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Topic: What do you wonder about the person above you? Part 2 - part 6
no photo
Mon 07/10/23 04:52 PM
It's outrageously expensive to buy a home here.

Wonder why he wants to know if there's affordable homes in the Keys?

no photo
Mon 07/10/23 05:25 PM
I wonder just how much she enjoys messing with Slim? :joy:

Slim gym 's photo
Sun 07/16/23 05:27 AM
I wonder if he gets jealous when she messes with me .... and I hope he realizes it's all on fun .....down boy !!!

no photo
Sun 07/16/23 06:03 AM
I wonder if he knows we ain't married, or even a couple, so no, no jealousy here!
:wave::speaking_head:.. yes boss.

Dramatic Muffin's photo
Sun 07/16/23 06:04 AM
I wonder what he typically eats for breakfast and whether he is a coffee drinker?

no photo
Sun 07/16/23 06:30 AM
Coffee is the main course for breakfast, with crackers, peanuts, raisins.

I wonder where da Muffin will be teaching this fall? Some people are hoping in Massachusetts!

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 07/17/23 10:02 AM
I told her to drink more coffee ... cause she had her bra on backwards.....

Wonder if he ever had to say that to a date , first thing in the morning?

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Tue 07/25/23 08:32 PM
I wonder why he wrote that. I had to read that twice for my brain to comprehend. 🤪

Larsi666 😽's photo
Wed 07/26/23 08:04 AM
Just wondering, how she is. Plain and simple :pensive:

no photo
Wed 07/26/23 09:31 AM
Edited by Unknow on Wed 07/26/23 09:31 AM
Wondering how he's doing? waving

Slim gym 's photo
Thu 07/27/23 02:15 PM
Wonder how her re-model is coming along .... and when is the house warming set for .....

no photo
Thu 07/27/23 04:56 PM
Wonder if likes Coco Puffs

no photo
Thu 07/27/23 04:59 PM
Wonder why he changed his profile picture?

no photo
Thu 07/27/23 05:08 PM
Edited by Unknow on Thu 07/27/23 05:09 PM
Wonder if she knows that's working today, in direct sunlight, so I took break and selfie,.
Why not . And everything seems upside down today.

no photo
Thu 07/27/23 05:14 PM
Wonder if he knows I like it, it suits him, lol

no photo
Thu 07/27/23 05:25 PM
I do now!

Wondering, just wondering. :hugging:

no photo
Fri 07/28/23 03:04 AM
I wonder if he has any fun plans for the day?

Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Thu 08/10/23 11:17 AM
I wonder
Years from now, will I think about how
I should've turned around right now?

no photo
Fri 08/11/23 04:06 PM
I wonder how what he wrote relates to the person above him

no photo
Fri 08/11/23 05:12 PM
< continued at this topic >
Two of my favourite men above. :heart:

I wonder what they both been up too. :)

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