Topic: Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians” for 2007 | |
Where does the consitution say guns shouldn't be regulated? Not sure about guns in school in the 50's, but alot has changed since then this is an evolving world where school shootings are a reality. I'm still waiting on some posts from people with credibility;^] The right of the PEOPLE to KEEP AND BEAR ARMS SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. any questions? if so, pull out a Blacks law dictonary and follow it thru word for word. Again, noones infringing on the right to bare arms, that would mean guns being abolished. any questions? @gardenforge, does the constitution say that medications can be regulated? Should we let the drug companies run unregulated? The only way something can be unconstitutional is if the consitution states that it can't be done, the constitution does not say "no regulation of arms" so gun regulation cannot be unconsitutional. Besides, do you really want just anybody to be able to buy a gun? And don't give me that "they'll find guns anyway" because getting guns on the blackmarket isn't as easy as the media makes it out to be (yes, the media loves fear mongering). It amuses me the whining over gun control, get over it, if you're not intending on breaking the law with said guns then you have nothing to worry about. On a side note of hunting, maybe it's time to teach the hunted animals to use firearms and make it a more fair sport;^] |
...depends on the five year old i would say. I was lugging A well worn .22 bolt action around at the range way before then. Yeah, you took it to show & tell right? Any parents who hand a 5 year old a real gun should rot under the jail. I hope for all of our sake that you never have children;^] |
No it doesen't say that medications should be regulated and obviously you haven't taken your for a while It's amazing how the place that has the most restrictive gun regulation, Washington DC, also has the highest murder rate in the U.S. While South Dakota where there is very little restriction on who can own and carry a firearm has one of the lowest rates in the U.S. while the population of both places is about the same. But as I recall this thread was not started as a gun control thread so perhaps you should take your rant to a thread that you start for that purpose and let people get back to the original subject of this thread.
No it doesen't say that medications should be regulated and obviously you haven't taken your for a while It's amazing how the place that has the most restrictive gun regulation, Washington DC, also has the highest murder rate in the U.S. While South Dakota where there is very little restriction on who can own and carry a firearm has one of the lowest rates in the U.S. while the population of both places is about the same. But as I recall this thread was not started as a gun control thread so perhaps you should take your rant to a thread that you start for that purpose and let people get back to the original subject of this thread. Hmmmm, yet here you are contributing to it. Maybe you should practice what you preach. And actualy, Richmond was the murder capitol last I heard. Sooooo, if you don't like regulations go to a country without regulations, simple as that. I'm proud to live in a country that won't give firearms to five year olds and convicted felons. So now we see the consitution doesn't prohibit regulations, we know that most of the founding fathers were actualy in favor of federal regulations, so we can safely gather regulating firearms is far from unconstitutional. So again, if you don't like it, barra, edin na zu;^] |
better look a little closer, the incident involved semi automatic firearms, not squirt guns. ...depends on the five year old i would say. I was lugging A well worn .22 bolt action around at the range way before then. "On the morning of February 28, 1997, after months of preparation including extensive reconnoitering of their intended target—the Bank of America branch on Laurel Canyon Boulevard—Phillips and Matasareanu loaded three illegally modified fully automatic rifles; a Chinese AK-47 copy, a modified HK91 and a AR-15; two 9 mm Beretta 92F pistols and a .38 caliber revolver; and approximately 3,300 rounds of ammunition—in box and drum magazines—into a white sedan and made their way from their apartment to the bank.[10] They wore their homemade body armor, as well as metal trauma plates to protect vital organs, and they took phenobarbital to calm their nerves.[11]" Rambill...what don't you understand about "fully automatic" weapons" ??????? |
Where does the consitution say guns shouldn't be regulated? Not sure about guns in school in the 50's, but alot has changed since then this is an evolving world where school shootings are a reality. I'm still waiting on some posts from people with credibility;^] The right of the PEOPLE to KEEP AND BEAR ARMS SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. any questions? if so, pull out a Blacks law dictonary and follow it thru word for word. Again, noones infringing on the right to bare arms, that would mean guns being abolished. any questions? @gardenforge, does the constitution say that medications can be regulated? Should we let the drug companies run unregulated? The only way something can be unconstitutional is if the consitution states that it can't be done, the constitution does not say "no regulation of arms" so gun regulation cannot be unconsitutional. Besides, do you really want just anybody to be able to buy a gun? And don't give me that "they'll find guns anyway" because getting guns on the blackmarket isn't as easy as the media makes it out to be (yes, the media loves fear mongering). It amuses me the whining over gun control, get over it, if you're not intending on breaking the law with said guns then you have nothing to worry about. On a side note of hunting, maybe it's time to teach the hunted animals to use firearms and make it a more fair sport;^] infringe verb infringed, infringing 1. To break or violate (eg a law or oath). Example: You are infringing the copyright by using that material Thesaurus: violate, break, infract.intr 2. To encroach or trespass; to affect (a person's rights, freedom, etc) in such a way as to limit or reduce them. Thesaurus: encroach, intrude, transgress, overstep, trespass, violate. Form: infringe on something (especially) Form: infringe upon something3. To interfere with (a person's rights). """"""to limit or reduce them"""""" putting a waiting time and a limit on the number or kind you can own is an infringement |
DC has been the murder capital for the U.S. for many years it may have dropped down the list now but you can be sure it is still near the top, however, since you cant dispute the facts go ahead and nit pick. That is what liberals do. No one has avocated giving guns to 5 year olds and it is against the existing laws for felons to possess guns, does that stop them, not only no, but hell no.
