Topic: Cant's find girls tha right age for me
CaRisLOVE's photo
Wed 01/02/08 11:44 AM

Patience!!! flowerforyou

wat patience?
im 28?
you really dont know how i feel
its hard to overcome tha fact i just want to be taken already and settled down, tha hell with being some young guy dating girls and after girls
i just want to be with girl who actually wants to start a family
or a woman who even wants tha same,
but this age problem now gets in my way

Darlin, you're 28, you're hardly over the hill yet. And your desperation is showing, it's not a particularly attractive trait. The thing is, when that happens, you'll find yourself being with anyone and then coming to regret it somewhere down the road. Relax, take your time, you'll find the right person for you. And, if you really want and are ready for family, you can always adopt or be a foster parent. There are thousands upon thousands of kids in foster care who need a good, loving, solid home.

no im actually age 100

WHO CARES about age?
i thought many of us humans said "age is just a number"
even if am 28, i still feel i dont want to take my my time or know im still young, im young for other teen type things like video games, comics, and all other teen kid type things
but when it comes to this, im not young, im mature and adult to actually go by romance and love and realtionships, and why should i regret who i am with? i rather be taken anyday
i dont know you adults
im sorry if your all bitterness by marriage, i actually want to be married and why should i regret it? and know i will fail?
why should i fail?
i eben told many times not to get married
just to be single and have fun with girls
well no ty
i rather be old fashioned and become a "family man"

this is some advice


chuck366's photo
Wed 01/02/08 11:45 AM think you are the only one to feel that way? If so, you are the most egotistical person on here man. All of us have felt that, so just relax, simmer down, and quit being so damn analytical. You seem to be a good guy, who wants to love someone, and I commend you for it. That is an awesome quality to have. But you just need to get a clue. Love comes when you least expect it.

goof,,,, you and I should have an advice show

Heck yeah! Damn kids these days. Just so eager to jump into anything!:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:


CaRisLOVE's photo
Wed 01/02/08 11:47 AM
there has got be someone on here who truly has good advice
but at least i know im not alone on this topic

no photo
Wed 01/02/08 11:48 AM
Car, take this from a woman, you come across as angry, bitter, immature, self-centered, impatient, ill-tempered and desperate. These are not attractive traits to women of any age group. If you're trying to figure out why you haven't met Ms. Right, perhaps that's part of the problem. You asked for advice, but get angry when it's not what you want to hear. If you don't want honesty, don't ask the question.

Goofball73's photo
Wed 01/02/08 11:48 AM
I could not have said it any better Suz.flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

JayOhEeh's photo
Wed 01/02/08 11:48 AM
Wow. Ok, see, this is desperation. Compared to this guy, I just seem lonely. :tongue:

No, but really, when you're in your late 20's, age isn't really that big a difference anymore. You'll find plenty of girls, from like 22 to 45 that have no problem dating a 28 year old. When you reach about 50... I'd start freaking out, maybe doing one of those mail-order bride deals, or go to Argentina and marry a girl that wants to immigrate more easily to the US. =P

s1owhand's photo
Wed 01/02/08 11:49 AM
it is so hard to be still unseasoned enough when you hit your sell by and expiration dates!!


CaRisLOVE's photo
Wed 01/02/08 11:49 AM

Car, take this from a woman, you come across as angry, bitter, immature, self-centered, impatient, ill-tempered and desperate. These are not attractive traits to women of any age group. If you're trying to figure out why you haven't met Ms. Right, perhaps that's part of the problem. You asked for advice, but get angry when it's not what you want to hear. If you don't want honesty, don't ask the question.

cause this aint advice
now you assume who i am?

chuck366's photo
Wed 01/02/08 11:49 AM

Wow. Ok, see, this is desperation. Compared to this guy, I just seem lonely. :tongue:

No, but really, when you're in your late 20's, age isn't really that big a difference anymore. You'll find plenty of girls, from like 22 to 45 that have no problem dating a 28 year old. When you reach about 50... I'd start freaking out, maybe doing one of those mail-order bride deals, or go to Argentina and marry a girl that wants to immigrate more easily to the US. =P

thats funny

CaRisLOVE's photo
Wed 01/02/08 11:50 AM

Wow. Ok, see, this is desperation. Compared to this guy, I just seem lonely. :tongue:

No, but really, when you're in your late 20's, age isn't really that big a difference anymore. You'll find plenty of girls, from like 22 to 45 that have no problem dating a 28 year old. When you reach about 50... I'd start freaking out, maybe doing one of those mail-order bride deals, or go to Argentina and marry a girl that wants to immigrate more easily to the US. =P

actually i dont think i will reach 50
i think id be dead by dat time

dats why i feel time is running out for me
28 year old rather be a family man by now
before death

JayOhEeh's photo
Wed 01/02/08 11:51 AM

Wow. Ok, see, this is desperation. Compared to this guy, I just seem lonely. :tongue:

No, but really, when you're in your late 20's, age isn't really that big a difference anymore. You'll find plenty of girls, from like 22 to 45 that have no problem dating a 28 year old. When you reach about 50... I'd start freaking out, maybe doing one of those mail-order bride deals, or go to Argentina and marry a girl that wants to immigrate more easily to the US. =P

thats funny

Hey, I have a Latin America History professor that pulled that last one. Ha ha.

JayOhEeh's photo
Wed 01/02/08 11:53 AM

Wow. Ok, see, this is desperation. Compared to this guy, I just seem lonely. :tongue:

No, but really, when you're in your late 20's, age isn't really that big a difference anymore. You'll find plenty of girls, from like 22 to 45 that have no problem dating a 28 year old. When you reach about 50... I'd start freaking out, maybe doing one of those mail-order bride deals, or go to Argentina and marry a girl that wants to immigrate more easily to the US. =P

actually i dont think i will reach 50
i think id be dead by dat time

dats why i feel time is running out for me
28 year old rather be a family man by now
before death

Man, cut the drama, for real. Unless you're drinking full handles of straight liquor every night, smoking 3 packs a day, and cliff diving where there's no water, you'll probably live past 50. Plenty of people don't start families til your age or later. My mom didn't marry my dad til she was 28... had me at 29. Now she's the mother of two kids, myself included, and living in a decent suburban home with my dad, my younger brother, and a dog. You. Have. Time.

chuck366's photo
Wed 01/02/08 11:55 AM

Wow. Ok, see, this is desperation. Compared to this guy, I just seem lonely. :tongue:

No, but really, when you're in your late 20's, age isn't really that big a difference anymore. You'll find plenty of girls, from like 22 to 45 that have no problem dating a 28 year old. When you reach about 50... I'd start freaking out, maybe doing one of those mail-order bride deals, or go to Argentina and marry a girl that wants to immigrate more easily to the US. =P

are you a brady?
actually i dont think i will reach 50
i think id be dead by dat time

dats why i feel time is running out for me
28 year old rather be a family man by now
before death

Man, cut the drama, for real. Unless you're drinking full handles of straight liquor every night, smoking 3 packs a day, and cliff diving where there's no water, you'll probably live past 50. Plenty of people don't start families til your age or later. My mom didn't marry my dad til she was 28... had me at 29. Now she's the mother of two kids, myself included, and living in a decent suburban home with my dad, my younger brother, and a dog. You. Have. Time.

Goofball73's photo
Wed 01/02/08 11:57 AM
Caris....bro...then if you felt you would die before 50...then you should have just gotten married at like age 20.

My point?......You are an attention whore and this sh*t is getting old bro. Sorry, but I call em like I see em. You ask for advice, but like Suzie said, you are never happy with it unless it is what YOU wanna hear. Dude...grow up...grow a life and deal.

CaRisLOVE's photo
Wed 01/02/08 11:58 AM

Wow. Ok, see, this is desperation. Compared to this guy, I just seem lonely. :tongue:

No, but really, when you're in your late 20's, age isn't really that big a difference anymore. You'll find plenty of girls, from like 22 to 45 that have no problem dating a 28 year old. When you reach about 50... I'd start freaking out, maybe doing one of those mail-order bride deals, or go to Argentina and marry a girl that wants to immigrate more easily to the US. =P

actually i dont think i will reach 50
i think id be dead by dat time

dats why i feel time is running out for me
28 year old rather be a family man by now
before death

Man, cut the drama, for real. Unless you're drinking full handles of straight liquor every night, smoking 3 packs a day, and cliff diving where there's no water, you'll probably live past 50. Plenty of people don't start families til your age or later. My mom didn't marry my dad til she was 28... had me at 29. Now she's the mother of two kids, myself included, and living in a decent suburban home with my dad, my younger brother, and a dog. You. Have. Time.

yea dats why i want to start a family

chuck366's photo
Wed 01/02/08 11:59 AM

Caris....bro...then if you felt you would die before 50...then you should have just gotten married at like age 20.

My point?......You are an attention whore and this sh*t is getting old bro. Sorry, but I call em like I see em. You ask for advice, but like Suzie said, you are never happy with it unless it is what YOU wanna hear. Dude...grow up...grow a life and deal.

Some people need drama to make em go tic toc tic toc.......bang!

no photo
Wed 01/02/08 11:59 AM

Car, take this from a woman, you come across as angry, bitter, immature, self-centered, impatient, ill-tempered and desperate. These are not attractive traits to women of any age group. If you're trying to figure out why you haven't met Ms. Right, perhaps that's part of the problem. You asked for advice, but get angry when it's not what you want to hear. If you don't want honesty, don't ask the question.

cause this aint advice
now you assume who i am?

It actually is advice, if you read it. And I don't presume to know who you ARE, just telling you how you come across. If it's not who you are then you may want to take into consideration your choice of words and the attitude you put into a post.

JayOhEeh's photo
Wed 01/02/08 12:00 PM
Car, you're hopeless, man. No one can help you if you won't let anyone convince you that it's going to be ok. I'd suggest some kind of professional help... someone that can really get your stress level about it down... and maybe if you can chill out about it, you won't appear so desperate and bitter to other women.

CaRisLOVE's photo
Wed 01/02/08 12:00 PM

Caris....bro...then if you felt you would die before 50...then you should have just gotten married at like age 20.

My point?......You are an attention whore and this sh*t is getting old bro. Sorry, but I call em like I see em. You ask for advice, but like Suzie said, you are never happy with it unless it is what YOU wanna hear. Dude...grow up...grow a life and deal.

so far i havent been told any advice yet
if people are getitng confused with tha word advice
than lecturing

it isnt called advice

and also being assumed

oh and how tha hell do you even know how i view this world?
i suppose to be dead along time ago
who tha heck are you to tell others wat they are

chuck366's photo
Wed 01/02/08 12:00 PM

Car, take this from a woman, you come across as angry, bitter, immature, self-centered, impatient, ill-tempered and desperate. These are not attractive traits to women of any age group. If you're trying to figure out why you haven't met Ms. Right, perhaps that's part of the problem. You asked for advice, but get angry when it's not what you want to hear. If you don't want honesty, don't ask the question.

cause this aint advice
now you assume who i am?

It actually is advice, if you read it. And I don't presume to know who you ARE, just telling you how you come across. If it's not who you are then you may want to take into consideration your choice of words and the attitude you put into a post.

He's young he has time to find himself.