Topic: who hate paid sex? | |
Some people argue that paid sex takes something deeply personal and turns it into a cold transaction. I feel it strips intimacy of meaning and reduces human connection to a service, often exploiting vulnerable individuals in the process. It’s seen by me as a symptom of deeper issues like inequality and desperation, rather than something to be embraced and pleasured about.
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Tue 01/07/25 03:35 AM
I agree but some people don’t care as long as they get satisfaction from it by any means. It’s the oldest and longest profession that’s been around and continues to this day. It’s an easy choice with no strings attached. In the end you’re only screwing yourself.
Has nothing to do with Love.
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why nof
why Not Why not what? |
I hate it because most time sharing intimacy with a stranger can create an emotional vulnerability that may not be reciprocated and besides I believe the sex is more sweeter when there’s a level of intimacy and understanding
Some people argue that paid sex takes something deeply personal and turns it into a cold transaction. I feel it strips intimacy of meaning and reduces human connection to a service, often exploiting vulnerable individuals in the process. It’s seen by me as a symptom of deeper issues like inequality and desperation, rather than something to be embraced and pleasured about. On the topic of exploitation of vulnerable and/or marginalized ppl. 100% agree and that side of the sex industry is appalling and I'd like very much to see it eradicated poste haste, and it's victims given means to recover and flourish after facing such trauma That said, I feel looking at sex work and sex workers as a binary, or black and white issue can be harmful as well. Yes, huge number are trafficked and worse, but many are also choosing to and working independently for numerous reasons personal to them. Hate, i feel, overall is strong. Hate the cartel for sure, but have empathy and compassion for the workers. Trafficked or choosing to work. And to the chosen, it's their livelihood, regardless of itsto feel their family or support their vices, if someone is making a living at it, consentually, that's fine by me. Do I patronize the industry, aside from watching porn, which is the same industry with the same issues, No i don't. But I am aware that many adult film starts moonlight as escorts, and that's great. I would were i able. I also pay mind to stay away from that which is clearly exploiting trafficked humans. I also have a couple friends, several honestly if adult film is part of it, who are employed in the sex industry. All enthusiasticlly so. All like what they do. Two of these friends are escorts, independant meaning a service or individual isn't taking anything off the top (pimping), which is a risk, especially for women, so they often have a chapperone and tip the chapperone for the work. By tip I mean the chapperone is given only what the escort deems appropriate even if the tip is $0, or a meal or whatever. Thats the differentiator. Having chapperoned for one of these friends a good deal because we were housemates and I had vehicle, I have had a lot of insight and experience with how it works. And yes, my friend always tipped nicely tho I would've been fine just knowing she was safe and could have me knocking her room withing 60 seconds if a john was trying to not pay or worse (both happen a good deal, until another male appears, then only once did i see a john not immediately comply without issue). My point in all this is to show how not black and white this, or any other issue honestly, is not. Sex workers, whether one likes that its a thing or not, are going to be working in the sex industry and whether they are doing so by choice or under threat merely changes the approach taken to meet their needs. Trfficking humans is a violation of human rights and I feel the methods in the I said before would be productive, but I've yet to see cartels that didn't have LE on payroll, so there's some issues implementing a plan to take cartels down. Whole different issue, but i digress. When it comes to those choosing, consenting, to sex work, they benefit from one, understanding their line of work and the issues they face. Criminalization leads to all sorts of problems and has yet to fix any. Providing space, or safety for both workers and their chapperones to operate within the bounds of reasonable law and having reasonable law in place for that to happen. Punishing, via the criminal courts, johns who violate law just as you'd punich one for not paying for any service or for assaulting a provider of a service. Also punishing pimps (some one who demands a rate for protection, often then explooiting or abusing the worker on top of robbing then by threat or strong arm). sadly, what the binary, or this or that nothing else approach has done is often only punishes the most innocent involved, the sex worker themself. it's like arresting or shaming a hair stylist in doing hair were crfiminalized and ppl getting their hair did here taking advantge of stylists. It's the exact opposite of logical thinking and lets be brutally honest here, the vast majority of sex workers are women and an overwhelmingly number of johns are men regardless of the workers gender, and the overall view of sex work is the workers should be shamed because they're "unclean women" (who get paid by men of all walks of life including those that make the law and enforce the law, fact) so of course its the womens fault right? or maybe the industry itself is victim to the whole poopshow of patriarchy and likely wouldn't be a thing if men weren't so hell