Topic: Favorite Johnny Depp flick
PrinceofProvidence's photo
Thu 01/10/08 03:30 PM
Its gotta be blow, I could watch that movie a million times and not get sick of it, great true story, directing, acting ,costume design, everything avout that movie is awesome drinker drinker

daniel48706's photo
Thu 01/10/08 03:59 PM
Secret Window by far!!!!!!!

CONAN731's photo
Thu 01/10/08 04:24 PM

benny & joon

azard7's photo
Thu 01/10/08 05:34 PM
The Ninth Gate

no photo
Thu 01/10/08 05:48 PM
Blow, but I'd watch him paint a fence!

no photo
Thu 01/10/08 05:51 PM

I like him as an actor, but it sickens me how women want him in the pants when they know nothing about him. If I ever because a famous actor, I would totally lay women and then be a complete ass to them just to shatter their unfounded fantasies of me.

Gee, it sicken you the way men drool over the wonderfully talented Pam Anderson, too, then.

Shaden's photo
Thu 01/10/08 07:32 PM

Angel_Wingz21's photo
Thu 01/10/08 08:07 PM
Pirates of the Caribbean and Secret Window...i would say!

rozey2680's photo
Thu 01/10/08 08:39 PM
Pirates and Edward Scissor hands... great movies!!!

ncbrunette's photo
Thu 01/10/08 11:33 PM
I know this said favorite movie, but I've become hooked on 21 Jump Street..its like a different Johnny character every night...

And as far as a movie goes..its gotta be Benny and Joon.

brett339h's photo
Thu 01/10/08 11:35 PM
BLOW... I have a 7 foot poster of the counting money scene

DebbieJT's photo
Fri 01/11/08 04:29 AM
its got to be the pirate he did that character was pure genious

daniel48706's photo
Fri 01/11/08 04:38 AM
the trilogy of the pirates is an exemplary collection of his work, yes...

However, if you have not seeen the secret window, I would highly reccomend you do so, as it portrays an even deeper, and personally a more fear-filling, sense of what he is truly capable of.

In the secret window, I can actually see Johnny enacting this in real life, he does such a convincing job of it on screen.

no photo
Fri 01/11/08 04:45 AM
Cry Baby

hikerchick's photo
Fri 01/11/08 08:27 PM
Edited by hikerchick on Fri 01/11/08 08:28 PM

the trilogy of the pirates is an exemplary collection of his work, yes...

However, if you have not seeen the secret window, I would highly reccomend you do so, as it portrays an even deeper, and personally a more fear-filling, sense of what he is truly capable of.

In the secret window, I can actually see Johnny enacting this in real life, he does such a convincing job of it on screen.

I agree with you Daniel. The movie is amazing.

But then so is Blow, Edward Scissorhands, and let's not forget Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

oh yeah - and Benny and Joon

And What's Eating Gilbert Grape..

summerlady's photo
Sat 01/12/08 07:43 AM
I don't think he's done a bad movie, has he? :smile: But my favorite is The Secret Window.

RunWildWithMe's photo
Sun 01/13/08 07:07 PM
He's fantastic..but i have to say...Edward Scissorhands

yic17's photo
Mon 01/14/08 12:16 AM
Sleepy Hollow, Finding Neverland, and Corpse Bride

Pirates of Caribbean is pretty good, too. :wink:

no photo
Tue 01/15/08 07:53 PM

benny & joon

Me too, girl, when he was just blooming. If I was a girl or gay . . .

here, here. Great movie!

wanttachat's photo
Tue 01/15/08 08:14 PM
they are all good I don't want to choose :tongue: