Topic: Faith may be enough.
infectious_witch's photo
Sat 01/12/08 11:49 AM
As stated in other posts that I have made, I don't really believe in a God or some powerful Deity that watches our every move and decides what to do with us from there.

What I do believe, however, is that nobody is truly wrong in what they believe.
Why? Because it seems we are all trying to find the same answers, but in different ways.

Faith has been the most powerful tool I've ever used or seen.
We can not prove that what we believe in is fact but we can have the faith, and that alone will allow us to know that it is true.

I do not believe any one belief is right, and I never will believe that.
All of our beliefs and ideas were set in motion before we were born. We never had the proof to claim that our ideas are right, but we've always had the faith that maybe something is really right, and hopefully by our faith alone, we will accomplish what we seek.

I say, "why bother with religion when you can just simple believe in life itself."

This life is how we make it.
If you want to be a part of a huge religion, or if you don't, more power to you.
It's all about choice, and it's all about how we see our belief.

No matter who you are, and no matter what you do, just know that this life is far more magical than anything else that we can not prove or even see.

Step away from your belief, and have faith that life is the grand prize.
It's up to you to decide what to do with such a great gift.

Redsoxfan1's photo
Sat 01/12/08 11:53 AM
I think that is somewhat true, but, where would anyone truly bew without faith in God? I feel that people need to have some faith in Him.

infectious_witch's photo
Sat 01/12/08 11:55 AM

I think that is somewhat true, but, where would anyone truly bew without faith in God? I feel that people need to have some faith in Him.

I've never had faith in God, and I consider my life to be just fine.
I've accomplished a lot without faith in any God.

infectious_witch's photo
Sat 01/12/08 11:57 AM
I think people who have faith in God are only putting faith in themselves. By believing that God is up there, it gives that person strength to overcome the impossible.

mike1957's photo
Sat 01/12/08 12:02 PM

toloveagain's photo
Sat 01/12/08 12:03 PM
Imagine, if you will, a river of melted gold running smoothly through the universe..out of that river pieces of jewelry are molded..a ring, a necklace, a broach, earrings...these pieces exist for a period of time and ultimately are melted back into the river of gold after that period of time...Imagine that each person who exist today is a similar to that piece of jewelry in that we come from a river of energy, where each person is fomred into a human for a period of time and when we die, we again go back into our energy form...The only faith you would need would be in knowing we are all ultimately one and if we opened ourselves to that knowing, we could be in sync with all around us...synchronicity.....I'm just saying..........

infectious_witch's photo
Sat 01/12/08 12:06 PM

Imagine, if you will, a river of melted gold running smoothly through the universe..out of that river pieces of jewelry are molded..a ring, a necklace, a broach, earrings...these pieces exist for a period of time and ultimately are melted back into the river of gold after that period of time...Imagine that each person who exist today is a similar to that piece of jewelry in that we come from a river of energy, where each person is fomred into a human for a period of time and when we die, we again go back into our energy form...The only faith you would need would be in knowing we are all ultimately one and if we opened ourselves to that knowing, we could be in sync with all around us...synchronicity.....I'm just saying..........

You couldn't have said that any better.
Yes, we are all one. We all vibrate on the same energy.

creativesoul's photo
Sat 01/12/08 12:55 PM
Eastern Religions have been saying this for thousands of years... flowerforyou

A little Taoist flavor...

The way that can be spoken of
Is not the constant way;
The name that can be named
Is not the constant name.

The nameless was the beginning of heaven and earth;
The named was the mother of the myriad creatures.

Hence always rid yourself of desires in order to observes its secrets;
But always allow yourself to have desires in order to observe its manifestations.

These two are the same
But diverge in name as they issue forth.
Being the same they are called mysteries,
Mystery upon mystery -
The gateway of the manifold secrets.

infectious_witch's photo
Sat 01/12/08 12:58 PM

Eastern Religions have been saying this for thousands of years... flowerforyou

A little Taoist flavor...

The way that can be spoken of
Is not the constant way;
The name that can be named
Is not the constant name.

The nameless was the beginning of heaven and earth;
The named was the mother of the myriad creatures.

