Topic: Making it to HEAVEN
tomie's photo
Sun 01/20/08 11:46 PM
I was shocked, confused, bewildered as I entered Heaven's door, Not by the beauty of it all,or by the lights or its decor.

But it was the folks in Heaven who made me sputter and gasp -- the thieves, the liars, the sinners, the alcoholics, the trash.

There stood the kid from seventh grade who swiped my lunch money twice. Next to him was my old neighbor who never said anything nice.

Herb, who I always thought was rotting away in hell, was sitting pretty on cloud nine, looking incredibly well.

I nudged the angel, “What's the deal? I would love to hear Your take.
How'd all these sinners get up here? God must've made a mistake.

And why's everyone so quiet, so somber? Give me a clue.” “Hush, child,”
said he. “They're all in shock. No one thought they'd see you here.”

Isaiah 55:6-7 “Seek ye the LORD while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and He will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.”


sendingyoukisses's photo
Sun 01/20/08 11:50 PM
very true call upon the lord and ye shall be saved

Djman's photo
Sun 01/20/08 11:52 PM
Ah ive died for 5 mins....There is nothin but pitch black

funnydude's photo
Mon 01/21/08 12:13 AM
I've died and lefted my body and remembered clearly,the most wonderful experence I've had,God does have a plan for all of us , our last breath here is our first breath there

yzrabbit1's photo
Mon 01/21/08 08:19 AM
Edited by yzrabbit1 on Mon 01/21/08 08:20 AM

Ah ive died for 5 mins....There is nothin but pitch black

Thats very interesting! Tell me all about it?

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 01/21/08 09:33 AM
I expect to see everyone in heaven. I can’t imagine it being any other way.

And of course, we’ll share many more physical incarnations together too.

After all, who among you is really ready to abandon “sins of the flesh” for all eternity.


no photo
Mon 01/21/08 03:24 PM
it's not like Heaven is the safest place to retire to...didn't like the first war take place there ...if it can happen once it can happen again and as usual God will blame Man if it does

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 01/21/08 04:45 PM

...and as usual God will blame Man if it does

Oh please! Not again! ohwell

no photo
Mon 01/21/08 04:48 PM

it's not like Heaven is the safest place to retire to...didn't like the first war take place there ...if it can happen once it can happen again and as usual God will blame Man if it does

good one! :wink:

winnie410's photo
Mon 01/21/08 04:49 PM
thats funny! i love the post. i always love a post that can put a smile on my face! bigsmile bigsmile

rabbit, i have a come you want to hear about the guy who said there is nothing but pitch black but didnt ask about the guy who said he had a wonderful experience?????????????? huh huh

no photo
Tue 01/22/08 09:33 AM

...and as usual God will blame Man if it does

Oh please! Not again! ohwell

yep anyone can tell you that God never take responsibility for anything bad and quickly goes into denial and blame Man for everything evil ...if God created the catalyst for horrors to take place on Earth and then blame Man for them then why would things be any different in Heaven

so people shouldn't assume Heaven is this perfect eternal resting place where nothing tragic ever takes place ...because it's obviously not

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 01/22/08 12:45 PM

so people shouldn't assume Heaven is this perfect eternal resting place where nothing tragic ever takes place ...because it's obviously not

So true. If a third of the angels didn't like it and rebelled it must not be such a great utopia. There must be something they didn't like about it. It most certainly can't be 'perfect' with such an imperfect history.

What happens if you get to heaven and you don't like it? It doesn't sound like there are a lot of other choices. Either you just grin and bear it or go to hell I guess. Or maybe you could put in for reincarnation and at leat take periodic vacations from it on places like earth. But gee, if a lot of people start doing that then it would just become pantheism. laugh

Differentkindofwench's photo
Tue 01/22/08 01:58 PM
Perhaps Hell is a state of mind/being, not a place. For those who feel connected to a "source", "higher power", "God" if you will, do they not experience some sort of "lifting up" by this same connection. Perhaps "hell" would be a disconnection from that source ---- loss of hope of being "re"connected.

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Tue 01/22/08 02:06 PM

thats funny! i love the post. i always love a post that can put a smile on my face! bigsmile bigsmile

rabbit, i have a come you want to hear about the guy who said there is nothing but pitch black but didnt ask about the guy who said he had a wonderful experience?????????????? huh huh

I'd like to hear about both accounts. I have one of my own to tell too...