The liberal socialist mentality is such that rather than actually addressing a problem, one must pass another feel good law that only affects the law abiding. Guess what, gun crime is on the increase in England where it is very difficult to own a long gun and almost impossible to own a handgun making the law abiding citizens of England perfect victims. Ted Kennedy's and Bill Janklow's registered and licensed cars have both killed more people than my unregistered unlicensed guns. Perhaps we should start taking vehicles away from our elected officials. One thing that the liberal/socialists should realize some day is that prohibitiion does not work. It didn't work with booze, it isn't working with drugs and it won't work with guns either. All it will do is create another high dollar get rich market for criminals and at the same time turn law abiding citizens into perfect victims. |
Edited by
Tue 01/01/08 03:45 PM
better look a little closer, the incident involved semi automatic firearms, not squirt guns. ...depends on the five year old i would say. I was lugging A well worn .22 bolt action around at the range way before then. "On the morning of February 28, 1997, after months of preparation including extensive reconnoitering of their intended target—the Bank of America branch on Laurel Canyon Boulevard—Phillips and Matasareanu loaded three illegally modified fully automatic rifles; a Chinese AK-47 copy, a modified HK91 and a AR-15; two 9 mm Beretta 92F pistols and a .38 caliber revolver; and approximately 3,300 rounds of ammunition—in box and drum magazines—into a white sedan and made their way from their apartment to the bank.[10] They wore their homemade body armor, as well as metal trauma plates to protect vital organs, and they took phenobarbital to calm their nerves.[11]" Rambill...what don't you understand about "fully automatic" weapons" ??????? they were packin semi automatIc weapons according to the ATF , UNLIKE YOUR HOLYWOOD/ LIBERAL NEWS SOURCE party line. actually though, i am wrong and lying like the rug. The statistic in thinking of is crime involving any REGISTERED class 3 FIREARM. WOOPS. |
Well you know Bill,
There was Poncho Villa, But he was just another Old Outlaw like me... |
If we are still talking about the ten most corrupt politicians, the majority of our politicians are corrupt in that they no longer care about the people. When our forefathers first founded this country, it was with the idea that our nation was to be governed by citizen politicians. Ordinary people were supposed to serve one term in the various public offices and then go home. Today every single one of our elected officials with few exceptions are career politicians who no longer care about "the will of the people." Their only concern is power and self-serving interests. They no longer do the job they were elected for; they think they know better than the people who put them into power.
As an example of the above, look at illegal immigration. Neither Republicans nor Democrats want to close our borders. Republicans want the cheap illegal Mexico labor, because they believe it will help the economy. The Democrats want the illegals here, because they do not want to offend the Hispanics since they want their votes. |
Good to see Idaho made #3
i feel like almost all polititions are corrupt, but i hope im wrong.
Ron Paul, the man who wants to hand over half the government to corperations in the name of ridding our government of corperation control.
I'm curious, Turtle. How is Ron Paul going to give half the government to corporations? |
we need a bunch of mr smiths's to go to washington
leahmarie you hit the nail squarely on the head. Term limits are our only hope for salvation and I don't see that happening.
and pension cut backs
and they should get the same medical retirees get on social security |
Edited by
Wed 01/02/08 07:41 PM
to get ANY POLITICIAN TO VOTE FOR any bill that would limit terms, or kickbacks, or lower thier wages, or eliminate perks just aint gonna happen. Would you vote youself a pay cut?
i always thought that an elected official should get the AVERAGE wage that thier constituants earn. Thus the only way to get a raise would be to raise the wages of thier jurisdiction. NOT GONNA HAPPEN but ita a damn good idea if i do say so myself. |
| just can't admit when you are pathetic...obviously you may not be lying...just too ignorant to know the difference between semi and fully auto matic. If You watch the video of the shootout it is very obvious they are using fully auto matic rifles. But I guess this is pointless...since facts are not what you want to hear.
I saw the video, but failed to note whether the shooter had a pistol or a rifle. If a pistol was used, then it would be semi automatic. If the shooter used a rifle, it could be either since rifles are both semi and fully automatic. Since we are talking about a Third World Country, the likelihood is that it was a fully automatic rifle. But here is the big question --- who cares?
Isn't 'corrupt politician'
an oxymoron? |