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Topic: What does a Christian woman look for in a man?
Abracadabra's photo
Sun 01/13/08 04:03 PM

I really don't think you have the qualifications to pick someone else's mate or partner whether he be Christian or not.

Good, because I don't need those qualifications. I never suggested any such thing. How you read that into my posts is totally beyond me. ohwell

My point was simply that it's silly to try to make blanket statements about any supposed 'group' based on a label.

I officially give my permission for anyone to pick any mate they chose based on whatever criteria they so desire.

How's that? drinker

no photo
Sun 01/13/08 04:39 PM
*re-claims thread*
thanks to those that actually answered.

no photo
Sun 01/13/08 04:54 PM

Um not sure how that can be compared but if that's how you see it... You made specific statement about Christian women vs. every other woman.. I'm thinking I fall into the "every other woman" category WHICH has nothing to do with you being more HUMAN than I...

Alright, let me put it this way:
John is more christian than Anne and George is less Christian than Bob and Sam is slighty more Christian than Bob....

How can one be more Christian than another?

"I don't think I'm as Christian as you're looking for to answer this question"

In other words you think that Im more Christian than you, thats why I found it a interesting statement because you either are Christian or not just like you are human or not. One cant be more human than the other.

Or We're you meaning the amount of dedication?

What Christianity SHOULD be about is the RELATIONSHIP with God.
Not how much you tithe, how often you go to church or WHAT FRIGGIN DAY you go to church, or how often you do "mass" or whatever man-man dogma some denominations are brainwashed into believing are required.

All that God wants is that you Love him and that you love your neighbour as you love yourself.
thats the new and current covenant that has been in action for the last 2008 years.

THATS why Abra so many Christians differ on their own beliefs, because the FACT is most of the 400+? "christian" denominations preach different things that push others away.

I have LONG hair and Im a man. By the Southern Baptist theology I am doing something wrong, sin against God or not, its their claim that I am shaming God for being a man with long hair.

Because there ISNT ANY INTELLIGENT BIBLE STUDY supporting this, YET it is preached as if God said literally :"NO MAN SHALL HAVE LONG HAIR"

YOu have the Nazarite vow (not allowed to cut hair)-John the Baptist took this vow and Jesus said something along the lines at that time "none is greater than John the Baptist"

So here we have a denomination that preaches INCORRECTLY.
In my opinion Southern Baptist does not qualify as Christian, amongst many many other "christian" churches.
and you Samson.

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 01/13/08 05:30 PM
All that God wants is that you Love him and that you love your neighbour as you love yourself.
thats the new and current covenant that has been in action for the last 2008 years.

The ‘new’ covenant? I have heard this interpretation before, but doesn’t that fly in the face of Jesus’ claim that he didn’t come to change the laws?

Doesn’t the idea of a God who keep changing what he wants from us fly in the face of a supposedly ‘unchanging God’?

Also, if all God wants is that we love him and our neighbors as ourselves, then why would Christianity be unique? Sounds like what most religions claim that God wants.

If all you want is someone who loves god and their neighbor as themselves then why not just seek that? I'd probably qualify for that.

I’m just asking questions. flowerforyou

tomie's photo
Sun 01/13/08 06:28 PM

All that God wants is that you Love him and that you love your neighbour as you love yourself.
thats the new and current covenant that has been in action for the last 2008 years.

The ‘new’ covenant? I have heard this interpretation before, but doesn’t that fly in the face of Jesus’ claim that he didn’t come to change the laws?

Doesn’t the idea of a God who keep changing what he wants from us fly in the face of a supposedly ‘unchanging God’?

Also, if all God wants is that we love him and our neighbors as ourselves, then why would Christianity be unique? Sounds like what most religions claim that God wants.

If all you want is someone who loves god and their neighbor as themselves then why not just seek that? I'd probably qualify for that.

