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Topic: How would you handle this???
no photo
Tue 01/08/08 06:08 PM
Partner in Crime that is a difficult place to be in..

Step back and look at it from an unbiased view..

Only then, proceed with what your heart tells you.flowerforyou

madamx7316's photo
Tue 01/08/08 07:48 PM

lol again....ive NOOOOOOOOOOO interest in the guys....im wondering about the women. do i tell them or ignor it and let them find out themselves.

I would say tell them. Or do you not consider these women your friends?

no i would consider them friends i mean we get along and i really like the one. just a hard spot, how do i know he is telling me the truth and just not trying to make me jealous and then i start a war so to speak...heck i dont know......grrrrrrr

mommyof1's photo
Tue 01/08/08 07:58 PM
you dont know if he's tellin you the truth... only one way to find out, yanno

itsmetina's photo
Tue 01/08/08 07:59 PM
you should tell the women.they are wasting time on a man thats playing them.talking to people is ok but if you are dating several they have a right to know and choose if they are ok with that

no photo
Tue 01/08/08 08:04 PM
reverse the situation-if you were in the other ladies shoes would you want to be told?? how would you react?

and the way these men are acting, you want to really be friends with them??

madamx7316's photo
Tue 01/08/08 08:04 PM
like i back off...i havent called him in a few days...so tonight he calls with the i miss you stuff...i cut it short. i just hate to see someone get hurt. he tells me this other woman is chasin him, he acts annoyed, says there is nothing there and no desire an that he dont want to hurt her feelings by being rude about it...blah blah. hes told me this for months. i just dont want to start a war with things. so i was looking for advice on the issue

unsure's photo
Tue 01/08/08 08:08 PM
To be honest..do you really think they are going to believe you? You know how women can be..if they truly like this guy, they are going to think that you are just being a bytch and maybe just maybe you might want him!! Even though you don't want him, they are going to wonder why you even care. So, I would say no don't even get involved!!
Women don't walk away from the cheating men half the time any way and then you look like the trouble maker!! I would just stay out of it!! Let them learn the hard way then you won't look like the bad guy!!

Totage's photo
Tue 01/08/08 08:09 PM
I wouldn't say anything unless you know for sure they're going to get hurt. I would just avoid the men/man and leave it alone.

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