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Topic: Ladies, share with me the design you'll choose for your next
sushi's photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:06 AM
All I want this time is a simple gold band. nly I want it embedded with
at least a karat's (carrots?) worth of baguette(sp) shaped diamonds all
the way around. Saw it in a magazine. I think I deserve it as my last
wedding ring can right out of a craker jacks box.

theronin75's photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:12 AM
why would the ring be important. its supposed to be a proof of union not
the bling bling to show your friends. i think people put too much
importance on thre material things and not enough on the feelings
they're supposed to have for each other. i guess thats why there is so
much divorce in our day and age. the selfishness of wnting things
instead of love. not bashing you sushi i find this a general social
problem just giving my opinion.

sushi's photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:15 AM
You are very right I want a good person first. But you have to admit
that bling, bling is fun. Oh, what's a bling? HEHEHOHO

theronin75's photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:17 AM
i will admit that bling is fun but not important.and your right it all
about waiting for the good person.

Truthoflife's photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:22 AM
I think wedding rings and the ''bling bling'' mean more to some people
than others. After having too many rings, of all kinds {wedding and ect}
I think, next time I want to keep it simple...but not so simple that it
is from a Craker Jack Box or Gum Ball Machine...Although, the ring that
has meant the most, thus far, was from my dead husband of 10 years...he
made it, himself, out of copper...he was an Apacia Native American...I
still have that ring.

theronin75's photo
Sat 11/25/06 07:29 AM
and you see my point is proven. i'm ready to bet the ring means so much
cuz it was made out of love not bling. correct me if im wrong truth

sushi's photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:16 AM
OK,Ok, I have been humbled. I'll just go and buy my own wedding
ring--pay it off in 500 monthly installments of 10.00 each. Now can I
go look for a nice guy?

theronin75's photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:19 AM
didn't want you humbled sushi. sorry if i made ya feel bad. i hope you
do find that special good guy. just trying to give you another
perspective on the matter.

iceprincess's photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:23 AM
you think you know what you want hon because right now it's a dream.when
the right guy comes along and gives you the ring you won't care what it
has on it or what the carat worth is all that will matter is that he
made your dream come true and asked you to take that dive with him.
dream away hon thats all it is right now.

michael1313's photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:26 AM
but some dreams do come true

iceprincess's photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:27 AM
true but till then dreams are great

theronin75's photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:28 AM
but then you wake up.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:53 AM
This is kinda like looking way ahead kinda like the egg before the
chicken theory. For don't ya think ya better find a man that wants to
marry you first? Myself this is the least important thing on my mind.
For if's it happens you fall in love why should you have a trophy on
your finger to show so you can say how much it cost guess that is great
if you willing to pay for it too. But I was taught that a wedding ring
was a symbol of love not a trophy to show your friends. Back in the 50's
most got a plain gold band to symbol the none ending circle of love that
you two have. Even when I got married the first time we went and picked
out rings toghether I realized that there was a budget that should be
followed and we stuck with it there is no since in putting one so far in
depth to start your life out with. Just be glad that you found someone
to love and let the rest follow later.

Gryphyn's photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:56 AM
I can tell you now that there won't be any fancy rings from this guy. I
wonder some times how much I have spent on jewelry and didn't know it?


escapedlunatic's photo
Sat 11/25/06 08:59 AM
you guys should have more post like this....the more we

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 11/25/06 09:07 AM
Ohhhhhh but now to say that Gyphyn is that a fair thought either hummm
yeah the lady is gonna love to hear well I bought this and this for past
loves but I be damn if I'll do it again.
Hummmmmmmmm ya think she will feel as if you don't love her the way you
did the ones in the past? Think about it for I have heard those words
and there not pretty ones to hear sure makes one feel as if they are
settling for someone instead of in-love with them needless to say if
they are not willing to have something in life with me that they were
willing to have with ones before me they will not stay in my life long
either. I'm not a material person but there are things in the future
that two should have together and share. Talking from a place to live
and so far not just jewerly!

okieangel's photo
Sat 11/25/06 09:08 AM
I would not say it the egg before the chicken. its always nice to dream.
or have a plan. dream are fanticsy(SP) come true and a plan can always
be changed just a little, Now for the size and the carrots of a ring
well a plan gold band is all thats needed to go with the lic. now for a
gift of love well a band made of sting made with love can out wieght any
diamonds and gold. there si nothing wrong to want beautieful things to
impress others with but a true love at your side throught it all means a
lot more then a ring can show.

Truthoflife's photo
Sat 11/25/06 09:14 AM
OKI You are SOOOO RIGHT...So is Tx! The ring does not is
what it tells other people: ''I am taken.''

Gryphyn's photo
Sat 11/25/06 09:18 AM
Gal, I would love to buy the fancy stuff for the woman of my dreams. I
would love to give her all she deserves, however I am a man of simple
means and funds. To spend large amounts of money on Bling isn't in the
budget anymore. Its a simple fact I was trying to get across. A ring
that shows my true desire and love, that is a different. I am sure I
would be able to come up with something.

theronin75's photo
Sat 11/25/06 09:22 AM
well gryph you just sumed up the case of most men today. well said

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