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Topic: Help--Things are getting hot around here
sushi's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:35 PM
I've barely left the house for two days but my life does not lack for
drama. A couple of hours ago my good friend and neightbor called in
tears. Seems that when she got back from Mom's this evening, Hubby had
forgotten to log out from his computer and when she looked in, saw that
he'd been on porn wedsites. I got her permission to ask you about that.
She promised to hold off starting a big scene until I got some feedback.
I'd like to hear from someone,especially the guys. Really, this time
I'm trying to prevent some bloodshed in this 'ole cow town. Hurry

iceprincess's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:40 PM
tell her to leave it alone. look on the brightside now he'll be raring
to go for it later. looking and doing are two diffrent things and it's
not like he was in the damn scenes,

theronin75's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:43 PM
most men like porn. unless he's getting some from another woman she can
feel safe in her relationship. ask her how the sex life has been (if
she'll talk about it) the problem may be there. i know that afer a few
days of no nookie porn looks really interesting. sorry if i sound crude
just trying to help your friend sushi

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:44 PM
My gawd he is only looking at pics of naked women same as playboy what
is the big deal does not mean he is messing around

sendingyoukisses's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:44 PM
it only gets worse first porn then cheating. i been through it so tell
her to just becareful don't want to see her heart broke anymore

theronin75's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:46 PM
i enjoy porn once and a while and never have i cheated on any of my
girlfriends kisses

sendingyoukisses's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:48 PM
not all men cheat but most of them do. mine did and i did everything for
him. won't go as far to tell you about them

iceprincess's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:55 PM
no most men do not cheat.most do look at porn but it doesn't mean
they'll cheat. women look at porn sometimes does that make them cheaters

escapedlunatic's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:55 PM
I have my doubts about people but...I think I know we are all human and
make mistakes. I dont generalize, so that leaves me to only be open
minded and allways willing to learn.....but yet cautious.

TheShadow's photo
Sat 11/25/06 06:57 PM
See now I don't believe that Kisses. Not that I have any, but I've been
with woman that like it so I would rent them out. It's all in with the
man that you are with. Because me personaly I like to change thing up.
When you in a relationship for sometime you have to try new things.

And as for Shui... No one here knows what the whole stituation is. Who
cares if he was looking. I say If that womans mind is that closed in the
first place for here to get that upset. Then how is anything else in
that relationship even working out right now?

Pinkangel's photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:01 PM
What is the big deal about porn, anyway? I look at it,
what? Let the guy look.

sendingyoukisses's photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:02 PM
i was only telling
her what i went through first it was porn then it went to cheating i
didn't mean to make everyone think that all men cheat cause they don't
but some do.

Pinkangel's photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:05 PM
That is true. But if a man is going to cheat, he is going to has nothing to do with an unfaithful man.

TheShadow's photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:07 PM
Kisses don't get me wrong sweetie, This is only are opinion and it's all
good. I was just saying what you just said :)

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:11 PM
Pinkangel said it just the way it is for if they are gonna cheat that
was in there mind long ago lol nothing you can do once they have that on
the brain but..... have ya not always heard the man say well it did not
mean anything lol famous line lol

sendingyoukisses's photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:12 PM
yea i know sometimes i say things with out thinking first but i been
through it and i did a lot for my husband but he still cheated. the porn
i could handle the cheating i couldn't and that is why i am divorced.

Pinkangel's photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:17 PM
I, for one do not think that porn will make a man cheat. What makes a
man cheat is his lust for more than one woman. I do not like a man to
cheat on me...but WITH ME...Now that's a different story...Threesoms,
anyone? LOL!

escapedlunatic's photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:20 PM
mo·nog·a·my (m-ng-m) Pronunciation Key Audio pronunciation of
"monogamous" [P]

1. The practice or condition of having a single sexual partner during
a period of time.
1. The practice or condition of being married to only one
person at a time.
2. The practice of marrying only once in a lifetime.
3. Zoology. The condition of having only one mate during a breeding
season or during the breeding life of a pair.

mo·noga·mist n.
mo·noga·mous adj.
mo·noga·mous·ly a

TheShadow's photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:22 PM
Pink you put up a real pic. Then will let you know LMAO

sendingyoukisses's photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:24 PM
i found 2 things in life worth fighting for and one is not a man. my
life and my kids

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