Topic: πŸŽ…πŸŽ„πŸ« All Things Christmas πŸŽ…πŸŽ„πŸ« A-Z
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Sat 12/10/22 07:47 AM
Very excited to put up the Christmas tree :christmas_tree: today happy

Vibes's photo
Sat 12/10/22 08:04 AM
Wax candles

Merry's photo
Sat 12/10/22 08:35 AM
Xtra xcited about Xmas this year!

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Sat 12/10/22 09:19 AM
Yay, Dee!! Now we can have cookies and eggnog while we admire your Christmas tree.

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Sat 12/10/22 11:58 AM
Zero presents, not even a lump of coal, bad, bad santa .

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Sat 12/10/22 01:37 PM

A lump of coal for Mike! bigsmile

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Sat 12/10/22 03:18 PM
Ba-humbug ,

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Sat 12/10/22 04:29 PM
Christmas movies

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Sat 12/10/22 04:44 PM
Dangle mistletoe

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Sat 12/10/22 04:45 PM
Enjoying Christmas movies

Poetrywriter's photo
Sat 12/10/22 06:53 PM
Finding the perfect gift!

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Sat 12/10/22 07:54 PM
β€œGlory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace among men..."

Vibes's photo
Sat 12/10/22 08:49 PM
Holy Bible- the word of God

Merry's photo
Sat 12/10/22 11:39 PM
I'm (not) dreaming of a white Christmas

Devo1974's photo
Sun 12/11/22 03:23 AM
Just hear those sleigh bells jingling, ring tingle tingling too...

Merry's photo
Sun 12/11/22 04:41 AM
Keeping that special someone extra close :christmas_tree:

Vibes's photo
Sun 12/11/22 05:19 AM
Lighting the candle

Devo1974's photo
Sun 12/11/22 05:53 AM
Making a list, checking it twice

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Sun 12/11/22 09:15 AM

Naughty pitchfork or nice :innocent:?

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Sun 12/11/22 09:38 AM
Olive, the Other Reindeer.