I’m just asking questions. flowerforyou

I can't understand how someone who is not a Christian can be such an authority on Christianity. No, abra, the 'new covenant' doesn't fly in the face of JESUS. If you would read the bible instead of relying on your heresays you would know HE is the 'new covenant'.
Secondly, How can you claim GOD keeps changing what HE wants from us if you don't have a relationship with HIM. Again, no justification for you comments.
Thridly, Chritianity is unique in the form of healing spiritually & emotionally & physically. again, you not being involved in any form of belief system except selfcenteredness would not know nor understand this.
I would suggest that you come to terms with your past. I feel there is something there that broods this bitterness toward GOD that you have. GOD bless.
Is that preaching voil?

Britty's photo
Sun 01/13/08 08:33 PM
I thought you made some good points theemachine.

The new covenant is spoken about first in the book of Jeremiah. The old covenant that God had established with His

people required obedience to the Old Testament Mosaic law. The prophet Jeremiah predicted that there would be a time when

God would make a new covenant with the nation of Israel.

"'The day will come,' says the Lord, 'when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and Judah . . . . But this is the

new covenant I will make with the people of Israel on that day,' says the Lord. 'I will put my law in their minds, and I will write

them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people" (Jeremiah 31:31,33). Jesus Christ came to fulfill the law

of Moses (Matthew 5:17) and create a new covenant between God and His people. The old covenant was written in stone, but

the new covenant is written on our hearts, made possible only by faith in Christ, who shed His own blood to atone for the sins

of the world. Luke 22:20 says, "After supper, [Jesus] took another cup of wine and said, 'This wine is the token of God's new

covenant to save you – an agreement sealed with the blood I will pour out for you.'"

Now that we are under the new covenant, we are not under the penalty of the law. We are now given the opportunity to receive

salvation as a free gift, not as a reward for any of our good works (Ephesians 2:8-9). Through the life-giving Holy Spirit who

lives in all believers (Romans 8:9-11), we can now share in the inheritance of Christ and enjoy a permanent, unbroken

relationship with God. Hebrews 9:15 declares, “For this reason Christ is the mediator of a new covenant, that those who are

called may receive the promised eternal inheritance—now that He has died as a ransom to set them free from the sins

committed under the first covenant.”


Tomie, perhaps it is enough to offer ones views and thoughts on the topic at hand.


no photo
Sun 01/13/08 09:30 PM

All that God wants is that you Love him and that you love your neighbour as you love yourself.
thats the new and current covenant that has been in action for the last 2008 years.

The ‘new’ covenant? I have heard this interpretation before, but doesn’t that fly in the face of Jesus’ claim that he didn’t come to change the laws?

Doesn’t the idea of a God who keep changing what he wants from us fly in the face of a supposedly ‘unchanging God’?

Also, if all God wants is that we love him and our neighbors as ourselves, then why would Christianity be unique? Sounds like what most religions claim that God wants.

If all you want is someone who loves god and their neighbor as themselves then why not just seek that? I'd probably qualify for that.

I’m just asking questions. flowerforyou

No it doesnt fly in His face:
"...if there is any other commandment, are all summed up in this saying, namely, "You shall love your neighbour as yourself."-Rom 13 v9. Gideons Int.

Jesus didnt change the law and Im not saying that that quote right there is the new covenant, Jesus summed up the commandments into that and if you think about the commandments; just by following that statemment prevents you from breaking any of them.

God has made multiple covenants over both testament times; God didnt change; he changed the covenant, not Himself ie: a REAL change would be something like God saying "sex with animals is A-OK."

Why is Christianity so unique?
because its the only "religion" if you want to call it that, that has had prophecies come true and coming true.

Besides that significant difference, you can follow another faith that preaches the same message but will you go to heaven?
This is a impossible question to answer because only God knows the heart; the person may be guilty of mens rea; only God knows this, only God will judge.