bent on everything involving women being about their penis. So, instead of hate, maybe empathy, understanding, the men patronizing sex workers being better humans and when asking for a service respect the boundaries of those providing it, society stop being f'n hypocrites and shaming or criminalizing things it also patronize. Bottom line point here is, sure dislike the industry thats great, doesn't mean jack black diddly smack. the industry is not ever going to go away as long as a large percentage of men value sex more than, well anything else.... i see that happening, um, not ever.... don't patronize the industry if you don't like it. I don't like big box department stores so I don't shop there, but i support their employees in fighting for full time and living wage, or benefits. i support small business and local proprietors who's bottom line is harmed by walmart addiction. actively support not just saying my feelers. If i just hated it what good would that do? i mean, i get to be in my feels about it, woo hoo! When one truly doesn't like a thing, for valid reason because the OP is valid AF for why they hate sex work. But valid as they are, that doesn't do anything for something that ish't going away and has mad problems all over it. hate dehumanizes the most human of work. No empthay perpetuates the issues that are hated. Hating while only understanding the exsistence and not the humans and the details actually just perpetuates the problem, counterproductive to be quite frank, is just saying "oh I hate this thing make it stop" while (only assuming OP, if you'e involved in meaningful effort I am very sorry. also, if you are lets talk cuz me too) doing nothing more does more harm than keeping your opinion to yourself. oh and no more porn watching if you hate it, unless words and actions not aligning is ok with you. I hope there's insight gained from my soap box rant. Too often do i see someone who isnt aware of how the system only harms the most innocent of the industry while the rest are viewed as victims somehow. Cuz sex workers make johns do it... or logical thinking. smh I know I am snarky and if I have offended anyone with my words or with my inside knowledge, i respectfully am not sorry. I don't make people choose to not understand this and it didn't take me helping a friend in the industry to get all of what I said, getting what I said made me willing to help my friend. I snark because frankly I see empathy and understanding the same way i see common sense, everyone has the abilities, some make the choice not tot implement them. OP, my comments arent really at you except where addressed, they are at the problem your words and the ones like them represent. I mean no offense and if you do truly dislike the industry strongly enough to use a term that i feel is a feeling ad powerful and takes as much effort as love does. hate is opposite day love. If you truly hate it, take effort to make it something you don't hate. I don't hate the industry, but i do hate many of the ills it breeds; exploition, R@pe, robbery, extortion, forced addiction, kidnapping, and many more. I chapperoned to help a friend, to help the industry become safer and less stigmatized I volunteer to pass out safe use and chem test supplies, I volunteer and donate to shelters in my area, I advocate fo the victims obviously, but actually provide study materials and speak to the public and have spoken with law enforcement and offered materials but well, ya know. I wish i could do more, but while it's illegal its not like theres storefronts and stuff, and in this platform i refrain from going into other things I have participated in with the goal of a safe and legal workspace for those who want to work in the industry. The least one can do is to petition for a ballot question to legalize it or decriminalize it. then vote to end criminalization. Legalization is ideal, as no one gets arrested just for acting in the work or paying for it. decriminalizing will keep workers safe from arrest, johns will be arrested and prosecuted just for agreeing to pay ir they are caught. johns are the least of anyones concern. More action, less hate!! yeah. thanks for keeping me comany on my rants lets all be the best us we can every day! |
I hate it because most time sharing intimacy with a stranger can create an emotional vulnerability that may not be reciprocated and besides I believe the sex is more sweeter when there’s a level of intimacy and understanding Makes me think of the Rick Springfield song “Affair of the heart”. |
I've never been able to do it myself, there needs to be a connection between you for the sex to be any good in my opinion, the fact she's only there for the money would make me unable to do it, guaranteed. Most the fun is in the pursuit, so it's pretty soulless if that isn't there
There's nothing wrong with having a special friend that comes over for a monthly service call.
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Pay me chocolates and flowers? 🥴
Pay me chocolates and flowers? 🥴 How about in chocolate covered edible flowers? ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 02/24/25 05:21 PM
I have no problem with the escort community at all
Dating has become very difficult and as you get older people standards get higher but their options get lower People are very unrealistic today And sometimes you just need to scratch an itch There's nothing wrong with it in my opinion But if you find a significant other You shouldn't be doing that you should be devoting yourself to that person If you're single I think it's perfectly acceptable |
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Mon 02/24/25 05:21 PM
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