62easygoing's photo
Tue 01/08/08 05:22 AM
As I watch my seven year old niece, playing games, and asking me questions--I was thinking (Everyone has a favorite memory) What was yours?

DebbieJT's photo
Tue 01/08/08 05:25 AM
i lived on a villiage in could roam around the countryside picking wild fruit and climbing tres ...and was never any danger ...not like now where you have to be careful with your kids

no photo
Tue 01/08/08 05:29 AM
When my mom wasn't around...then it was all good!!..drinker

trueokie2's photo
Tue 01/08/08 05:29 AM
I remember going fishing with momma and daddy. I was about 7yrs old and we were fishing with cain poles. The bank was real muddy. I tossed my hook into the water and got a bite. The fish must have weight 5lbs and was putting up a fight. I was brave and gonna show that I could bring this one in myself. (wanting to make daddy proud) I threw the pole down grabbed the line and pulled it to the bank. Picked this fish up in my arms and it was wiggling around. Dad took the hook out of its mouth. That fish went straight up into the air and back in the water he went.

It was a great memory of me and my daddy. I miss him very much.

no photo
Tue 01/08/08 05:30 AM
((((true))))) how are you??..good to see you..flowerforyou drinker

trueokie2's photo
Tue 01/08/08 05:32 AM

((((true))))) how are you??..good to see you..flowerforyou drinker

Good to see you too. I start back to college tomorrow. How are you?flowerforyou drinker smokin happy

no photo
Tue 01/08/08 05:32 AM
I'm eh?...that has to be exciting?..happy

sum14u2c's photo
Tue 01/08/08 05:33 AM
the smell of mama's potato bread baking in the oven...i miss her every day!

trueokie2's photo
Tue 01/08/08 05:34 AM

I'm eh?...that has to be exciting?..happy

I have a few butterflies about it, but it will be fine. I'm taking; Drawing I, Western Civ, Computers, and College Algebra

3freedom3's photo
Tue 01/08/08 05:37 AM
I would have to say it was when I lived with my grandparents in the mountains of eastern Pennsylvania. We had a large creek running right behind the house about 40ft away...the woods were across the road, and our only neighbor lived about 1/4 mile down the road. It was great!!

no photo
Tue 01/08/08 05:41 AM
I remember climbing the trees in our backyard.

My Dad topped them all, because they obscured the view of the city and bay... So there was a flat round seat on all of them about even with the picture windows of our living room on the third story. The trees were at the bottom of the sloping yard.

I remember the look on my Moms face.. as she realized it was me waving to her, 60 feet off the ground.

I was 6.

RoamingOrator's photo
Tue 01/08/08 05:56 AM
I grew up on a farm, so I have so many, but I'll try one...

When I was small (maybe seven) I can remember going mushroom hunting with my grandfather in the spring. Now there are a lot of wooded hills around here, and he knew them all. So we always came back with more than enough to eat. But Grandpa always was teaching us things while we were out with him. He would also "let" us find things after pointing us in the right direction.

On this particular day, he pointed me into the largest patch of mushrooms I've ever seen. They looked like a pyramid running to the top of the hill. I can still see the tan to off white morrels standing up against the vibrant green spring growth. We picked mushrooms until we'd filled all our sacks (actually coming back the next day to get more).

On returning to the pickup to head home, we somehow managed to come across a small herd of about five deer feeding along the treeline. He "shushed" me, pointed them out, and we watched them for probably ten or fifteen minutes before they moved on.

klugman's photo
Tue 01/08/08 06:13 AM
Playing crash derby with my younger brother on our big wheels.

Shaden's photo
Tue 01/08/08 09:21 AM
Going to the beach with my mom, sister and brother and body surfing all day. We'd get snowcones and walk barefoot in the sand. I can remember the sound of waves crashing and seagulls above.

kolhauszer's photo
Tue 01/08/08 01:20 PM
i was 17 years old when i went on my first hitch-hicking adventure trip across canada..first of entire journey was filled with challenges great and somewhat scarry..
i finally made it past the bc boarder durring the was very late..and at that time there was no highway lighting..steetlights etc...i remember seeing the boarder billboard that said welcome to SUPERNATURAL BC..
of course i took it to mean that it was a refference to b.c natural forrestry and beauty..thinking nothing of it i continued my journey..

not to long i was walking on the side of the road with no illumination say for the moonlight..i heard a very loud thud in the forrest at the right of me..startled me for a bit but continued my way..after another kilometer or so i heard a even louder noise in the forrest..but this time it was even closer to me..feeling a little panic stickened i felt as though i wouldn't pay attention to the sounds of the forrest if i would put my walkman on..
and then it happened..a sound that i will never was durring the time when i was changing sounded to me like a very huge animal a bear perhaps grizzlies are not known for venturing out near the highways..but perhaps that this time there foolish as it was i started to run very fast..and the further that i got the more i heard the was following this day i still have no doubt..i was sure to have been killed that night.

like a gift from the road gods..a passer by wasdriving in my direction and i seriously flagged him down by standing right in front of his was a old native indian man who was kind enough to stop for me..he noticed that i was in shear fright and i told him what had happened.

he told me of a indian legend with a name that i dont remember..but it ment..THE WOLF THAT WALKS LIKE A MAN..and he seemed very serious about it too..

but i still think that it was a bear..

62easygoing's photo
Wed 01/09/08 11:30 AM

As I watch my seven year old niece, playing games, and asking me questions--I was thinking (Everyone has a favorite memory) What was yours?
My favorite memory was,vacation time once a year when I was a young child growing up,we would all go to Idaho. Our grandparents would teach us to fish,camp,and just enjoy being a child.:smile:

62easygoing's photo
Wed 01/09/08 11:30 AM

As I watch my seven year old niece, playing games, and asking me questions--I was thinking (Everyone has a favorite memory) What was yours?
My favorite memory was,vacation time once a year when I was a young child growing up,we would all go to Idaho. Our grandparents would teach us to fish,camp,and just enjoy being a child.:smile:

62easygoing's photo
Wed 01/09/08 11:30 AM

As I watch my seven year old niece, playing games, and asking me questions--I was thinking (Everyone has a favorite memory) What was yours?
My favorite memory was,vacation time once a year when I was a young child growing up,we would all go to Idaho. Our grandparents would teach us to fish,camp,and just enjoy being a child.:smile: