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Topic: Jelly's Beans II
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Mon 01/14/08 08:11 AM
Consolidating once again...don't mind me :)

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Mon 01/14/08 08:11 AM

My alcohol you may be…
For I am intoxicated over you
Drunken with desire and hope

Cocktail hour is upon us
And I long to drink you in
To savor your sweet daiquiri

Your words go down smooth
Like a well aged wine
Making me a little tipsy

I thirst for you to feel the same
I hunger for your thoughts
I crave to be under your influence

So drink up, drink up my friend
And let me befuddle you
Let me become your whiskey too

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Mon 01/14/08 08:12 AM

Emptiness is my soul
Hollow remorse I feel
Darkness in my eyes
It’s all very real

Obscurity is my song
Tumultuous I feast
Impressions usually wrong
First time we meet

Innocence is my air
Shrouded seclusion I lay
Misconceptions do beware
Unintentional I falsely portray

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Mon 01/14/08 08:12 AM

Twisted lie
Broken promise
Another good bye
Another miss
Another heart
Another tear
Dreadful part
Lonely fear
Miserable life
Unbearable yearning
Another strife
Another turning

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Mon 01/14/08 08:13 AM
I feel you there

Every night, when we part
I rush to bed, to the dark
And there you lay, in my dreams
Just in the shadows, or so it seems
I feel you there, watching, waiting
I feel you there, anticipating

Every day, when I awake
A mental image, I do partake
Just in the shadows, there you’ll be
Warm and solid, watching over me
I feel you there, in my mind
I feel you there, all the time

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Mon 01/14/08 08:14 AM
Continuous Despair

Another profile
Flashes on the screen
Death by heartbreak
In twos and threes
Riddled tragic
The news goes on
With its misery
And vacant pawns
Madness seeps
Into the naive
No real hope
Of a reprieve

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Mon 01/14/08 08:15 AM
Love Slipped Away

The spring returns with its morning dew
As I lie in bed and think of you
Sowing the rewards I thought I could reap
Only to find sorrow in what I seek
Since those few days of empty bliss
I now know what I will truly miss
Saddened by the choice I had made
Hoping time brings hurt to fade
But heavy the rain comes down
Around my wounded aching crown
And the past becomes past with remorse
Though no apology can change the course
Nevertheless my future shows grim
Because my heart will always belong to him

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Mon 01/14/08 08:15 AM

Creeping in the back of my mind
Harmful thoughts you will find
Wonder if bliss can be mine
Or should I let it go for time

My daughter means the world to me
And in her eyes you will see
That two are better if it can be
Happier for her and her big needs

So I ponder my own troubled woe
Should I stick with my heart’s foe?
Misery and ache from head to toe
Just to see her eyes aglow?

Or should I be selfish and follow my heart
Bring to light a brand new start
One I want and wish not part
Why does happiness taste so tart?

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Mon 01/14/08 08:16 AM
My daughter’s eyes

I stare into her whiskey amber
The windows to her soul
And there I find my melted heart
With her trust in me so bold

Apparent is her joy for all
It’s brightly shining through
Showing her very innocence
While every experience is so new

Roaming wonder and bewilderment
Her amazement is no guise
For the world is radiant and vivid
Through my daughter’s eyes

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Mon 01/14/08 08:17 AM
Poetic Mockery

Words mocking silently
Staring at me vacantly
Open to interpretation
Waiting for my revocation
Sharing my love for verbal play
A formidable opponent I must say
A game of rhetoric to ensue
This damn poem I write for you
And yet the cursor blinks on
Using me as your little pawn
Just to show that I can too
Make a mockery out of you

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Mon 01/14/08 08:19 AM
My Friend Misery

Walking fate’s fine line
Destined a life of darkness
Loathed in self pity and doubt
Wondering how I became so heartless
A cruel ironic world I live
Seeping its sad cynical humor
Continually under a rain cloud
Clad in my weighted sinister armor
Rusting away in my shrouded shell

