo
Sat 12/09/06 07:20 PM
i'm thankful for my children and as awful as it sounds myf-ckd up
marriage it made me what i am today and i'm stronger for it.i'm also
thankfu; for all of you your sweet people a few know my story and
haven't judged me for as the year closes i'm thankful for the one
behind me