Topic: Use the last word to start a new sentence - part 17 | |
Attractive is another word for Beautiful .
Beautiful things are worth watching
Watching a Game on Cloud Nine ...
Nine o clock is nearing. It's time to dinner.
Dinner was delicious
Delicious is not the word I would use for my dinner.
Dinner is the formal and largest meal of the day.
Day(s) of our Lives was the perfect primer to 17th century witchcraft.
Witchcraft is also know as Black Magic with the usage of supernatural Power .
Power mongers are on the increase
Increase your confident level and you can go an Extra Mile .
Mile by mile the traffic is getting heavy
Heavy traffic is frustrating to drive in.
in the future we will have flying cars !!!
Cars can't fly in Canada, they'll hit the geese!!!
Geese are not ducks
Ducks don't usually change their shaking cool walk even during trouble, yes so let's walk cool and smile too amidst those who try to put us down
Down town doesn't apply to small towns, up town is the appropriate verbage.
Verbage is the way of expression
Expression on a person's face can say a lot or it may be unreadable.