Walking fate’s fine line
In solitude I silently shout
Mimed with frantic desperate measures
Looking for more of my hate to spout
A cruel ironic world I live
Seeping its sad cynical humor
Lost in a wayward tomb
Becoming evil’s best consumer
This is where I’m destined to dwell

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Mon 01/14/08 08:19 AM

Behold the fading breath
Of heatless stars
Drown by a blizzard’s grace

Shatter the golden glow
Of the horizon
And bring desolation to this place

Lose the soul of Mercury
From its cosmic band

Extinguish the glimmer
Of the blazing sun
And hear the moon’s soft cry

Rearrange the order
Of the Milky Way
And show misery to those who pry

Lose the soul of Mercury
From its cosmic band

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Mon 01/14/08 08:20 AM

I am unbidden
Wrecked to my core
I wander aimlessly
Misplaced once more

Searching for my beacon
A light to grab a hold
But the fog comes rolling in
And instills the bitter cold

A glimmer in the horizon
Is what I wish to see
Something to hope for
Something to set me free

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Mon 01/14/08 08:21 AM
The lie

Dangerous a game he play
When he approached me blindly
Never did I know I'd feel this way
While he treated me kindly

Secrets held close to my heart
Never said or put to sound
Wishing now that from the start
The truth was told before it's found

Illusions swim in front of him
I struggle each night to stay
Guilt, remorse...all sets in
Bountifully adding to my quandary

Connection felt instantly
Unexplainable yearning toward
Yet all built off the latest lie
And for that I feel I'll be scorned

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Mon 01/14/08 08:21 AM
The ending
Wounded hearts
Broken souls
Shattered egos
Troubled woes
For all the wrong decisions I’ve made
This is how my life unfolds
As all my good intentions fade
This is the direction my path shows

Delayed resentment
Shrouded anger
Harmful detachment
For everything I tried to rein
This becomes my only achievement
As I try to help maintain
This becomes my sad development

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Mon 01/14/08 08:22 AM
Idle Hands

Twitchy hands sit idle
Burning need to corrupt
Devilishly wanting to unbridle
Normality deconstructs
A walk through the park
A journey
To find the next spark
Watch life flicker
On the offended clash of dark
Warriors howl in defeat
Minded by gross power
Nothing shall complete
Its original intention
Not even the lowly flower
Stomped out with insidious vigor
To ruin the murky glades
Circling around to finish
A ray burns dim
While luster waned in mood
And overcast progresses in
Twitchy hands sit idle
With burning need to corrupt
Devilishly wanting to unbridle
No need to construct

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Mon 01/14/08 08:23 AM
Edited by JellyBelly182 on Mon 01/14/08 08:23 AM
Is it true?

Is it true?
That I’ve been found?
No longer lost –
When you’re around?

Is it true?
That love is near?
No longer hiding –
No longer feared?

Is it true?
My soul’s complete?
No longer empty –
Once we meet?

Is it true?
I’ve met my match?
No longer searching –
That you’re my catch?

I feel found –

I feel loved –

I feel complete –

I feel matched -

Is it true?

jbaby25's photo
Mon 01/14/08 08:23 AM
flowerforyou Absolutely wonderful!

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Mon 01/14/08 08:23 AM
Thine broken heart weeps its red moan
Across the winded grounds
Drudged through the foul muck of time
Since no longer you come around

Neglected again in the thundering rain
Drown by sorrow and woe
I pray for thee’s unbroken notice
Before my torment becomes my worst foe

Frequently before thou’s mind engaged
Into thine’s subtle soul of love
But demise has descended my agonized thoughts
Since you flew away on a blue winged dove

Dejected and sad with clear remorse
I mourn the loss of faith
Ticking the long endless moments away
Until thine end comes to meet its eternal fate

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Mon 01/14/08 08:24 AM

Smoke and illusions make up me
Barriers and walls do erect
I guard myself in every deed
Because I know I’m not perfect
Waiting for the day I’m freed
From these unwanted emotions

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