Topic: my mother
sendingyoukisses's photo
Tue 11/28/06 06:14 AM
i go to her grave
i stand there in a daze
not knowing what to say
does my mother really know
whats going on in my life today
i never got the chance to tell her
i forgave her for all the pain
she was my mother the only one
i had.we sometimes didn't get along.
cause i had to have things my way.
if i could go back and do things again
i would tell my mother i loved her at the end.

theronin75's photo
Tue 11/28/06 06:15 AM
love it. mother is the name for god on the lips and hearts of all

sendingyoukisses's photo
Tue 11/28/06 06:16 AM
thank you i was sitting in thinking about her so i write asi think

theronin75's photo
Tue 11/28/06 06:20 AM
well its beautiful

sendingyoukisses's photo
Tue 11/28/06 06:36 AM
thank you

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 11/28/06 06:50 AM
Very nice I do know that feeling well since
I no longer have either parent. And all the
unspoken words that are still there.

sendingyoukisses's photo
Tue 11/28/06 07:11 AM
yea i lost my dad when iwas 14 then my mother when i was 20 i am still
trying to write one about my dad sence he was a good man he just had a
drinking problem so not shure how to write one about him.

michael1313's photo
Tue 11/28/06 08:09 AM
a Mothers love comes only once,
she is our teacher,so we're not the dunce,
love your mom with all of your heart,
she is one who gave us our start,
you're a part of her,
a piece of the heart,
just alike,but to stand apart,
now she's gone,please don't feel blue,
just remember,she always loved you..........M.

sendingyoukisses's photo
Tue 11/28/06 08:12 AM
yes she is apart of my life

no photo
Tue 11/28/06 08:30 AM
Well I never really knew my father. My mom and dad divorced and she
moved away with us kids when I was about 5 or 6. I saw him once when he
was in the hospital about to die with cancer. He never made no attempt
to see us when we were growing up but I had to go see him to get closure
in my life before he passed away. I wish I would have had the life with
him that I always wanted as a child but that's the way life goes. I did
have a really good step dad that was very much like a real dad to me. I
guess the way my childhood went is why I am the person I am today and
the type of father and daddy I am. So all is not lost.

sendingyoukisses's photo
Tue 11/28/06 08:57 AM
that is awesome i never really had a dad but the one i had i never new

sweetcountrygirl's photo
Tue 11/28/06 09:05 AM
Nicely said all...

Very nice poem SYK

sweetcountrygirl's photo
Tue 11/28/06 09:06 AM
and you too Mike...

smiles to all...

sendingyoukisses's photo
Tue 11/28/06 09:19 AM
thank you sweet