Topic: Any sexy ladies in here
calvino12's photo
Thu 11/30/06 06:06 PM
If any sexy ladies are in here I would love to chat with you. So lets
have a good time. Bye Ya'll

ShagnaC's photo
Thu 11/30/06 06:14 PM
ALL of us females on here are SEXY!!!!

Ontario's photo
Thu 11/30/06 06:19 PM
This is true...!

txazdesertgirl's photo
Thu 11/30/06 06:26 PM
dam straight

Fri 12/01/06 06:06 AM
Who ordered the hot plate of KATTITUDE?
Order UP!

no photo
Fri 12/01/06 06:08 AM

whispertoascream's photo
Fri 12/01/06 06:09 AM
I am sure there are alot of them out there.

Fri 12/01/06 06:11 AM
Well, hello there, my Girlyfriend! How ya been? Sorry, I got hung up
with a "Mr. Right Now". I'm back now...LOL!

no photo
Fri 12/01/06 06:12 AM
I am all good, damn Kat I missed ya but so glad you're back!!

Fri 12/01/06 06:16 AM
Wow, what a sweet thing to say! I've missed you, too, Doll. I had no
idea that I'd even be remembered, much less 'missed'! It's a good
feeling ~

I'll have to stick around a while...

no photo
Fri 12/01/06 06:22 AM
Well how could anyone forget you??? I couldn't, after all you were the
first person to really talk to me here lol seems like ages and ages ago
now lol

Fri 12/01/06 07:47 AM
It was two boyfriends ago (for me). It WAS ages and ages ago...LOL!