Topic: Mother micrwaves baby
Fanta46's photo
Tue 11/28/06 06:53 PM
Police Say Mother Microwaved Her Baby

Published: 11/28/06, 9:26 PM EDT

DAYTON, Ohio (AP) - A mother was arrested on suspicion of murdering her
newborn daughter by microwaving the baby in an oven. China Arnold, 26,
was jailed Monday on a charge of aggravated murder, more than a year
after she brought her dead month-old baby to a hospital. Bail was set
Tuesday at $1 million.

"We have reason to believe, and we have some forensic evidence that is
consistent with our belief, that a microwave oven was used in this
death," said Ken Betz, director of the Montgomery County coroner's

He said the evidence included high-heat internal injuries and the
absence of external burn marks on the baby, Paris Talley.

Arnold was arrested soon after the baby's death in August 2005, then was
released while authorities investigated further. Betz said the case was
difficult because "there is not a lot of scientific research and data on
the effect of microwaves on human beings."

The death was ruled homicide by hyperthermia, or high body temperature.
The absence of external burns ruled out an open flame, scalding water or
a heating pad as the cause, Betz said.

Arnold's lawyer, Jon Paul Rion, said his client had nothing to do with
her child's death and was stunned when investigators told her that a
microwave might have been involve

no photo
Tue 11/28/06 07:00 PM
I don't understand how ANY parent can do that to a baby.Some people
shouldn't be parents.

Fanta46's photo
Tue 11/28/06 07:03 PM
Thats sick! for sure, they shold take her out back and it now!

widowerseeking's photo
Tue 11/28/06 07:54 PM
she seems to be one of those who was a mother by the miracle of birth.
but that is where the mother part stops. what kind of sicko could even
dream of doing such a thing.

no photo
Tue 11/28/06 07:54 PM
alot of sick people out there!!!!!!!!!!

Ghostrecon's photo
Tue 11/28/06 08:53 PM
Should we stick her in a shower then instead of water, we spray Zyklon B
gas,then Stick her in the overn for good measure.

lily38's photo
Tue 11/28/06 10:05 PM
I would really like to think this is a horrid misunderstanding, because
as a mother.....I cannot imagine!

no photo
Wed 11/29/06 06:28 AM
How can this be a "misunderstanding?" That is just wrong.

sushi's photo
Wed 11/29/06 07:14 AM
Yeah, I just read that in the Chronicle. Damn if you don't want your
child, just take it to any fire dept sub station, no questions will be
asked. That's the law.

TxSixStringS's photo
Wed 11/29/06 08:09 AM
The world is FULL of idiots that have no concept of life for other human
Cooler heads always prevail. As directed by the US Constitution and our
laws, I'll presume the "Mother" innocent until ALL THE FACTS are
presented. Stranger things have happen to find that people were indeed
BUT! If she is guilty of such a horrible act. No prison time for her in
my opinion. Save my tax dollars and just use a .13 bullet to the back of
the head behind the court house!

theronin75's photo
Wed 11/29/06 08:27 AM

no photo
Wed 11/29/06 08:32 AM
One form or another, either legal or vigilante style.