Topic: I don't believe in love
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Sat 11/25/06 07:35 AM
I don't believe in love anymore
I'm not convinced that its real
My heart is dead,don't settle the score
I'm starting to like the way this feels
Don't have to worry when you're coming
or why you never called last night
No more flowers to say that I'm sorry
I'm living free without love in my life

I don't believe in love anymore
I'm more compatable with being alone
I've wasted these years,I don't know what for
regret is the most bitter feeling I know
because I take you at face value
not much to say if you ever pass my way
You're a faded memory,so sad but true
once again,you're just a dorian gray

I don't believe in love anymore
Now I have nothing to explain at all
I don't have to wonder if you still need me
or if today is the day that we fall
No one to lift me up only to throw me down
I won't hear another lie
I don't care if I measure up to what you expect
good luck in finding that guy

I don't believe in love anymore
now you can screw any man you want
tell him you love him until your tongue falls out
passion is a drug i'm no longer on
Smart enough to see through the bullshit
strong enough to look away
Brave enough to face this life alone
and alone is how I'll stay

I won't remind you that you had your chance
because I don't care to make sence of this
please never change,cause I'll always be who I am
love is the toilet,and I'm taking the piss
I used to find you cute and funny
but your skin is thin,and I'm too insensitive
I won't miss you so go on with your life
God bless any man that puts up with your shit

michael1313's photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:40 AM
trouble in paradise?

good works...

tattoojrs's photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:41 AM
Madness By tattoojrs

I feel the world turn

I see where the wind comes from

I have walked on the sun

I have seen the fountain of all waters

I have bathed in molten volcanoes

I have stood at the edge of time

I have no age

I have no reason

I have no rhyme

I am not here

Madness has taken over

What is real

I am a lie

But still I thrive

Look beyond your dreams

Look to the edge of sanity

Don't go to far

You might be me

Where are the stars

Where is the smell of a child

Where is love

Where is time

I hear no ticking of the seconds passing

I hear no chime on the hour

There are no minutes to spare

Leave me now MADNESS spreads

Its a disease relished alone


Too late I've got your attention now

ENJOY your insanity


sendingyoukisses's photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:44 AM
i been where you are and i stopped believing in love. thinking there was
no one out there for me them i joined this site.and i feel i have found
my one true love. we talk online everyday. he is the man i been looking
for my whole life. now that i have found him i will never let him go.

no photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:46 AM
hell yeah,couldnt have said it better myself
I want these poems to make people go from Why
to Why care?

no photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:48 AM
congrats sending/I think its cool that you found someone/and I speak for
all of us...finding love is amazing..making it last forever is magical

Your_New_Friend's photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:51 AM
This poem is really good.
You should seriously think about getting it published.
I feel your pain, because the male version of the person who did that to
you just did it to me. Owww!!!! But life goes on!

michael1313's photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:51 AM
awww "sending" thought you loved me girl?
*so crushed*

SingleGuy342006's photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:05 AM
Insanity is soooooo liberating.Don't you agree??

SingleGuy342006's photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:08 AM
I need someone just as crazy as me,that can give me just as much
shit as i give them.If you can deal with a paranoid skitzo,then
you are the woman for me.

no photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:09 AM
I think I've got it close enough to figured out

Your sadness is their strength

Your strength is their weakness

When you've been pushed down,you either stay down or you get right back
up,but you never reach for their hand to help you do so/I vow never to
pursue any past relationships/I'm all about moving on..with or without
some silly girl to approve of me or not

SingleGuy342006's photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:13 AM
You hit the head right on the nail there jt.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:36 AM
Awww but the question is was it true love or
just an image of what you thought love should be?
At times we jump to conclusion's when we start
talking to someone thinking they are everything
in life that we have been waiting for. But...
until you meet them you have fallen for an image.
Is that not so? So before you let your heart get
broken make sure you meet them and really know
that person for you can not blame a fanstasy on a
lost love!! Ror you have not truely fallen in love
till you know that person in real life! Your still
basing your love off of an image of a person.

sendingyoukisses's photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:39 AM
thank you. i hope i have found the right one . i feel as though i have
but not in any hurry to rush into it because i have been hurt really
bad. and i don't want to go through that again.

no photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:39 AM
ok...just for the record..this was not for SCG..I'm not always the
characters of my poems

and yes...very true txs

no photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:40 AM
I think aerosmith said it best

"Falling in love is hard on the knees"

sendingyoukisses's photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:45 AM
that is so true.

michael1313's photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:48 AM
and love in an elevator is so much fun!!!

no photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:56 AM
not if the dude looks like a

you may think shes an ANGEL,but she could be just a RAG DOLL,and shit
what if JANIES GOT A GUN...its like SEE YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE/so you
gotta ask WHAT IT TAKES to let them go/yeah theres a HOLE IN MY SOUL but
CRAZY,bet you're CRYIN but its AMAZING to just DREAM ON..and no matter
what image love paints for you..its all DONE WITH MIRRORS.have fun and
GET YOUR ROCKS OFF..because THE TRAIN KEEPS ROLLING..and I cant think of
anymore aerosmith

no photo
Sat 11/25/06 09:10 AM
ok that first line totally made me look like a fudgie
