Topic: What do you wonder about the person above you? Part 2 - part 7
Slim gym 's photo
Thu 11/21/24 02:28 PM
I wonder if she chuckled at my typo before and after getting her dig in .... and yes , I laughed too ....

Slim gym 's photo
Sat 01/18/25 04:37 AM
Wonder why He is always Bumping threads.... is it because Stormy has gone into hibernation????

Not Looking's photo
Sun 01/19/25 03:22 PM
wonder if he remembers Not Looking. :thinking:

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 01/20/25 04:18 PM
Oh yes he sure does ...

Wonder if this Dixie chic is finally over her last relationship??

Not Looking's photo
Mon 01/20/25 06:01 PM
Yeeeeah... things were good... he came over all the time... helped me do tons of stuff ... then texted one day and said he had to move on. :neutral_face:

Wondering if Slim ever found someone

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 01/21/25 02:10 AM
No ... not yet ... time is about running out !!!!

Wonder if she is just glad to be back on these forums ?

Not Looking's photo
Tue 01/21/25 07:36 AM
Wonder if he gets bored of the forums. :thinking::joy:

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 01/21/25 10:01 AM
He was ... for awhile ... but forums are picking up ....

Wonder if she has time to check her overflowing inbox !!!??

Not Looking's photo
Thu 01/23/25 03:19 PM
I check it... just ignore a bunch of people... wonder if he thinks that's mean :thinking::joy:

Slim gym 's photo
Thu 01/23/25 04:51 PM
Its the option of most women ... and I don't object!!!!!

Wonder if she gets that many messages , so as to miss the one that may count ???

Not Looking's photo
Thu 01/23/25 05:18 PM
I don't think so. :thinking:

Wonder if he answers all his messages

Slim gym 's photo
Fri 01/24/25 02:41 AM
He rarely gets any to answer... most from scammers !!!!!

Wonders what she does on the weekends ....

Not Looking's photo
Fri 01/24/25 09:22 AM
observes the Sabbath on Saturday, and hangs out with her kids on Sunday.:grin:

Wonders if he goes to church...

Slim gym 's photo
Fri 01/24/25 09:30 AM
Every Saturday ... 5pm Mass!!!

Wonder if she says a prayer for all sinners , including me !!!!

Not Looking's photo
Fri 01/24/25 12:49 PM
I have prayed that all sinners come to repentance... but my prayer isn't any better than anyone else's 🤭

Wonder if he's ready for spring.

Slim gym 's photo
Fri 01/24/25 01:24 PM
Always ready to spring ... onto or into ... minus temps don't get me going ...

Wonder if she has spring travel plans !!!

Not Looking's photo
Fri 01/24/25 06:04 PM
So far, not yet.

Wonders if he knows where Mike went?

Slim gym 's photo
Fri 01/24/25 07:00 PM
S.Dakota is freezing at the moment , so Mikey is probably hibernating and Kristi Noem is in DC .... so he is missing her too !!!

Wonder why she never snagged Mike's number , so that she could find out for herself , maybe even visit huh !!!!

Not Looking's photo
Fri 01/24/25 07:29 PM
haha I was just wondering where everyone waaaas.

wonders how many people he's met in person he's met online

Slim gym 's photo
Sat 01/25/25 03:37 AM
Actually met a few from this site , and a few from OK Cupid , in person ...

Wonder if she has someone in mind , that she wouldn't mind meeting in person ?