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Topic: special friends.....lonely soul.....
michael1313's photo
Tue 11/28/06 06:57 AM
I seek for you with Loves true flight,
hoping to spare Loves true light,
opened my heart for your true delite,
wonderful Loves to feel just right,
erotic dreams loving through th'night,
exotic streams and fancy flight,
will you Love me, past tonight?

no photo
Tue 11/28/06 07:06 AM
Give the time
Not just rhyme
Learn her and know her
Beyond the time
You will find
That she will shine
Rush not into the night
For fleshly delight
Open her soul
Learn what will make her whole
For when she is whole
She can complete you and your soul
Like no other hath before
Open your eyes and see what she has in store
Tis just a start
But before long you will know her heart
Reach for her hand
Walk with her through the sand
Take the time, for she does not rush
And for you her heart will gush....

My poetry is off today , I apologize...

michael1313's photo
Tue 11/28/06 07:32 AM
like to take this dance with me,
to see love prance so free,
thru this romance with me,
feel it being fancy free,
take my hand,hand in hands,
let's walk those sands,
to fly these lands,
and make our stands,
bare toes in th' sands
thru this moonlit path,
not to hurt from envies wrath,
growing slow and we can laugh,
take my hand let's walk our path......M

this is fun CCP....M.

no photo
Tue 11/28/06 07:47 AM
Let us roam the path of the unknown
For her love has been shown
Winding and twisting the path is true
Follow along slowly and she will be for you
Stop along the way from time to time
Pick her not a rose, but a daisy
Write her prose and rhymes
Never let your love for her grow lazy
Teach her honor and trust
For those who have gone before ye
Have shown her to mistrust
Turning her love to rust
Show her that all is not lost
Shw her that hope is the way
And she will be yours forever and a day
Build her a castle made of sand
Built on a foundation of rock
Solid and true
And she will be with you
Side by side
Hand in hand
Do not lead
Do not follow
Walk with her side by side
Hand in hand
Through the sand..

no photo
Tue 11/28/06 07:55 AM
I'm takin off for awhile, goin to take a nap..a much needed nap

michael1313's photo
Tue 11/28/06 10:01 AM
Honor and Trust,good qualities indeed,
Loving and Lust,we will also need,
giving my soul,for you to feed,
take only for your heart,no greed,
A castle of sand,washes away,
but put it mortar,and it will stay,
built of stone,will be this home,
families grow,not to roam,
within these walls made of stone,
a fireplace to warm these bones,
with a place to cook,
and a breakfast nook
reading a book,or sit to chill,
wondering halls,time to fill,
build this home,made on stone,
a home to call,our very own,
upon the walls,you see my hand,
my work is known throughout th' land,
welcome entry into this home,
someday you may call it your very own......M.

lonelyteardrop's photo
Tue 11/28/06 10:39 AM
you guys write some very beautiful

no photo
Tue 11/28/06 12:01 PM
She no longer roams alone
Coming to the home built of stone
Where all warmth shall be
Her soul has been set free
In this home you built of stone
When the demons come for her
As they always do
Stand at the doorway
Sword in hand
Fight them and keep them at bay
Not just for today
Fight them and keep them at bay
For all time
In this home you built of stone
When the world seems to much
And she feels its crush
Stand tall and true
Hold the world high above her head
Keep it from crushing her very soul
In this home you built of stone
When she feels lost
Guide her home
Hold her hand
Stand by her side
When she feels forgotten
Tossed aside
Bring her back home
So she no longer roams
Heal her heart
Give her a fresh start
Take heed her words
The truth she seeks
The truth she speaks
Let her not wander far
Take your chance
Take your risk
Ask her for this dance..........

michael1313's photo
Tue 11/28/06 12:36 PM
Inside this door,upon our floor,
leading into families dwelling,
a tear to me,my eyes are welling,
could this be, my home for me,
to forever be my wildest dream,
inside and out,give no doubt,
is this really what it seems,
love entwined upon this dream,
and outside a quiet stream,

it flows past,not very fast,
it's in th' back,just kinda lazy,
the view is sweet on a moon lit night,
under th trees,along the rivers right,
there is a trail,one tiny path,
made this walk just to make us laugh,
beside this streams lazy swath,
is known as th Daisies path,

From water,thru yard, and by our home,
this lone path,is all our very own,
with a hammock under leafy bough,
just to rest my tired bones,
covered from sunshine,now cool n lazy,
soft breezes flowing,a lil'bit hazy
across the petals of a million daisies........M.

Ontario's photo
Tue 11/28/06 12:43 PM

no photo
Tue 11/28/06 12:51 PM
In the hammock she lays with you
Daisies strewn all through her hair
Passionate kisses leave her gasping for air
The stream creating a gentle tune
Sun streaming through the leafy bough
In you arms she knows peace
Serenity's grace
Etched upon your face
In your arms she knows desire
Serenity's grace
Etched upon your face
In your arms she knows love
Serenity's grace
Etched upon your face
Whispers of love tease her ear
Softly she sighs
Contenment knowing no bounds
Swearing her loves oath to you
She swears to love only you
Swearing to be true
Gentle pin prick
Sealing her oath with her blood
Serenity's grace
Etched upon their face...

no photo
Tue 11/28/06 12:52 PM
Check yerspace :)

Ontario's photo
Tue 11/28/06 12:54 PM
whoa...ccp...thats hot...!

no photo
Tue 11/28/06 01:32 PM
Every word she has written
In hopes that you would be smitten
She grows weary on this path of aloneness
She seeks her one and only
The greatest treasure of them all
She is wary of the fall
Yet so brave her love to you she gave
Standing by the sea
Casting out her doubts
Waves washing her clean
Chasing all fear away
She waits for you today...........

no photo
Tue 11/28/06 02:32 PM
In my darkend heart
A light so bright has shined
You took the chance
You took the risk
I give to you my heart and soul
For you make me whole
I wait no longer
Now our love shall grow stronger
Words of beauty have flowed today
You saw through the mask of she
Knowing it was me
You have taken my hand
No longer is it me
Now it is we...

michael1313's photo
Tue 11/28/06 03:03 PM
Take my hand and walk with me
you will be true with me
I will be true to thee
share my love for this world to see
for you for me,as me for thee
love me right
hold me tight
love me for more than this night
hold me within your loving arms
none between,and none to harms
show this world for me
let us grow true love for all to see
hold our dreams true
give our hearts untill our last fall
dance with me
romance with me
please chance this romance with me
love my romance for thee...


no photo
Tue 11/28/06 03:10 PM
It is your hand I take
To dance this dance
Romance we shall make
Loves pure light doth shine
Upon our weary hearts
Lighting the way
For all to see
Your hear doth belong to me
My beloved this I promise thee

michael1313's photo
Tue 11/28/06 03:12 PM

no photo
Tue 11/28/06 03:22 PM
In our sky
We will know no rain
Only light that shines pure and bright
I wipe away your tears
Know only the serenity that coms from my soul
Never a tear shall we shed
Never a day shall we dread
My soul is yours to keep
Never again shall we weep

michael1313's photo
Tue 11/28/06 03:48 PM

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