Topic: Pick one... - part 5
Devo1974's photo
Sun 01/15/23 12:07 PM
Lake fishing

Acoustic guitar or electric guitar

 ☮️ Coolchic Dee 💟's photo
Sun 01/15/23 12:28 PM
Electric guitar :guitar:

Jimi Hendrix or Jimmy Page ?

Devo1974's photo
Sun 01/15/23 12:36 PM
Jimi purely on guitar but Zeppelin over the Experience.

Soup or salad

Riverspirit1111's photo
Sun 01/15/23 02:09 PM

Broccoli or asparagus

no photo
Sun 01/15/23 03:35 PM

red or yellow

Merry's photo
Mon 01/16/23 06:48 AM
Red! It's my favourite colour, afterall

Pop-up or Pop-in?

 ☮️ Coolchic Dee 💟's photo
Mon 01/16/23 11:13 AM

Pop in….to say hello waving

Easter or Valentine’s Day?

Devo1974's photo
Mon 01/16/23 11:48 AM
Easter... Usually

Sweet or salty

Gia's photo
Mon 01/16/23 01:33 PM

Spicy or Mild?

Merry's photo
Mon 01/16/23 01:35 PM

How can you say Easter over Valentine's Day @Devo? :expressionless:

Digital or Film Camera?

Devo1974's photo
Mon 01/16/23 02:09 PM
Too many solo Valentine's Days :pensive:

Digital-phone :joy:

Record player or digital music

Gia's photo
Tue 01/17/23 12:14 AM
I'm getting in the way of flirting.

Record player all the way

Fondue or Jell-O Salad?

Your family ever make a jello mold/salad? So gross 🤢

Riverspirit1111's photo
Tue 01/17/23 02:57 AM

Camping in a tent or a cabin?

Vibes's photo
Tue 01/17/23 02:59 AM
Tent atop a tree

Elephant safari or horse ride

Riverspirit1111's photo
Tue 01/17/23 03:09 AM
Tough one... But I'll pick elephant safari since I've never been on one.

Camel riding or horseback riding?

Dramatic Muffin's photo
Tue 01/17/23 03:15 AM
Horseback. Camels are not comfortable.

Electronic books/audio books or hard cover?

no photo
Tue 01/17/23 03:21 AM
Hard cover. I want to actually hold a book.

Playful partner or serious partner?

Riverspirit1111's photo
Tue 01/17/23 03:24 AM
A little of both laugh

Candlelight dinner or walk on the beach?

no photo
Tue 01/17/23 03:53 AM
Walk on the beach. Means I live by the ocean. love

Cold winters or temperate winters?

no photo
Tue 01/17/23 04:38 AM
Cold , it's the only way to freeze your buns properly!

Passive aggressive or extremely direct