Hence always rid yourself of desires in order to observes its secrets;
But always allow yourself to have desires in order to observe its manifestations.

These two are the same
But diverge in name as they issue forth.
Being the same they are called mysteries,
Mystery upon mystery -
The gateway of the manifold secrets.

I am glad someone understands what I am saying.
Thank you.

tinabelle's photo
Sat 01/12/08 01:00 PM
but the part you are overlooking, is the faith in God part.
so its not that people have faith in themselves-if that were the case, they would already have the strength within them.
but its because they have seen the need to put that faith in
something that is not themself, but God,that makes the dfference.

infectious_witch's photo
Sat 01/12/08 01:02 PM

but the part you are overlooking, is the faith in God part.
so its not that people have faith in themselves-if that were the case, they would already have the strength within them.
but its because they have seen the need to put that faith in
something that is not themself, but God,that makes the dfference.

I didn't overlook a faith in God.
I am simply implying that maybe that faith that they are putting in a God is really a faith in themselves.
As I have said, we have no way of proving what is really the real answer.
All we can do is have faith in something that may not be there.
The result is usually a faith in ones self.

creativesoul's photo
Sat 01/12/08 01:08 PM
My explanation of life's fingerprint...

In the truest of senses... I believe one 'conforms' unto his/her own idealogical exposure, whether out of need or out of convenience, or both, which may or may not include or agree with another's definition of 'right and wrong'. The separate and individual uniqueness of this world's affect upon one shapes his/her view of the world according to the 'agreements' made within each individual which are based on one's inner acceptances of 'truth'(one's internalizations)... one's behaviour will follow suit accordingly.

Until one quits searching for 'inner peace' by looking outward, and at the source of the fingerprint, through the fingerprint, it will always be incorruptable... if there is such a thing as enemy my friend, one is his own worst, when one does not recognize themself, and that which steals one from the 'Spirit' that lives within each of us...

We are all... each... a law unto ourselves... while living life according to it's fingerprint... incorruptably so, without one's own recognition of themself.

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 01/12/08 01:42 PM

We are all children of the universe.

It makes no difference how we view her.

Her essence is not dependent upon our views.

However, our views will affect our lives.

So our beliefs are important to us in this way.

toloveagain's photo
Sat 01/12/08 01:59 PM

but the part you are overlooking, is the faith in God part.
so its not that people have faith in themselves-if that were the case, they would already have the strength within them.
but its because they have seen the need to put that faith in
something that is not themself, but God,that makes the dfference.

you are personifying god, i think....God can be anyform we choose it to be...for example, the energy stream (as mentioned above) Most people put a face on God because this is simple for us to understand...a concrete explaination. If you think in the abstract, (the energy stream), you understand that in this example, We are blasphemy intended......

infectious_witch's photo
Sat 01/12/08 02:38 PM

but the part you are overlooking, is the faith in God part.
so its not that people have faith in themselves-if that were the case, they would already have the strength within them.
but its because they have seen the need to put that faith in
something that is not themself, but God,that makes the dfference.

you are personifying god, i think....God can be anyform we choose it to be...for example, the energy stream (as mentioned above) Most people put a face on God because this is simple for us to understand...a concrete explaination. If you think in the abstract, (the energy stream), you understand that in this example, We are blasphemy intended......

Once again, well said.
flowerforyou flowerforyou

MindOfChrist's photo
Sat 01/12/08 08:22 PM
Many may beleive but few have faith, our religion is our life based on the faith that we have.

We ought also to have the acceptance of others and their faith. I find that those who live by what ever faith they have within them, are closer to being a brother or sister than those who beleive as I do yet do not walk by faith.

Many agrue over the doctrines of their beliefs but must faiths have a similar approach to life. They all seek a higher understanding, detactment from possessions and themselves, and love, kindness, and good will to others.

We most likely will never be able to reach an agreement on what we each perceive as truth. So it is good to accept each other and perhaps we can walk down this path together as much as our faith and liberty will allow us.

infectious_witch's photo
Sat 01/12/08 10:56 PM
Prancing stallion... on the hillside.
Prancing on the grass....

maraskia74's photo
Sat 01/12/08 11:02 PM
faith is my best friends daughter

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou