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Topic: Have you ever - part 28
no photo
Thu 11/07/24 05:52 AM
No, if someone starts a conversation with the intention of a hookup then I’ll use them solely for that purpose and move on.

HYE had a romantic dinner ruined but had a great time anyway?

no photo
Thu 11/07/24 05:54 AM
No, casual relationships IMO have a tendency to fizzle when the newness/excitement is gone

HYE had a romantic dinner ruined but had a great time anyway?

Merry's photo
Thu 11/07/24 08:25 AM
Mmmmm... How was this said romantic dinner ruined? I need to know more. I need a storytime :nerd::nerd::sunglasses::sunglasses:
But to answer the below, I've experienced lovely romantic dinners.

Have you ever had a stranger invite you out on a spontaneous date and you said "yes!"?

Slim gym 's photo
Thu 11/07/24 04:53 PM
Yes ! It sure was a welcome change . One that I could get used to ... at my age !!!

Hye gone on a potential date and realized after dinner and movie , that it was a mistake ??

Merry's photo
Fri 11/08/24 03:16 AM
I went to a movie followed by dinner with someone I thought was a friend and afterwards realised I had made a mistake because he thought it was a date and I thought we were friends.
Sooooo awkward. :no_mouth::fog:

Have you ever said "yes" to a date because you didn't want to reject the person?

Slim gym 's photo
Fri 11/08/24 03:20 AM
Nope ... pretty straight forward ole chappie describes me ...

HYE wanted a person so bad but distance got in the way !!!

Merry's photo
Fri 11/08/24 03:33 AM
I don't intend for it to get in the way. Perhaps, if I stop liking them I'll use it as an excuse.

Have you ever lost something very sentimental/ special and somehow were able to find it?

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 11/12/24 02:50 AM
Only thing I ever lost was my way ...thanks to GPS, that doesn't happen anymore ha ha !!!
Have misplaced objects of sentimental value ... but never lost the same !!!

HYE been shocked into agreeing To a hot date but stood him/ her up?

Merry's photo
Thu 11/21/24 07:50 AM
I wasn't shocked so much as it was cold feet and so I did stand them up. I did apologize afterwards, but the damage was already done at that point.

Have you ever liked someone but chose not to tell them?

Slim gym 's photo
Wed 12/04/24 06:18 PM
If I like someone ... I tell 'em right away... of late I am getting perplexed... cause there is only so much rejection a guy can take !!!

HYE wanted to go out on a date but the person never got around to asking ???

Slim gym 's photo
Sat 01/18/25 04:43 AM

HYE driven by the house Elon Musk grew up in ???

Merry's photo
Sat 01/18/25 02:17 PM
No, I don't usually go to Pretoria. It's just a train ride away, but...

Have you ever considered taking up a new hobbie in order to get closer to your S/O?

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 01/20/25 04:25 PM
At my age .. only indoor hobbies agree with me !!!

HYE wanted to be in a place where you are duly compensated, for what you can bring to the table ??

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