"if you want to know there is no west in the bible so something has to happen, dont want to see it. yet everyone that know christian bible prophecy something has to happen, joes helping a lot to fullfil it."
The above was posted on the thread "End of America?" But I am giving my response here. Daniel 7 Traditionally seen as prophecy fulfilled concerning ancient empires but can also be seen as fulfilling modern prophecy. That is, we are living in the times of the lion, the bear and the leopard. This is characterized as dual prophecy. Or Daniel 7 strictly deals with modern nations while Daniel 2 deals primarily with the image of ancient nations. However one looks at it, the Antichrist kingdom is destroyed by Christ Second Coming and the lion, the bear and the leopard kingdom remained for a season and a time. Babylon, Medo-Persian and ancient Greece does not exist in our modern times. God regarded these nations as ferocious and wild animals who devour and conquer without conscience. (V2) Daniel spoke, saying, “I saw in my vision by night, and behold, the four winds of heaven were stirring up the Great Sea. And four great beasts came up from the sea, each different from the other.” Great Sea: Mediterranean Sea. The sea is sometimes used as a picture of Gentile nations....” To the Hebrews, the sea was both dangerous and mysterious, a restless element but not beyond God’s power to tame” (Balwin) Four winds of heaven: description of the sovereign power of God striving with men. Can also be seen as satanic forces as mentioned in Rev 7:1 Traditional View Four beasts: Four great world empires The first was like a lion, and had eagle’s wings: Babylonian Empire, represented by a lion and an eagle. Wings plucked off: the majestic beast/lion humbled and made human (a man heart was given to it). A second, like a bear: the Medo-Persian Empire. The three ribs represent their three great military conquests: Babylon, Egypt and Lydia. Another, like a leopard: The leopard represented the Greek Empire. Four wings: swiftness of the empire conquering the then known world. Four heads: kingdom divided into four parts after Alexander the Great’s death. The fourth beast: a dreadful, horned beast: Roman Empire. Powerful and cruel. Dual Prophecy In verses 7, 8, the Kingdom of the Antichrist is described. AFTER the Antichrist Kingdom is destroyed by God, which we know to be at the Coming of Jesus at Armageddon, we see this verse: (V12) As concerning the rest of the beasts, they had their dominion taken away: yet their lives were prolonged for a season and time. Lion, Bear, Leopard and Dreadful Horned beast in Modern Biblical Prophecy Lion with eagle wings pluck off: American gained independence/separated from Britain(lion). American represented by the eagle and Uncle Sam. America and Britain as allied nations. British Empire: once a veracious lion now humble as a man. Bear: Soviet Union/Russia. Much flesh devoured: millions killed during Stalin and Lenin’s rule. Three ribs: final end-time Russia regaining former Soviet republics it once held. Ukraine will be a big one. Leopard: Germany. Like ancient Greece, known for its swift, sudden, unexpected attacks. Four heads: four reichs (Germany for "empires”). Four kingdoms within a kingdom: 1/ Holy Roman Empire, 2/ German Empire (1870 – 1919), 3/ Adolf Hitler rule, 4/ The Fourth Reich seems to be the European Union (1958 – present), an entity almost entirely held up and controlled by Germany and France. Close allies. France national symbol is the rooster. Dreadful Horned beast: Antichrist/One World Government In Revelation 13:1-3, the horned beast is again mentioned. The lion, the bear and the leopard are one beast making up the final One World Anti-Christ Government. In another words, at some point in the future, the West will allied with Russia. As it has done in the past. History repeats itself. For this to happen there must be a greater threat. In World War 2, it was Germany. This time around, whatever that threat is, Russia will be seen as the lesser of two evils. When you count the heads of Daniel’s beasts you get 7 (1 – lion, 1- bear, 4 – leopard, 1 – dreadful beast). Revelation 13 shows the same 7 heads. There are seven heads yet one beast. This one beast has all these kingdoms, the lion, bear, and leopard, within it in the end times. If we as Christians understand the biblical pattern as to how Yahweh deals with his people (Israel) when they rejected him to follow after idol worship, immorality and perversion then we understand how He uses their enemies as judgement against them. In America case, which has fallen from grace she is the Babylon whore of Revelation and her enemies are Russia and China. Does not means America will cease to be a nation but her superpower status, great relevance and influence on the world stage will be no more. Yes the West is mentioned in bible prophecy. It will be remiss of God who is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent not to mention modern nations in the bible who will have an impact in end time prophecy. Shalom. |
