Topic: Men
damagedheart's photo
Sat 12/09/06 06:20 PM
i am not saying all men lie. i am saying i don't understand why all the
women and men lie like that.
And i don't stick in the search area at but that is ok. This
isn't meant for arguements just suggestions and to warn everyone that
their are women and men out there that are like that.

TheShadow's photo
Sat 12/09/06 06:21 PM
I know, Just was seeing where you stand :)

Kevin3824's photo
Sat 12/09/06 06:23 PM
understood, I just wish everyone on here would just be honest with each
other. I know we can learn alot from each other and find what we seek if
we do.

damagedheart's photo
Sat 12/09/06 06:23 PM
i agree with

BillRoot's photo
Sat 12/09/06 06:25 PM
Ya what he said.thats what i ment when i said read the diffrent
topics.some are very easy to see thay are unattached.

44hello's photo
Sat 12/09/06 06:38 PM
It isn't that gullible is written all over your face, it's that
self-centered asshole is imbred into his! His type cares only for one
thing.... himself. Doesn't matter who he hurts to get what he wants!
Just a pitiful excuse for a human being at best! He prays on the trust
of decent people, so don't sweat it, but unfortunately, expect it. Don't
be surprised if it happens again! Just try to read between the lines of
bull-shit before fully accepting them!

damagedheart's photo
Sat 12/09/06 06:44 PM
thanks.. i know that is I don't even think i am upset about
it i am more I mean when i talked to the wife i think i was
more mad then she was. I just don't get men or women like that cause i
would have been killin that man if he was mine

BillRoot's photo
Sat 12/09/06 06:49 PM
hey damaged,think you got better damage aint got killin in even if the feeling appears on occasion.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 12/09/06 06:51 PM
Pipe dreams!
Wish in one hand and shit in the other see which one gets full faster!
Just be more careful!
Life is the greatest teacher in the world! just open the book!

Adam_zee_61's photo
Sat 12/09/06 06:55 PM
It takes all I guess to make up the mix but Damn ! There are some good
men , more than not

44hello's photo
Sat 12/09/06 07:01 PM
I don't even understand the wife(?), if my significant other was
cheating ,or doing their best at trying to cheat on me, the relationship
would be over! I wouldn't blame anyone but them, and couldn't care less
about who it was they did it with and sure wouldn't care to talk with
who they chose either!!! Ain't no cure for infidelity damage to a
relationship. Wether the person really does change their ways, it is
also the other persons trust that must be fully regained. Chances of
both these things happening, in my opinion, would be about one in a
thousand!!! A sure sign to move on!

iceprincess's photo
Sat 12/09/06 07:07 PM
i understand the wife it's a vindictive thing. hell were divorced but
while we were married myex cheated with my best friend while i was
regnant with our daughter. this was about 2 years ago and everyso often
just to be a bitch to her i call her up and ask how she is. i know it's
petty but i do it i blamed her more than him he had already done it 2
other times.

chopperdan's photo
Sat 12/09/06 07:13 PM
perpetuation of the human species.

chopperdan's photo
Sat 12/09/06 07:16 PM
Just a question. Why is always the males who are the pricks? I'm not
defending that idiot but why are men the first assholes to go down? Why
blame all of men? why not blame all of women? Think about it.

iceprincess's photo
Sat 12/09/06 07:23 PM
some men do blame all women. we balme each other it's easier than
looking in the mirror and saying guess what your an asshole

44hello's photo
Sat 12/09/06 07:23 PM
Iceprincess, I guess this is what my underlying problem is....
understanding how a woman thinks! I know a lot of woman who also have
this reaction, but I just look at it like, no matter how much it hurts
me, it is unforgiveable and doesn't deserve any more of my time. And you
did say it happened more than once! If you didn't divorce, I'd bet it
would've happened again and again. Especially if he knew you'd accept
him back!

44hello's photo
Sat 12/09/06 07:27 PM
Chopperdan, It takes two to tango, no matter who takes the lead! I knew
more women that cheated on their men than men on their women!!! But I'd
venture to say the percentages are fairly equal!

iceprincess's photo
Sat 12/09/06 07:29 PM
exactly after the first time i didn't really care. it was more of a
pride thing with me i was not going to give in. don't ask i'm a moron
ok. when he cheated with my best friend i was pissed at her thus the
vindictivness on my part. i'm a bitch i admitt it. i call her and talk
to her only because i know it makes he uncomfortable. wrong i know but i
do it. if my ex hadn't tried to kill our daughter we'd probably still be
in the same f-ckd up sit.

damagedheart's photo
Sat 12/09/06 07:30 PM
ok this is for if you read all of them i stated that
men and women are at fault for this. And this is for everyone
But i don't blame the women that called me cause i would have done the
same thing. What i don't get is how she was carring on a conversation
with me like we knew each

44hello's photo
Sat 12/09/06 07:32 PM
There's a reason for everything!