But lets say one is in a different faith that lives by the similar principles of TRUE Christianity, but is aware of Jesus & rejects Jesus as the Messiah; Yet again only God will judge but if you ask me, by referencing the Bible here, they wont live past death.

What Im asking is; What are the traits Christian women find attractive in men from a Christian perspective?
Im trying to get a general idea of what attractive traits a Christian man may have.

no photo
Sun 01/13/08 09:32 PM
Yep, you pretty much nailed it on the head there Britty.

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 01/13/08 10:11 PM
I can't understand how someone who is not a Christian can be such an authority on Christianity. No, abra, the 'new covenant' doesn't fly in the face of JESUS. If you would read the bible instead of relying on your heresays you would know HE is the 'new covenant'.

I was born and raised Christian. My family were all devoted Christians. Several of my uncles were Christian preachers. There is nothing magical about claiming to be a ‘Christian’ anyone can do. The idea that people who call themselves ‘Christians’ no anymore about their religion than people who don’t is clearly a farce. There have been many people on these forums who claimed to be Christians yet when it came right down to it they didn’t know much about what the Bible has to say at all.

Also, even many Christian churches and denominations disagree with each others interpretations. Clearly the split between Catholicism and Protestantism being the most profound.

Secondly, How can you claim GOD keeps changing what HE wants from us if you don't have a relationship with HIM. Again, no justification for you comments.

All of Christianity is written in a book that anyone can read. No “relationship with God” is necessary to read a book. People often try to claim this nonsense, but it’s clearly nonsense because if a person needs to have a ‘relationship with God’ before they can understand the book, then it would be impossible to become a Christian in the first place because you would need to have a relationship with God before you could read the book about that relationship. So, there is no justification for your comments.

Thridly, Chritianity is unique in the form of healing spiritually & emotionally & physically.

Many religions claim this, Christianity is not unique in this claim.

[qutoe]again, you not being involved in any form of belief system except selfcenteredness would not know nor understand this.

This is nothing more than pure ignorance on your part. You are making accusations that have absolutely no merit whatsoever. Clearly passing judgments on people without knowing anything about them. I have stated many times that Christianity tends to breed people with this sort of attitude and you are just an illustration of that point.

You have no clue what my belief system is, to suggest that its based on selfcenteredness is nothing short of pure ignorance on your part, in every sense of the word.

I would suggest that you come to terms with your past. I feel there is something there that broods this bitterness toward GOD that you have. GOD bless.
Is that preaching voil?

That’s not preaching, it’s called “jumping-to-conclusions” and passing judgments on people you know absolutely nothing about. Did Jesus teach you to do that? Or do you not care what Jesus taught?

Anyone can call themselves a “Christian”, but few, if any, actually do what Jesus taught. They seem to be more concerned with proving that he's the only God.

In fact, this was what sparked my initial response to this thread. Demanding that a potential mate be a “Christian” doesn’t really mean much since so many of them are just hypocrites carrying around a label that they can actually become quite irate about when questioned.

Britty's photo
Mon 01/14/08 03:02 AM

theemachine - How about you stopping by The coffeeshop chat room for christians and letting the young ladies know what you look for in a christian woman.


scttrbrain's photo
Mon 01/14/08 08:24 AM
Edited by scttrbrain on Mon 01/14/08 08:26 AM
I guess I do not understand this question then. Because to me, the only qualifications would be that he believe in God. Never can he be a satanist or any other belief not of God.

He cannot be filthy in his mouth. I hate ugly words that can be said much simpler. Kind and caring with joy in his heart is what I need. He must believe that the God head is indeed him with me at his side in which we are both accountable to each other. Together we are as one, not separate. He can never think me lesser than himself. It is a foolish man who thinks him to be more important than I. What it means is that he is to put family matters on his top priority. All is done for the good of us. Including input from the both of us. We are to work together for our mutual good. He is not all knowing or more important.

He also must be tolerant, and kind in judgement. Have pride but not prideful. Helpful, but not gullible.


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