chica42ny's photo
Thu 11/30/06 03:18 PM
hello anyone here!

no photo
Thu 11/30/06 03:20 PM
Hey Chica. How are you? Glad to see someone with some intelligence after
seeing a dipshit posting garbage in here all day.

chica42ny's photo
Thu 11/30/06 03:22 PM
Wow! I read a couple topic. How was your day? My day was long as hell.

no photo
Thu 11/30/06 03:28 PM
Hey Chica

chica42ny's photo
Thu 11/30/06 03:30 PM
Hey girl, i wanted to give the best of luck! I think M is a nice guys,
he could have his attitudes don't we all. Hey im here if u ever need a
shoulder to cry or just talk.

no photo
Thu 11/30/06 03:31 PM
aww thanks Chica :)

purplecat's photo
Thu 11/30/06 03:31 PM
me 2 ...whats left of me anyway.......................hello

baby_gurl's photo
Thu 11/30/06 03:34 PM
hey everyone!

chica42ny's photo
Thu 11/30/06 03:36 PM
One more day for friday. hi b

baby_gurl's photo
Thu 11/30/06 03:38 PM
how are u chica??

no photo
Thu 11/30/06 03:40 PM
damn can send some of the snow here if ya want

lionsbrew's photo
Thu 11/30/06 03:40 PM
hows it goin chica.

chica42ny's photo
Thu 11/30/06 03:41 PM
What's up with the posting???????

purplecat's photo
Thu 11/30/06 03:41 PM
I"m tryin to make it go!!!!its startin to melt a bit....

chica42ny's photo
Thu 11/30/06 03:41 PM
Sorry i meant Topic!

chica42ny's photo
Thu 11/30/06 03:42 PM
hey u need to find out where snow man hangs out.

purplecat's photo
Thu 11/30/06 03:43 PM
cant even find a snow man..........;[

chica42ny's photo
Thu 11/30/06 03:45 PM
It sucks!

purplecat's photo
Thu 11/30/06 03:46 PM
and now I'm MELTING>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !