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Topic: L-O-V-E
Monosyllabic♥Girl's photo
Mon 01/14/08 10:41 PM
At what point do you use the big "L" word in a relationship?

Is it wrong to say it too soon?

Or should it be said sooner rather than later?

Whats your standard?

LDollar's photo
Mon 01/14/08 10:42 PM
LOVE is a four letter word

Derekkye's photo
Mon 01/14/08 10:42 PM

At what point do you use the big "L" word in a relationship?

Is it wrong to say it too soon?

Or should it be said sooner rather than later?

Whats your standard?

In my relationship I'd try not to say it, but let my actions "speak" it. :smile:

Vikingsfreak's photo
Mon 01/14/08 10:43 PM
I say it way to quick. I guess it depends on how receptive the person you are saying to is.

trying_to_fly's photo
Mon 01/14/08 10:43 PM
It's all in how you feel I guess

sexxyandsingle's photo
Mon 01/14/08 10:43 PM
The L bomb,
that's some series S***
better mean it,

Vikingsfreak's photo
Mon 01/14/08 10:44 PM
I also feel that Love is the greatest curse ever put upon this earth.

Totage's photo
Mon 01/14/08 10:44 PM

At what point do you use the big "L" word in a relationship?

Is it wrong to say it too soon?

Or should it be said sooner rather than later?

Whats your standard?

I've never been in a relationship long enough to feel comfortable using the word, and when she would say it, it would make me feel a little ackward. I think you should only use it when you know you truely mean it.

pokerfella's photo
Mon 01/14/08 10:45 PM

At what point do you use the big "L" word in a relationship?

Is it wrong to say it too soon?

Or should it be said sooner rather than later?

Whats your standard?

In my relationship I'd try not to say it, but let my actions "speak" it. :smile:

I agree %100. Actions speak louder.

ImDavid's photo
Mon 01/14/08 10:48 PM
You just know when the time is write...

Actions are good, yes, but it is nice to have someone just look into your eyes, smile and say it...

no photo
Mon 01/14/08 10:49 PM
Very well said Bro....

At what point do you use the big "L" word in a relationship?

Is it wrong to say it too soon?

Or should it be said sooner rather than later?

Whats your standard?

In my relationship I'd try not to say it, but let my actions "speak" it. :smile:

lonelyshorty's photo
Mon 01/14/08 10:52 PM
I agree with you derek

hiya Kev

no photo
Mon 01/14/08 10:53 PM

Derekkye's photo
Mon 01/14/08 10:53 PM

I agree with you derek

hiya Kev

Got to be leary of those who pay lip service to the big L word.

IndnPrncs's photo
Mon 01/14/08 10:57 PM
Yeah that's a big one... There are different facets of love you just have to be sure of which you mean and that they understand it... Which truly is not usually the case...

XstriferX's photo
Mon 01/14/08 10:57 PM

At what point do you use the big "L" word in a relationship?

Is it wrong to say it too soon?

Or should it be said sooner rather than later?

Whats your standard?

You're pretty, I love you :) Or is that too soon? lol, just kidding!

But yeah, pretty much everything that everyone says is correct... I personally think you should say what you feel, and if it just so happens to be the 'L' word, don't be afraid to express it, no matter how early in the relationship... (After the first date may be pushing it a little).

nurjoyce's photo
Mon 01/14/08 10:59 PM

At what point do you use the big "L" word in a relationship?

Is it wrong to say it too soon?

Or should it be said sooner rather than later?

Whats your standard?

I've never been in a relationship long enough to feel comfortable using the word, and when she would say it, it would make me feel a little ackward. I think you should only use it when you know you truely mean it.

so if you have been in a relationship for 2 years or more and no one saids it-- is it time to move on?
if you say it within the first 6 months- is that too soon?

Monosyllabic♥Girl's photo
Mon 01/14/08 11:06 PM

You're pretty, I love you :) Or is that too soon? lol, just kidding!

But yeah, pretty much everything that everyone says is correct... I personally think you should say what you feel, and if it just so happens to be the 'L' word, don't be afraid to express it, no matter how early in the relationship... (After the first date may be pushing it a little).

LMAO I Love you man!

kikitomatoes's photo
Mon 01/14/08 11:09 PM
I have commitment issues. And I never say it first because I never have felt sure of it, and if you're unsure then you can't mean it. If someone says it to me in a serious manner, I usually feel obligated to say it back, which makes me uncomfortable and feeds into the commitment issues. That is usually the first step to me running away.

MarsNeverSleeps's photo
Mon 01/14/08 11:10 PM
I'm going to address this to guys because in general they need to hear it more than girls, but it applies to everyone:

Don't tell your belle that you love her until you're engaged. That thing about being "honest" and "open" and "just telling her how you feel"? Almost guaranteed she'll be off like a shot unless you're already deep into a relationship.

A few key points:
*Humans are intrinsically drawn to what they can't have
*Dating should be about *having fun*
*Clingy guys are not fun. Telling her you love her too early is CLINGY. GIRLS HATE CLINGY. Guys do too, but usually they don't have that problem unless they're mac daddies (like me ~__^). Also, expressing one's affection for the other outright too early kills the chase. When the thrill of the chase is completely gone...the attraction gone.
*FLIRT! Flirting is fun for both parties. Relationships that aren't fun...fall apart. My grandparents are in their eigties, they've been happily married for over 50 years, and they STILL flirt. The thrill of the chase I mentioned? Flirting is humans' natural way of keeping that chase going even after years of commitment.
*This is going to sound sexist, but sorry ladies, it's true: girls are, with *very* few exceptions, attracted to a guy whom they perceive as higher status than themselves. When you treat her like a over. Sure, she'll often accept the gifts and expensive dinners, etc. Who wouldn't? But you can give up on ever making her feel that gut attraction for you, bro. Ain't gonna happen. Take a clue from Han Solo. Seriously.

I could go on for hours, but those are the basics of Why Not To Say I Love You Until You're Practically Married.

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