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Topic: Scary Stuff
chopperdan's photo
Thu 11/30/06 04:49 PM
The other day I received an e-mail from a member here about how hard it
was to find a decent guy. They went on about how difficult guys are and
they didn't need anyone. They almost sounded sucidial. I tried to talk
to them but they raged on and finally stormed off. I am not afraid of
much but, it does bother me when people talk bushit like that. I have
lost too many friends to crap like this. I have lost friends who thought
that life was shit and they did they'reselves in. I am not an upstanding
charater, but it does bother me when people try to get other attention
by doing this. Question: Should I leave it alone and hope that it takes
care of it self or pray that even though I've never met these people
they don't go off half cocked. I hate this bullshit and they need to
realize that there are worse things in this world. I am currently
thinking of taking down my profile because of crap like this. What to
do? any suggestions?

Karensmiles's photo
Thu 11/30/06 04:55 PM
Wow thats a trip! It's also very selfish of that person to lay that on
you like that! You can only do so much online and then its up to them.
Don't leave just choose a better class of friends. We all have bad days
but anyone with half a conscience wouldnt leave you feeling like that..
and yes I know there are mentally unstable people out there that need
help but its not really what we are here for is it.

Karensmiles's photo
Thu 11/30/06 04:57 PM
oh and try not to get pulled into the damsel in distress thing its a
game for most and nice guys tend to fall into it. Just attention seeking
at its best.

chopperdan's photo
Thu 11/30/06 04:57 PM
Yeah I agree but I have lost too many friends over stupid bullshit. I
currenty have a relative in Iraq and wonder if I will see them again.

chopperdan's photo
Thu 11/30/06 04:58 PM
not into damsel in distress crap anyway, but ya know I don't need these
games people play.

no photo
Thu 11/30/06 05:01 PM
i'd leave it alone. even if they were serious there wouldn't be a whole
lot that you could do from a distance. just pray that they were blowin
off some steam and try not to let it affect you. or maybe contact them
and see if they are alright to put yourself at ease.....good luck man

TheShadow's photo
Thu 11/30/06 05:02 PM
I wouldn't leave it alone. If they contact you again try to send them to
someone that can help if you can't. yeah there are people that nee help
in ways we don't need it. But they are still people. And besides that
they might of being asking you for help because that is the only why
they know right now.

Ontario's photo
Thu 11/30/06 05:02 PM
Hey breezy...whats up...?

chopperdan's photo
Thu 11/30/06 05:07 PM
Thanks for the advice. I think I'll stick to bikes. Less bull.

Karensmiles's photo
Thu 11/30/06 05:08 PM
See you might want to listen to shadow as I lost my rose colored glasses
a long time ago LOL and yes friends relatives etc in Iraq is something
we should all be concerned for.

no photo
Thu 11/30/06 05:10 PM
not much O, how you been?

chopperdan's photo
Thu 11/30/06 05:11 PM
I sorry for bring this up I just needed to blow off some steam about it.
I'll forget it. Let's talk bikes & sex. OK bikes!

no photo
Thu 11/30/06 05:14 PM
it's a tough situation to be in chopper because it is a very serious
matter but the ones that say it for attention will run you ragged with
it. i've been in that situation with a couple of people and it sucks.

Karensmiles's photo
Thu 11/30/06 05:18 PM
orrrrrrrrrr sex on bikes!

chopperdan's photo
Thu 11/30/06 05:20 PM
Thanks king. Karen you sound like you need a ride!

Karensmiles's photo
Thu 11/30/06 05:21 PM

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 11/30/06 05:23 PM
Hummmmmm, well have never had one contact me through e-mail.
But have just happen to be in a chat at the time the subject
was brought up. I took it upon myself to step in and to start
talking to them. I have done it twice now the first time was a
lady about my age that was at wits end I was able to get the
name of the town and state from her and sit up all night and
did research on the net and found places that would help her
from meds to food and help with her electric which was fixing to be cut
off gave all the info to her and told her it was
up to her now. I'm very glad I took just a little bit of my time to help
her she has keep in touch with me now for 4 years and is doing so much
better the second time turned out to be a blessing also and have gained
a very good friend for being there in there time of need. So call me a
sucker or what ever ya will for I would do it again if the moment was to

chopperdan's photo
Thu 11/30/06 05:23 PM
When I get the new one built you got a ride!

chopperdan's photo
Thu 11/30/06 05:25 PM
I agree Tx but I don't need this kind of crap. I recently lost a
classmate who did himself in and now I got people in the fricgging sand
box to worry about. Thanks for the advice anyway.

Karensmiles's photo
Thu 11/30/06 05:26 PM
yeah just let me know when you are coming to NORTHERN MINNESOTA so I can
shovel the snow down to the gravel for ya!

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