Topic: Can U Name 3 Thingz that Make YoU HaPPy - part 3
ABC's photo
Mon 09/05/22 08:12 PM
H eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?

ABC's photo
Mon 09/05/22 08:12 PM
H eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?

sonofrangi's photo
Sat 09/10/22 12:24 AM
rofl rofl rofl luv the humour @ EROS rofl rofl rofl

no photo
Sat 09/17/22 01:26 PM
Cloudy days
Being able to sleep in when I choose to.

no photo
Sat 09/17/22 01:28 PM

rofl rofl rofl luv the humour @ EROS rofl rofl rofl

Thank You.
I learned it from an I.R.S. Agent
During My Last Tax Audit.

no photo
Tue 09/20/22 07:06 AM
Interesting cloud formations.
Acoustic guitar music.
Excellent night's sleep.

no photo
Tue 09/20/22 04:36 PM
- tequila shots
- dancing in the moonlight
- Fridays after 5 pm!!!!

Jaanaman's photo
Thu 09/22/22 09:27 AM
Not necessarily in this order but….

Ben & Jerry’s New York Super Fudge Chunk
A long cuddle

no photo
Mon 10/03/22 03:02 AM
Spin workouts.
Cooking in an organized kitchen.
Natural light.

no photo
Mon 10/03/22 03:18 AM
Working outdoors
Enjoying a cup of coffee under a starlit sky at 4am

ladyliz1417's photo
Mon 10/03/22 05:53 AM
KC Chiefs wins, pizza, my 2 cats.

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 10/03/22 09:39 AM
Alone time in the cabin
Long drives... to the cabin
Coming home from the cabin !!!

no photo
Mon 10/03/22 09:45 PM
1. Love nighttime. I must have been a vampire in a past life. 🧛

2. I love to be waited on. Love, love, love it!
Oooohhh a man that can clean, do laundry, cook and look pretty... Omg Love that and miss that! I don't get it, but love it. I think you get my point! :heart:

3. Love when I find money around the house or gift cards. It's your money, but feels free. Found $138 Walmart gift card and had so much fun spending it. 3 hours in the store by myself. God love that.

Bonus love when a man gets out of the shower and only wrapped up in a towel. I love looking, smelling, touching the whole f-ing experience. :laughing: F love the shlt out of that. Lmao

I just have gratitude for everything, had a glow up. I appreciate the little things.

Deroxy 's photo
Tue 10/04/22 04:06 AM
Family and friends

Deroxy 's photo
Tue 10/04/22 04:06 AM
Family and friends

Poetrywriter's photo
Tue 10/04/22 07:48 PM
Dark chocolate ice cream
Announcing "I am not contagious" in the doctor's waiting room.
Eating a 20oz Filet Mignon steak and still having room for above ice cream as desert.

no photo
Wed 10/19/22 07:54 PM
A few whiskys
My job

no photo
Thu 10/27/22 01:53 PM
Good Music
Good food
Good family/Friends


no photo
Thu 10/27/22 02:31 PM
Donating nonessential things that no longer resonate with me.

Distressed jeans that fit perfectly on me.

Minimal classic leather jackets.

no photo
Thu 10/27/22 02:36 PM
Namaaz :man_with_turban:
Rain 🌦
Hookah :dash: