Topic: Heart
damagedheart's photo
Mon 12/04/06 07:55 PM
The dementions of two,
are bleak to thee,
with the weight of a million,
on one simple thing.
It's oh so little,
but yet so big,
it carries in it,
love to give,
and a life to live.
You use it to give to those for whim you care,
but the hole in it is almost to much to bare.
The cross in the road,
to which you will come,
will hold the path,
to a life full of love.
But my friend do not get antsy,
for the path is not always easy,
you have to take you time,
read between the lines,
always remember that one little sane,
beauty lies on the inside as well as the outside,
so use that one simple thing,
to help do your part,
use your heart.

By Stacie McGraw

mimi420's photo
Mon 12/04/06 08:01 PM
Very well put. I couldn't have said that any better. Nice work!!

damagedheart's photo
Mon 12/04/06 08:04 PM
thanks. i work hard to get the right words and feelings across.

damagedheart's photo
Mon 12/04/06 08:04 PM
thanks. i work hard to get the right words and feelings across.

mimi420's photo
Mon 12/04/06 08:05 PM
I understand completely. I am not very good with my words at times,
most of them! LOL