Topic: Stage Five Clingers
s1ngleredrose84's photo
Mon 01/28/08 12:10 PM

I am insane, and fun, and not a Trekkie.laugh laugh laugh laugh

Actually...I love stage five clingers...cause they make me look so damn normal.laugh laugh laugh laugh

laugh laugh laugh very nice! BONUS not being a Trekkie drinker

chuck366's photo
Mon 01/28/08 12:11 PM

I am sane and fun.

excellent and i am sane fun and single drinker :wink:

cool, i go to Reading, Pa. every other week, see ya monday

s1ngleredrose84's photo
Mon 01/28/08 12:17 PM
what are you coming to reading for?

trueokie2's photo
Mon 01/28/08 12:46 PM
Are any of them from Oklahoma??? :wink:

MarsNeverSleeps's photo
Mon 01/28/08 02:03 PM

Heck, I used to BE one.

But I gave myself a good lobotomy and now I'm better. Sucks that I accidentally carved out my short-term memory center as well.

Crap, what day is it?

laugh laugh at least you were able to catch it before it go out of control!drinker

Yeah, I wish.

s1ngleredrose84's photo
Mon 01/28/08 02:05 PM

Yeah, I wish.

we are all a little crazy in our own ways :wink:

Goofball73's photo
Mon 01/28/08 02:49 PM
Last stage fiver I had also believed that Morgan Freeman was GOD. Now, I do realize he has "portrayed" God in a couple of films, but trying to explain that to this girl was like trying to convince a Monk to f*ck a wasn't gonna happen.laugh

s1ngleredrose84's photo
Mon 01/28/08 02:58 PM
haha that is pretty rough

I went for coffee with my stage fiver... once he bought me all this crap and insisted on having my home address mmm sorry money can buy gifts but not sanity!

bubbles6597's photo
Mon 01/28/08 03:06 PM
Stage 5 Clingers. *shudder*

s1ngleredrose84's photo
Mon 01/28/08 03:07 PM

Stage 5 Clingers. *shudder*

laugh laugh it is a tragedy isn't it!

Goofball73's photo
Mon 01/28/08 03:12 PM
How come we never talk about stage 1-4 clingers? I guess those just aren't that bad. But whoa Momma....Stage Five is like end of the world type stuff.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

s1ngleredrose84's photo
Mon 01/28/08 03:13 PM
Well what would the other stages be?

toastedoranges's photo
Mon 01/28/08 03:22 PM
laugh laugh it is a tragedy isn't it!

i still love you!!!!!

would you please have the restraining order lifted? i can't sit outside your place with my binoculars anymore

Goofball73's photo
Mon 01/28/08 03:23 PM
I have no clue. My thought is that someone decided that stages 1-4 were not critical enough to deem to be world known. But man, we all know about those "Stage Fivers". I'm guessing we could make catagories for 1-4.

Stage 1- Perfect fit for you. Is not crazy, does not believe in weird crap like "X-Files" type stuff. Is somewhat sane, and is all around liked by your friends and family.

Stage 2- Almost complete for you. Has work to do. Has some issues with his/her own life, and once those are resolved can move into stage 1 teritory...only after a review conducted by a panel of and family.

Stage 3- Middle of the road. They are on the fence and so are you. They still believe Elvis is alive, but you are working hard to fix this. Once this is corrected, they can move to Stage 2 where they must spend 4-6 months under observation to see if they have really improved.

Stage 4- Hanging on by a thread. They are close to stage 5, but are also close to stage 3. It is up to you if you want to invest time in there lives to move them to Stage 3...or just say screw it and let them go into Stage 5. They here voices, and the voices say that they love you, and they won't be ignored. If you get a bunny rabbit boiling in a pot on your oven...consider this a sign they are too far gone. However, if there is hope....a weekend of lustful sex will help speed the process up to stage 3.

How's that?

s1ngleredrose84's photo
Mon 01/28/08 03:27 PM
haha that is perfect! i wouldn't have said it any better myself!

i see you as a stage 1 stage 2 but i think that is where most people i know fall....

EXCEPT for toasted! I WILL NOT LIFT IT! laugh laugh

toastedoranges's photo
Mon 01/28/08 03:33 PM
EXCEPT for toasted! I WILL NOT LIFT IT! laugh laugh


i promise to no longer

-drill holes on the side of you house
-sneak into the back of your car
-hide in your trashcan waiting to say hi
-sleep outside your door
-call and ask you to lift the blinds
-follow you to see who your friends are so i can meet them and become their friends

and a few others..

bubbles6597's photo
Mon 01/28/08 03:58 PM
but Elvis IS stil alive....

EveningKiss's photo
Mon 01/28/08 04:07 PM
My friend IS one of thoes but me, nope. I generaly dont care and the guys i have dated were too egotistical to notice me.

s1ngleredrose84's photo
Mon 01/28/08 04:13 PM


i promise to no longer

-drill holes on the side of you house
-sneak into the back of your car
-hide in your trashcan waiting to say hi
-sleep outside your door
-call and ask you to lift the blinds
-follow you to see who your friends are so i can meet them and become their friends

and a few others..

i am calling the police....

Goofball73's photo
Mon 01/28/08 04:20 PM
Bad boys...bad boys...what cha gonna do...what cha gonna do when they come for you?laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh