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Topic: Where do nonbelievers go in times of crisis?
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Sat 01/26/08 04:14 AM
Regardless of Tomies intentions. The question still bears some weight.
My belief system has made a few evolutions in my life. It is an intimate subject, I usually do not talk much about in a public forum. What I believe in, don't believe in, is really only important to me... and possibly those that are in my immediate proximity, who care about me.

I agree with many aspects of both sides of this debate. Abra brings up a key word in how I try to deal with life's challenges today. Acceptance.

Tomie and a few others bring up an equally important part of my life. Prayer.

These two things are not exclusive of one another, in my opinion.

I believe that all prayers are answered. I also believe that those answers can be things I don't happen to agree with at the time. I am one person amongst billions of people. I cannot possibly see the bigger picture. What I think is a good thing for me, just might have a very bad ripple effect for someone somewhere else... or may effect me in a less then favorable way either immediately or at some point in the future.
So... when I pray.. I pray for guidance, courage, and peace within, no matter the circumstance. I pray for these things for others too. In other words..I pray for acceptance.

I believe there is a wisdom greater then myself. I also believe that all of us are a part of that greater wisdom. Some of us call that wisdom 'God'. I like to think there are many names in many belief systems. We tend to all be talking of the same thing, yet argue about our particular definitions and differences. Often ignoring the similarities.

As someone pointed out to me a few days ago over dinner. Even though we were talking about a very different subject. Sometimes the world can take measures that can seem to be very tragic in our immediate view. Things like the plague, war, famine...etc... However, without these unfortunate events, where would we be? How tolerable would our world be today? Rather than almost 7 billion people here.. maybe we would have 20 billion?

So.. maybe this dispute over definitions and differences that so often leads to destruction and death... is actually a blessing in disguise?

Our job, as individuals.... might simply be ~ to live our lives in acceptance of all things, good, bad...and ugly, that are out of our control.

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Sat 01/26/08 04:24 AM
Well said...I couldn't agree more...
You've hit the nail on the head, at least how I view the subject and feel about it as well...flowerforyou

tomie's photo
Sat 01/26/08 04:42 AM
Spoken from a true gentleman, thanks jistme. Yours has been the best reply out of all the posts I've done, although many contraversial. May HIS peace be upon you always.
T:tongue: mie

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Sat 01/26/08 05:11 AM
interesting question. Hard for me to say because i have someone to pray/talk to. I bet ya some "nonbelievers" have a word with someone when the stuff hits the fan whether they admit it or not. i have no kids so i cannot imagine that senario but as for me dying, don't care, never did, never will. it might be the coolest thing ever. nobody knows. as for someone else dying no matter how close, it never bothered me. I dont know why, dont know if it is weird but for some reason even when i was a kid i knew everyone is going to die.

tomie's photo
Sat 01/26/08 06:26 AM

interesting question. Hard for me to say because i have someone to pray/talk to. I bet ya some "nonbelievers" have a word with someone when the stuff hits the fan whether they admit it or not. i have no kids so i cannot imagine that senario but as for me dying, don't care, never did, never will. it might be the coolest thing ever. nobody knows. as for someone else dying no matter how close, it never bothered me. I dont know why, dont know if it is weird but for some reason even when i was a kid i knew everyone is going to die.

I have to agree with you, viperkiss. There is no doubt we are all going to die one day. It is the cycle of life. And when the 'stuff hits the fan' we'll know then who was right or who wasn't. I would rather be on the safe side. How about you?

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