"if you want to know there is no west in the bible so something has to happen, dont want to see it. yet everyone that know christian bible prophecy something has to happen, joes helping a lot to fullfil it." The above was posted on the thread "End of America?" But I am giving my response here. Daniel 7 Traditionally seen as prophecy fulfilled concerning ancient empires but can also be seen as fulfilling modern prophecy. That is, we are living in the times of the lion, the bear and the leopard. This is characterized as dual prophecy. Or Daniel 7 strictly deals with modern nations while Daniel 2 deals primarily with the image of ancient nations. However one looks at it, the Antichrist kingdom is destroyed by Christ Second Coming and the lion, the bear and the leopard kingdom remained for a season and a time. Babylon, Medo-Persian and ancient Greece does not exist in our modern times. God regarded these nations as ferocious and wild animals who devour and conquer without conscience. (V2) Daniel spoke, saying, “I saw in my vision by night, and behold, the four winds of heaven were stirring up the Great Sea. And four great beasts came up from the sea, each different from the other.” Great Sea: Mediterranean Sea. The sea is sometimes used as a picture of Gentile nations....” To the Hebrews, the sea was both dangerous and mysterious, a restless element but not beyond God’s power to tame” (Balwin) Four winds of heaven: description of the sovereign power of God striving with men. Can also be seen as satanic forces as mentioned in Rev 7:1 Traditional View Four beasts: Four great world empires The first was like a lion, and had eagle’s wings: Babylonian Empire, represented by a lion and an eagle. Wings plucked off: the majestic beast/lion humbled and made human (a man heart was given to it). A second, like a bear: the Medo-Persian Empire. The three ribs represent their three great military conquests: Babylon, Egypt and Lydia. Another, like a leopard: The leopard represented the Greek Empire. Four wings: swiftness of the empire conquering the then known world. Four heads: kingdom divided into four parts after Alexander the Great’s death. The fourth beast: a dreadful, horned beast: Roman Empire. Powerful and cruel. Dual Prophecy In verses 7, 8, the Kingdom of the Antichrist is described. AFTER the Antichrist Kingdom is destroyed by God, which we know to be at the Coming of Jesus at Armageddon, we see this verse: (V12) As concerning the rest of the beasts, they had their dominion taken away: yet their lives were prolonged for a season and time. Lion, Bear, Leopard and Dreadful Horned beast in Modern Biblical Prophecy Lion with eagle wings pluck off: American gained independence/separated from Britain(lion). American represented by the eagle and Uncle Sam. America and Britain as allied nations. British Empire: once a veracious lion now humble as a man. Bear: Soviet Union/Russia. Much flesh devoured: millions killed during Stalin and Lenin’s rule. Three ribs: final end-time Russia regaining former Soviet republics it once held. Ukraine will be a big one. Leopard: Germany. Like ancient Greece, known for its swift, sudden, unexpected attacks. Four heads: four reichs (Germany for "empires”). Four kingdoms within a kingdom: 1/ Holy Roman Empire, 2/ German Empire (1870 – 1919), 3/ Adolf Hitler rule, 4/ The Fourth Reich seems to be the European Union (1958 – present), an entity almost entirely held up and controlled by Germany and France. Close allies. France national symbol is the rooster. Dreadful Horned beast: Antichrist/One World Government In Revelation 13:1-3, the horned beast is again mentioned. The lion, the bear and the leopard are one beast making up the final One World Anti-Christ Government. In another words, at some point in the future, the West will allied with Russia. As it has done in the past. History repeats itself. For this to happen there must be a greater threat. In World War 2, it was Germany. This time around, whatever that threat is, Russia will be seen as the lesser of two evils. When you count the heads of Daniel’s beasts you get 7 (1 – lion, 1- bear, 4 – leopard, 1 – dreadful beast). Revelation 13 shows the same 7 heads. There are seven heads yet one beast. This one beast has all these kingdoms, the lion, bear, and leopard, within it in the end times. If we as Christians understand the biblical pattern as to how Yahweh deals with his people (Israel) when they rejected him to follow after idol worship, immorality and perversion then we understand how He uses their enemies as judgement against them. In America case, which has fallen from grace she is the Babylon whore of Revelation and her enemies are Russia and China. Does not means America will cease to be a nation but her superpower status, great relevance and influence on the world stage will be no more. Yes the West is mentioned in bible prophecy. It will be remiss of God who is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent not to mention modern nations in the bible who will have an impact in end time prophecy. Shalom. you seem like a robot, i pass |