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Topic: WHAT MAKE MEN ..................
izzie's photo
Wed 01/23/08 04:27 PM
i was hopeing that someone had the answer to that one for me...


joshyfox's photo
Wed 01/23/08 04:28 PM

I hate to say it..but it's not a gender specific issue. Women are just as guilty.

Precisely, it is childish selfishness/ fear that leads anyone to lie Ever. It's sad and unfortunate, but all the same true.

I have been trying to be honest, but even I mess up sometimes, everyone does.

FisitMan's photo
Wed 01/23/08 05:44 PM
I try too Joshy. It's hard but it feels right.

As far as the original question - there are several possible reasons.
1) Some are just playing with no real intent to hurt someone.
2) Some people just get off on jerking others around.
3) It is a subtle method of exerting control over others.
4) For some the intentions are good but they lack the courage
to follow through.
5) A major reason is insecurity. They are afraid they are
inadequate and lie to cover the inadequacies.
6) Some people are just 'natural born liars'. They lie about
anything and everything for no good reason.

spqr's photo
Wed 01/23/08 05:44 PM

Say one thing; mean another?
Do one thing; mean another?

Ladies, age has yet to help me figure this out, so I need some advice.

Experience? ;)

no photo
Wed 01/23/08 05:54 PM
We are all a little kwayzee at times maybe you aren't? Try counting the people whose intentions are good sorta like counting your blessings:) Sometimes I think I hear what I want to hear selective hearing? THERE ARE ZILLIONS OF GOOD MEN ON THIS PLANET THAT DO NOT LIE:)

Jeepinfool's photo
Wed 01/23/08 09:48 PM

Say one thing; mean another?
Do one thing; mean another?

Ladies, age has yet to help me figure this out, so I need some advice.

i couldn't tell you, I'm who i say I'am, but i can't speak for the rest of us. you have to use the tool you women so often base decisions on...womens intuition...

seahawks's photo
Wed 01/23/08 09:52 PM
well i suffer from "sometimers" so that my xcuse.!!! lol

s1owhand's photo
Wed 01/23/08 10:01 PM

Say one thing; mean another?
Do one thing; mean another?

laugh Don't give it another thought. You see guys have trouble thinking sometimes. You could call it conflicting thought patterns...or emotional overload. But it is definitely some kind of self-control issue...y'now what i mean? Just can't get their heads straight.

laugh laugh laugh

BigCurt_31's photo
Wed 01/23/08 10:06 PM
Edited by BigCurt_31 on Wed 01/23/08 10:07 PM

Say one thing; mean another?
Do one thing; mean another?

laugh Don't give it another thought. You see guys have trouble thinking sometimes. You could call it conflicting thought patterns...or emotional overload. But it is definitely some kind of self-control issue...y'now what i mean? Just can't get their heads straight.

laugh laugh laugh

ROFL! All this men bashing I can see why we are still searching for new planet's that possibly maintain life. Unbelievable!!!!!!
First off, get it out of your mind that I am not a thinker and I have conflicting thoughts. Secondly, as far as emotion's are concerned! You Women epitomize the apex of emotional indescrepancy! Put it like this I just visit Six Flag's to ride the roller coaster. I don't work there and I don't run the machines. I just leave that up to the woman that I am seeing.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

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