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Topic: A-Z sentences 🙂 - part 11
Slim gym 's photo
Mon 07/22/24 06:35 PM
Zoom calling Kit Kat is a waste of time !!!!!

no photo
Wed 07/24/24 05:49 PM
< continued from this topic >
< part one of this topic is here >

Another page is turned biggrin drinker

Slim gym 's photo
Wed 07/31/24 02:58 AM
Be on the lookout for more screw ups in Paris !!

no photo
Wed 07/31/24 07:57 PM

Be on the lookout for more screw ups in Paris !!

Certainly hope not! noway

Vibes's photo
Wed 07/31/24 08:21 PM
Don't loose hope

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Sat 08/03/24 04:02 PM
Experience life and all it has to offer

no photo
Sun 08/04/24 04:31 AM
Freedom is a song by George Michael.

no photo
Sun 08/04/24 11:02 AM

Go for the gold! :medal:drinker

Vibes's photo
Sun 08/11/24 09:44 PM
Halt and go

no photo
Wed 08/14/24 09:21 AM
Ice cream is a great treat on a hot day :icecream::ice_cream:🥵

Vibes's photo
Wed 08/14/24 09:27 AM
Joining you in ice-cream treat :icecream:

Slimme's photo
Fri 08/16/24 05:41 AM
Kiwi strawberry and any others flavours are delicious treats on a hot day :ice_cream::icecream::ice_cream: :ok_hand:

Laska Paul 's photo
Fri 08/16/24 07:11 AM
Lets have a bet , as to who will eat... Lot of ice-creams .

Vibes's photo
Fri 08/16/24 08:13 AM
More icecream you eat it may generate heat

Laska Paul 's photo
Fri 08/16/24 08:35 AM
Now I have no time to reply . I have to go shopping

Slimme's photo
Fri 08/16/24 01:27 PM
Only if the ice cream is hot and melting...

Slim gym 's photo
Fri 08/16/24 01:37 PM
Pushing an insane agenda is no way to live your life !!

Slimme's photo
Fri 08/16/24 01:42 PM
Quick to the rescue! No melting agendas over here.

Slim gym 's photo
Sun 08/18/24 07:13 AM
Resistance is pretty much futile, I think !!!

Vibes's photo
Mon 08/19/24 11:21 PM
Silent goes many minglers

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